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This article suggests a method for analyzing patterns of school practice for improvement purposes. In particular it describes outcomes of a study that point to some promising possibilities, in terms of encouraging teachers to reflect on their practice, for the purpose of improvement. It argues that by discussing and analyzing vignettes, teachers can improve their practice, not only individually, but also as a team. In addition, this analysis can help schools to develop as organizations. At the end, this suggestion is supported with an example which illustrates the potential of using vignettes for improving schools, whilst, at the same time, demonstrating how the procedure might be used.  相似文献   
Through two school case studies in Cyprus, in this paper I explore the role of small internal collaborative networks in promoting school improvement. The analysis of the two cases revealed a series of interrelated themes which indicated issues related to school improvement, and actually, it provided evidence that small internal collaborative networks could contribute to school improvement. This contribution was related to the development of interest in the learning of children coming from vulnerable groups, to the creation of conditions for more effective leadership and management within the schools, and to changes in the culture of the schools.  相似文献   
This study examined the relationship between adolescents’ attachment style and their decision to enter mentoring relationships. The participants were 569 Greek Cypriot high school students. It was found that adolescents who have a mentor are more secure in their attachment than those who do not. Girls with low scores in secure attachment do not enter easily into mentoring relationships. Older adolescents are more anxious in their attachments, probably because they can better appreciate the possible difficulties if something goes wrong; thus, they are more reluctant to take the risk of starting a mentoring relationship than younger students. Furthermore, secure attachment was found to be positively correlated to the perceived impact of the whole experience: the more secure the attachment, the stronger the mentoring bond seems to be.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the direction of the relationship between parental rejection and children’s engagement in bullying and victimization. Using a cross-lagged design, we examined whether (a) bullying and victimization predict an increase in parental rejection six months later, (b) parental rejection predicts an increase in bullying and victimization six months later, and (c) there is a reciprocal association between bullying/victimization and parental rejection. The participants were 846 early adolescents (mean age = 12.63 years) randomly selected from primary and secondary schools in Cyprus and Greece (375 Cypriots, 471 Greek students) and their parents. Children completed a translated version of the Personal Experiences Checklist – (PECK) and the Rejection subscale of the Parental Acceptance/Rejection Questionnaire. The results showed that parental rejection at Time 1 predicted significantly victimization at Time 2. Parental rejection however, was not a significant predictor of bullying. Moreover, bullying and victimization at Time 1 predicted significantly parental rejection at Time 2. These results provide further insight at the theoretical level in as far our understanding of the familial dynamics in bullying victimization and may provide clinical implications in relation to counselling of victimized children and their parents.  相似文献   

A statewide program assessment was established to make positive change in physical education school programs in South Carolina. Reform efforts depend both on balancing accountability for change and teacher support for change (Odden &Anderson, 1986). The purpose of the study was to determine teacher perceptions of the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program and its effects across six related themes including: changes in teaching and learning, changes in curriculum and instruction, teacher awareness of the assessment program, teacher support for the program, work place conditions, and the advocacy role of the program. It was also the purpose of this study to determine if the survey responses were in any way related to teacher and school variables. The overall results of the study indicated positive change and support for the assessment program, supporting the viability of the standards, assessment, and accountability reform effort to positively impact physical education programs.  相似文献   
In 2010, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in Cyprus introduced a ‘new’ national curriculum for all public schools of the Cypriot republic. The overarching purpose of this study is to examine how the ongoing educational reform in Cyprus could set a different ideological framework, within which intercultural education may be developed and implemented. To this end, it provides a number of important insights into the intercultural dimension of the ‘new’ national curriculum by exploring the formal and the ideological levels of the curriculum. More specifically, it indicates the ways in which the ideological curriculum has been formed by the complex and often counteractive discourses of monoculturalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism due to the socio-historical context of Cyprus. The conclusions of this study assert that further research should be conducted to examine the implications pertaining to teachers’ practice and student learning with regard to intercultural education.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the problem of knowledge production and legitimation at the University of Cyprus. The problem is examined against the background of extant theory on the relationships between universities of the 'center' and those of the 'periphery' and, more specifically, of the theory about the conflict between centrality and localism, as this is experienced by peripheral universities that aspire for centrality. The theory about the specific factors affecting higher education policy in small states also forms part of the theoretical framework of the paper. The University of Cyprus is proposed as a case study, as it differs in several important ways from the widely studied Asian and African universities.  相似文献   
Within the last two decades intercultural teacher education has become a priority in many European countries. The consensus among researchers, it seems, is that intercultural education should begin with the initial training of teachers. In this paper we present the implementation of a collaborative action research programme in which we built a collaborative network through which we tried to help student teachers develop practices of intercultural education. First, we briefly examine the existing situation regarding teacher education in Cyprus and we discuss generally teacher education in relation to intercultural education. Subsequently, we explain the term ‘collaborative networks’ and then analyse the methodology we followed for the research that led to this paper. Finally, we present and analyse, with additional research, the themes that arose through our paper's former data analysis.

