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This paper addresses potential negative effects of systematic external competence assessment on different levels of the education system. We discuss possible sources of misinterpretations of competence assessment feedback, potential consequences of feedback and assessment for different education stakeholders (teachers, students, and educational administration) as well as negative effects of systematic competence assessment on the culture of teaching and learning. The paper concludes with some reflections on possibilities to prevent or reduce the discussed negative effects.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen überblick über theoretische Konzepte für die Analyse von Bildungsüberg?ngen und ihre Anwendung in der empirischen Forschung. Bei der zusammenfassenden Darstellung des Forschungsstandes wurde der übergang von der Primar-in die Sekundarstufe in den Fokus gerückt. Dieses Vorgehen lag darin begründet, dass der übergang von der Grundschule in die Sekundarstufe I nach wie vor eine der wichtigsten Statuspassagen im Leben eines jungen Menschen ist. Bei dieser übergangsentscheidung werden soziale und ethnische Disparit?ten des Kompetenzerwerbs und der Bildungsbeteiligung nicht nur im relativen Schulbesuch der Sekundarstufe dokumentiert, sondern — nach allem was wir wissen — auch in erheblichem Ma?e verst?rkt. Zuerst wurde ein theoretischer Bezugsrahmen vorgestellt, der vor allem auf den mikrosoziologischen Ansatz von Boudon (vgl. 1974) zurückgeht. Zentrale Elemente sind in diesem Zusammenhang die von Boudon vorgenommene Unterscheidung zwischen prim?ren und sekund?ren Effekten der Sozialschichtzugeh?rigkeit, die Integration werterwartungstheoretischer Modellvorstellungen sowie eine theoretisch-inhaltliche Anbindung an die Analyse von Bildungsentscheidungen. Einen Schwerpunkt des Beitrags bildete die Darstellung unterschiedlicher theoretischer Konzepte zur Analyse von Bildungsentscheidungen. Dabei wurden sowohl soziologische als auch psychologische Modelle berücksichtigt. Die soziologischen und psychologischen Forschungstraditionen verliefen bisher (erstaunlicherweise ohne wechselseitige Beeinflussung) parallel. Ausgehend von den Annahmen der Wert-Erwartungs-Theorie gibt es in der Soziologie verschiedene Formalisierungen des Entscheidungsprozesses. Beispielhaft wurden hier die Arbeiten von Erikson/Jonsson (vgl. 1996), Breen/Goldthorpe (vgl. 1997) sowie Esser (vgl. 1999) vorgestellt. Die in diesen Modellen vorgenommenen Formalisierungen stellen eine Adaptation des Grundmodells des Wert-Erwartungs-Ansatzes dar und haben sich für die Analyse von Bildungsentscheidungen sowohl in der soziologischen als auch in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung etabliert und bew?hrt. In der Psychologie sind werterwartungstheoretische Modelle zwar umfassend empirisch (vor allem experimentell) untersucht sowie differenziert instrumentiert, wurden aber bislang nicht explizit für die Analyse von Bildungsüberg?ngen angewendet. Sie integrieren, wie die hier berücksichtigten Ans?tze von Ajzen (vgl. 1991) und Eccles (vgl. Eccles u.a. 1983), oftmals ebenso wie die soziologischen Modelle Wert-und Erwartungskomponenten verschiedener Wahlalternativen und spezifizieren diese zum einen weiter aus und erg?nzen zum anderen die Modelle durch Annahmen zu den psychologischen Wirkmechanismen hinter diesen Komponenten. Unserem Erachten nach ist daher eine Verknüpfung und wechselseitige Erg?nzung soziologischer und psychologischer Modelle ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um Bildungsentscheidungen und überg?nge im Bildungssystem zu analysieren.   相似文献   
Disparities in language competencies of children with and without immigrant background are well-documented through large scale assessments. This study investigates the potential of implicit language promotion, presented in written and combined auditory-written formats. Three experimental groups of 4th graders in elementary schools have been compared. Intervention group (IV) 1 (n?=?33) read the intervention texts two times in German, IV 2 (n?=?52) read texts in their heritage language Turkish and afterwards in German, and IV 3 (n?=?35) listened to texts in Turkish first and read them in German afterwards. All children learned new vocabulary, but analyses of variance showed that students from IV 2 achieved greater vocabulary gains than IV 3. Results also do not support advantages for the combined auditory-written form including the heritage language. Students’ text comprehension and reading competencies influence their incidental vocabulary acquisition. The results are discussed in the light of practical and research implications.  相似文献   
Drawing on knowledge about the development of reading comprehension, and empirical insights into the effects of training on students' learning strategies and reading-related metacognition, we developed a parent–child reading program for implementation in the home environment. The results of this first quasi-experimental evaluation study indicate that it is generally possible to implement a program of this kind within the family setting, but that participation is low and selective based on family background and children's achievement level. Nevertheless, participation in the program was found to have substantial effects on the development of vocabulary and on reading-related metacognition, indicating that family-based reading programs have considerable potential. The issues of selective participation and the lack of a program effect on text comprehension are discussed, and prospects for future research on systematic reading training in the family context are considered.  相似文献   
