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The growing importance of adult training and education is a worldwide phenomenon. As an accompaniment to the growing range of programmes and courses in adult continuing education, there has developed a cadre of professional adult educators who exist to provide them. Using examples both from Anglophone Africa and from the UK, this paper traces the development of adult education as an idea and the emergence of the adult educator as professional. Training institutions (mainly in universities) have developed from direct course provision though there is now no necessary connection between their past and present functions. Nevertheless, it is these same institutions which have begun to give coherence to the curricula of professional training. Finally, the paper considers some of the training issues which have arisen and which still need to be addressed by the training institutions if professional training is to continue to meet changing professional needs.
Zusammenfassung Die zunehmende Bedeutung der Bildung und Ausbildung von Erwachsenen ist ein weltweites Phänomen. Als Begleiterscheinung zum wachsenden Angebot von Programmen und Kursen in der Erwachsenenfortbildung hat sich eine Gruppe von professionellen Lehrern für Erwachsene herausgebildet, die diese Kurse leiten. Mit Beispielen sowohl aus dem englischsprachigen Afrika als auch aus Großbritannien wird in dem Artikel der Entwicklung der Erwachsenenbildung als Idee und dem Aufkommen von berufsmäßigen Lehrern für Erwachsene nachgegangen. Ausbildungsstätten (vorwiegend an Universitäten) haben sich aus der unmittelbaren Bereitstellung von Kursen entwickelt, obwohl es heutzutage nicht notwendigerweise eine Verbindung zwischen beiden gibt. Dennoch sind es genau diese Institutionen, die damit begonnen haben, den Curricula für die Ausbildung professioneller Lehrer von Erwachsenen einen logischen Zusammenhang zu geben. Zum Schluß werden einige sich ergebende Fragen zur Ausbildung aufgegriffen, die an die Ausbildungsstätten weitergegeben werden müssen, wenn die Berufsausbildung weiterhin den sich ändernden beruflichen Erfordernissen gerecht werden soll.

Résumé L'importance croissante de la formation et de l'éducation des adultes est un phénomène mondial. Parallèlement au nombre de programmes et de cours d'éducation continue des adultes qui ne cesse d'augmenter, un corps d'éducateurs des adultes spécialisés a été développé pour conduire ces cours. En tirant ses exemples de l'Afrique anglophone et du Royaume Uni, cet article retrace le développement de l'éducation des adultes en tant que concept et l'émergence de l'éducateur d'adultes en tant qu'enseignant spécialisé. Les institutions de formation (au sein des universités principalement) sont directement nées des cours qui étaient offerts, même s'il n'y a plus aujourd'hui de relation nécessaire entre leurs fonctions passées et présentes. Néanmoins, ce sont ces institutions qui ont commencé à rendre cohérents les curricula de l'enseignement professionnel. Enfin, le présent article examine quelques questions de formation qui ont été soulevées et qui doivent encore être soumises aux institutions de formation, si l'enseignement professionnel ne doit pas cesser de répondre aux besoins changeants qui se font sentir dans le domaine du travail.

The concepts of ‘tradition’ and ‘authority’ are generally understood to be problematical in history curriculum design. Drawing on MacIntyre’s account of disciplines as social practices, this article argues that, to the contrary, these are concepts that need to be incorporated into any curriculum theory that attempts to build a school subject on the foundations provided by an academic discipline. In history education, there is a strong consensus towards deriving the ideas of the history curriculum from the discipline of history, and this article argues that it is therefore necessary for history curriculum theory to account for the concepts of ‘tradition’ and ‘authority’ as they exist in disciplinary practice.  相似文献   
Conclusion This paper has been concerned with the application of basic understandings about intrinsic motivation and curiosity behaviour to the teaching of science, and in particular senior high school biology. The important role of student knowledge in the generation, maintenance and resolution of cognitive conflict is congruent with the renewed interest in studying students' everyday knowledge of curriculum content. However the study of classroom teaching processes in terms of their facilitation of intrinsic motivation is not common. Yet the data collected in this study demonstrates the importance of closely examining the implementation of courses such as the Web of Life, if the arousal of intrinsic motivation is an intended student outcome. Both interview and observational data indicated that the teaching styles adopted by teachers in this study were not likely to engender curiosity amongst students. Perhaps this should be expected. The use of a wide range of reference materials to investigate problems that arise in the classroom, the encouragement of students to do additional work on a topic if they are particularly interested, and a willingness on the part of the teacher to allow students sufficient time to formulate their own solutions to problems are classroom processes which necessitate a greater flexibility in curriculum presentation than can be often tolerated by teacher and school management. Such processes may be incompatible with organisational properties of the school and the pressures often placed upon students to perform to a high standard on rigidly defined examinations.  相似文献   
The authors review their previous explanation of black students' underachievement. They now suggest the importance of considering black people's expressive responses to their historical status and experience in America. Fictive kinship is proposed as a framework for understanding how a sense of collective identity enters into the process of schooling and affects academic achievement. The authors support their argument with ethnographic data from a high school in Washington, D.C., showing how the fear of being accused of acting white causes a social and psychological situation which diminishes black students' academic effort and thus leads to underachievement. Policy and programmatic implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Conclusion The interactive perspective adopted in this study suggested an alternative approach to the study of the effects of student characteristics upon their perceptions of the classroom. This perspective emphasised the necessity to examine the nature of the interaction between the student (or more exactly the student variable) and his learning environment before testing for the presence of these effects. Six relationships were consequently proposed, and both the analyses and qualitative data supported the presence of five of these in the ongoing activities of the classroom. This paper forms part of a larger study done by the author while a member of the Education Research Unit, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.  相似文献   
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