Pendant les dernières décennies, dans beaucoup de pays européens, l'éducation interculturelle a pris une place très importante parmis les sujets développés dans le domaine éducatif. Des chercheurs pensent que l'éducation interculturelle doit commencer dès la formation initiale des enseignants (des maîtres). Dans cet article, nous présentons un programmeme de «recherche‐action» collective, pour lequel nous avons créé un réseau de collaboration. A travers ce programmeme nous tentons d'aider les élèves maîtres à développer des pratiques d'éducation interculturelle. Pour commencer, nous examinons brièvement la situation actuelle à Chypre, en ce qui concerne la formation des enseignants et nous nous penchons ensuite sur la dimension interculturelle de l'éducation. Par la suite, nous examinons la notion de «réseaux de collaboration» et analysons la méthodologie suivie pour mener à bien notre recherche, et aboutir à cet article. Pour finir, nous présenterons et argumenterons les principaux sujets dégagés de l'analyse des données.

En las ultimas dos decadas la educacion de profesores intercultural se ha vuelto una prioridad en muchos paises europeos. Parece ser que el consenso entre investigadores es que la educación intercultural deberia empezar con la formación inicial de profesores. En este articulo presentamos la aplicación de un programmea de investigación de mecanismo colaborativo en el que creamos una red de colaboración a traves de la cual intentamos ayudar a los profesores alumnos a desarrollar practicas de educación intercultural. Primero, examinamos brevemente la situación existente tocante a la educación de profesores en Chipre y contrastamos de forma general la educación intercultural con respecto a la de profesorado. Posteriormente, explicamos el termino ‘red de colaboración’ y después analizamos la tecnica que seguimos para la investigación que nos llevo a escribir este articulo. Finalmente, presentamos y analizamos, con investigación adicional, los temas que surgieron a traves de nuestros analisis de datos del articulo anterior.

In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten hat die interkulturelle Lehrerausbildung in vielen europäischen Ländern zentrale Bedeutung erlangt. Es scheint in der Forschung mittlerweile Konsens darüber zu herrschen, dass interkulturelle Schulung schon bei der Lehrerausbildung einsetzen sollte. In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprogrammems für kollaborative Netzwerke, in dessen Rahmen ein kollaboratives Netzwerk aufgebaut wurde, durch das wir versuchen, Referendaren bei der Entwicklung interkultureller Lehr‐ und Lerntechniken zu helfen. Wir werden zuerst die gegenwärtige Situation der Lehrerausbildung auf Zypern analysieren und uns dann allgemein mit der Lehrerausbildung in Bezug auf interkulturelle Lerninhalte beschäftigen. Danach werden wir den Terminus “kollaborative Netzwerke” erklären und dann die Methodik erläutern, der wir während der Forschungsarbeit, die zu diesem Artikel geführt hat, gefolgt sind. Im Schlussteil präsentieren und analysieren wir, unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Forschungsarbeiten, die Themen, die während der Datenanalyse in den Vordergrund getreten sind.  相似文献   

Assessment has been dominated by Classical Test Theory for the last half century although the radically different approach known as Rasch measurement briefly blossomed in England during the 1960s and 1970s. Its open development was stopped dead in the 1980s, whilst some work has continued almost surreptitiously. Elsewhere Rasch has assumed dominance. The purpose of this article is to discuss the major criticisms of the Rasch model, which led to its rejection by some, and to give responses to these criticisms whilst encouraging social scientists to appreciate its strengths. The original breakthrough by Georg Rasch in 1960 has been developed and extended to address every reasonable observational situation in the social sciences.  相似文献   
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