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Anna Ling Pierce wrapped her arms around her two young sons, J. T. and Mike, as they watched a crowdof brightly clad runners warm up for the 1998 BostonMarathon. The sharp April wind stung Anna' s cheeksas she glanced upward, a hint of a smile on her face. Somehow  相似文献   
母爱、父爱,虽然表现的方式会有所不同,但孩子们都感受到了人世间最美、最真的情感。本期推出了两篇讲述母子、父子关系的文章,请读者朋友们用心体会这无比温馨的人间真情。  相似文献   
等到公平的死神也来拉走我时,我只要求做一次乞求。如果真的存有天堂之门。如果真的灵魂在跨入门前需要接受检阅.回顾一生,我会述说我的故事。  相似文献   
陈俪俪 《海外英语》2003,(11):30-31
她有一双我所见过最柔情的褐色眼睛,这双眼睛把我拉进了她的世界里,无论何时都会令我忍不住停下手头的工作,只为了给她一次轻轻爱抚。白色毛发盖住了她棕色的斑纹脸,不经意地泄漏了她的年龄。而她的举止风度处处体现了优雅、迷人、祥和而欢愉的风范,她会用鼻子轻轻地推你,好引起你的注意,一旦得逞便开心地摇尾巴,这就是我们的“淑女”。  相似文献   
Tanya got out of the bed while the sun was still asleep.She looked outthe window;even the stars were lost in the dark.Mike,her husbandwas still in bed and so were her four kids.Even their sleep couldn’telude her from doing them service.She had to orchestrate her work tothe microscopic details.From pressing clothes to polishing shoes,findingmatching socks to arranging school bags,fixing up breakfast to preparingsnack-boxes,she was unthankfully supposed to make it all happen like a magicwand.And to her own compulsory fault,she did it all;like a magic wand. Life ran like a wheel.The circle started every morning and ended up latein the night,and then morning appeared again.There was no pause,no rest,not even a slight curve to insert change.She condemned herself for not ex-periencing even a thought of ever getting out of this circle.She had committedherself to the orbit of life.  相似文献   
“It's finished,”Mac Calloway called to Dana through the screen door.As Mac had built a new deck onto Dana's house overthe weekend,they'd talked on his breaks.Yesterday assummer heat invaded mid-September,she'd taken him aglass of lemonade.But today when she'd gottenhome from school she'd stayed in thehouse.Glancing outside often ,she realized she  相似文献   
One of the most common obstacles people face in their careers is a bad relationship with their boss. Difficult relationships with supervisors lead to missed advancement opportunities,  相似文献   
事实上,每位雇主在挑选候选人时,他只想知道两件事: ●你受过的教育、具备的工作经验以及技能方面有多少可以为这个岗位发挥作用? ●你想找什么样的工作?你的事业目标是否与应聘的岗位相符合? 面对上述问题最好的问答之一,便是在简历开头就阐明职业目标。简而言之,职业目标向潜在的雇主清晰无误地表明了你要一份怎样的工作并且能为公司贡献出什么样的才能。也许你听说有的雇主不喜欢应聘人在简历上的标出确切的职位目标,的确有此类情况。“我们建议应聘者不要写上职位目标,而是写上更多其他的信息,比如所取得的成就以及获得的工作经验。”有很多负责招聘的经理都会说这种话,但一  相似文献   
You're late for a job interview when traffic slows to a crawl. At the supermarket,a customerwheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you in the ex-press check-out line. You spend months on a or break-it proiect, and your lazy colleaque landsFeel that burn? Before you implode with rage or this; Anger hurts. Study after study has found that high  相似文献   
这是一篇极具意识流色彩的佳作。文中通过主人公大量的心理描写,展现了人生易逝、爱情永恒的主题。青春宛如一首仓促的歌,似乎能够作为本文最好的注解。  相似文献   
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