When students read for learning, they frequently are required to integrate text and graphics information into coherent knowledge structures. The following study aimed at analyzing how students deal with texts and how they deal with graphics when they try to integrate the two sources of information. Furthermore, the study investigated differences between students from different school types and grades. Forty students from grades 5 and 8 from higher track and lower track of the German school system were asked to process and integrate texts and graphics in order to answer items from different levels of a text–picture integration taxonomy. Students’ eye movements were recorded and analyzed. Results suggest fundamentally different functions of text and graphics, which are associated with different processing strategies. Texts are more likely to be used according to a coherence-formation strategy, whereas graphics are more likely to be used on demand as visual cognitive tools according to an information-selection strategy. Students from different tracks of schooling revealed different adaptivity with regard to the requirements of combining text and graphic information.  相似文献   
European Journal of Psychology of Education - Reading texts with instructional pictures (text-picture integration) is a key component of students’ learning processes in most school subjects,...  相似文献   
This study investigated the relations between teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and students’ self-reported engagement in learning from texts with instructional pictures. Participants were the biology, geography, and German teachers of 46 classes (Grades 5-8) and their students. Teachers’ instructional behaviors and students’ engagement in learning from texts with instructional pictures were assessed by means of student ratings. Teachers’ beliefs about using texts with instructional pictures in their teaching were assessed by a self-report questionnaire. Results showed that the more teachers believed that students should be taught clear strategies on how to learn from texts with instructional pictures the more engagement was reported by their students. A multilevel mediation model showed that the association between teachers’ beliefs and students’ self-reported engagement was mediated by teachers’ perceived instructional behavior.  相似文献   
Teachers’ attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy are aspects of their professional competence affecting students’ motivation and learning via instructional behavior. In the present study, school type-specific differences in these teacher competencies and their relation to instruction when teaching with texts and integrated pictures are analyzed, further focusing on effects of school subject and teaching experience. Teachers (N?=?265) of primary school, lower and upper track secondary school filled in questionnaires. Primary school teachers were less intrinsically motivated to teach text-picture integration than secondary school teachers. They showed more negative attitudes towards texts with pictures than upper track teachers and avoided discussing the picture to a higher degree. All teacher characteristics predicted instructional behavior, further school type-specific effects of the subject occurred. The results provide starting points for teacher training and the potential for further research concerning the support of students in class.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat (ST) is a potential explanation for inequalities in language competencies observed between students from different language backgrounds. Language competencies are an important prerequisite for educational success, wherefore the significance for investigation arises. While ST effects on achievement are empirically well documented, little is known about whether ST also impairs learning. Thus, we investigated vocabulary learning in language minority elementary school students, also searching for potential moderators. In a pre-post design, 240 fourth-grade students in Germany who were on average 10 years old (MAge = 9.92, SD = 0.64; 49.8% female) were randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions: implicit ST, explicit ST without threat removal before posttest, explicit ST with threat removal before posttest, and a control group. Results showed that learning difficult vocabulary from reading two narrative texts was unaffected by ST. Neither students’ identification with their culture of residence and culture of origin nor stereotyped domain of reading were moderators. The findings are discussed with regard to content and methodological aspects such that a motivation effect might have undermined a possible ST effect. Implications for future research include examining the question at what age children become susceptible to ST and whether students have internalized negative stereotypes about their own group, which could increase the likelihood of ST effects occurring.

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