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A mutual information-based non-rigid medical image registration algorithm is presented. An approximate function of Hanning windowed sinc is used as kernel function of partial volume (PV) interpolation to estimate the joint histogram, which is the key to calculating the mutual information. And a new method is proposed to compute the gradient of mutual information with respect to the model parameters. The transformation of object is modeled by a free-form deformation (FFD) based on B-splines. The experiments on 3D synthetic and real image data show that the algorithm can converge at the global optimum and restrain the emergency of local extreme.  相似文献   
Propagation stability of non-paraxial beam in nonlinear Kerr media is investigated with a linear stability method.Both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation show that modulation instability(MI) gain spectrum has three different distribution features determined by the times of incident power P0 and the non-paraxial parameter a. Furthermore,the corresponding criterion is put forward to distinguish the three different distributions.  相似文献   
物资采购在企业生产经营中占据着非常重要的地位.原材料和辅助材料的消耗,一般要占到最终产品销售价值的40%~6096.这就意味着,降低采购成本对利润所产生的影响,要远远大于其他成本的节约给利润带来的影响.如何降低采购成本?这就要运用灵活多变的采购方式,以最低的价格、最可靠的质量、最优质的售后服务采购回企业生产经营所需物资.  相似文献   
兴趣是最好的老师。在教学中,教师应想方设法激发学生对学习的兴趣,用数学本身的内在力量唤起学习兴趣,用数学的应用价值调动学习兴趣,用学习的成功感增添学习兴趣,用数学课外活动发展学习兴趣。  相似文献   
有效保护商业秘密知识产权,必须建立《商业秘密保护法》。要解决该法调整范围、对象,商业秘密权的内容、归属、丧失,侵犯商业秘密权责任,司法程序对商业秘密的保护等问题。  相似文献   
Probability density function (PDF) method is proposed for analysing the structure of the reconstructed attractor in computing the correlation dimensions of RR intervals of ten normal old men. PDF contains important information about the spatial distribution of the phase points in the reconstructed attractor. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that the PDF method is put forward for the analysis of the reconstructed attractor structure. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the cardiac systems of healthy old men are about 6 - 6.5 dimensional complex dynamical systems. It is found that PDF is not symmetrically distributed when time delay is small, while PDF satisfies Gaussian distribution when time delay is big enough. A cluster effect mechanism is presented to explain this phenomenon. By studying the shape of PDFs, that the roles played by time delay are more important than embedding dimension in the reconstruction is clearly indicated. Results have demonstrated that the PDF method represents a promising numerical approach for the observation of the reconstructed attractor structure and may provide more information and new diagnostic potential of the analyzed cardiac system.  相似文献   
当今世界还存有不少热点和难点问题。近一个时期以来,个别热点有所降温。但与之相对应,沉寂了一段时间的几个老大难问题又开始不断升温。车臣战事临近尾声美俄关系得到改善俄联邦军队在车臣地区的军事行动几个月来一直是整个国际社会关注的热点。2月底,随着俄军在车臣战事的临近结束,车臣的重建工作被提上议事日程。俄代总统普京称将对车臣实行总统直接治理,以尽快恢复车臣的经济和社会秩序。3月间日,俄任命马戈马多夫为总统车臣全权代表。俄美欧在车臣问题上一度激化的矛盾也有所缓解。2月29日,俄宣布着手恢复与北约的关系。3月2日…  相似文献   
有人说,金钱是美国竞选的“润滑剂”,没有钱,再好的竞选机器也无法运转。帮助麦金利赢得1896 年大选的马克·汉纳曾说过:“要赢得选举,需要两个东西。第一是金钱,第二个我就不记得了。”美国前国会议员奥尼尔在解释金钱与选举的关系时讲得更具体:“任何竞选都是由4 部分组成:候选人、政策立场、竞选班子和金钱,没有钱其他3 项都可以忘掉。”自打美国有选举活动以来,金钱就与竞选结下了不解之缘。美国建国初期竞选总统不需花费大量金钱。直到1860 年,林肯竞选总统的费用不过10 万美元。随着竞选活动愈来愈激烈,竞选规模愈来愈大…  相似文献   
结合几位专家多年从事科学研究和培养人才的经历,探讨了教育部新近推出的“2011计划”(高等学校创新能力提升计划)的深刻内涵.认为,协同创新,需要有健全的科学研究队伍体系;协同创新,需要有广阔的国际合作视野;协同创新,需要有人才、学科、科研三位一体的团队和人才梯队.  相似文献   
培养学生初步运用英语交际的能力,是素质教育对英语学科的新要求,也是我国对外开放,培养跨世纪人才的实际需要。一年级开设英语口语倮,以说为主,与中、高年级英语相衔接,这是我校有效实施素质教育的一大举措。然而,一年的教学实践表明,一年级的部分小学生学习英语存在着许多心理阴影,帮助学生走出心理阴影,是英语教学成功的关键。一、学生心理阴影及其分析阴影之一:胆怯心理。由于一年级生活和幼儿园生活差别很大,环境的变化使学生刚开始难以接受一年级的学习生活,加上口语课又是他们从未接触过的课程,这样就使刚上一年级的小学生有了心理负担,产生了胆怯心理。  相似文献   
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