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Someone once said that to open our minds,we must expose ourselves to many cultures,but this is not as easy as it sounds.I was born in Chile,a long, narrow country squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains.It is a place where the boiling weather welcomes the celebration of the nativity of  相似文献   
From the ancient oasis towns of Central Asia, we retraced the epic journeys along the Silk Road through mountains and deserts, through busy bazaars and crumbling mud-brick towns. Along the way, we followed the footsteps made by camel caravans(旅行队)to and from Central Asia  相似文献   
A secret beach attracts visitors in the know to Fort Bragg,an unpretentious(不炫耀的)town in Northern California. So much sea glass covers this hidden shoreline that you might think a truck unloaded shim-  相似文献   
The origin of World Water Day The international observance(纪念) of World Water Day is an action that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The United Nations General Assembly made 22 March of each year the World Day for Water by adopting a resolution. This world day for water was to be observed starting in 1993, in harmony with the rec- ommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18  相似文献   
张顺伍 《英语辅导》2001,(10):19-19
Hong Kong-China could join the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the first half of this year, the global trade body‘s recently elected chief Supachai Panitchpakdi said. If China joins the WTO before June 3, a vote in the United States Congress on Normal Trade Relations(NTR) with China will be avoided, Supachai said at a British Chamber of Commerce lunch yesterday.  相似文献   
Expertsfromthreecountriesareinvestigating(调查)thecauseoflastweeksAirChinapassengerplanecrash.TheBoeing767-200crashedinheavyrainandfog,killing122ofthe166peopleonboard.TheplaneflewintothesideofamountainnearPusan(釜山),SouthKoreassecondlargestcity.Ofthe155passengersonboard,therewere135Koreans,19Chi-neseandoneUzbek(乌兹别克斯坦人).Theplanealsocarried11crewmembers(机组人员).ThisisthefirstplanecrashinAirChinas47-yearhistoryofflights.Twoblackboxes,…  相似文献   
Guesswhat?TheiceinwestAntarcticaisgettingthicker.Inrecentyears,scientistshavebeenconcernedaboutglobalwarming.Theyworriedthathighertemperaturescouldturnthelargeicesheettowater.Thiswouldcauseariseinsealevelsworldwideandchangetheweatheronearth.Thetheoryisnowbeingchallenged.ThissurprisingfindingwaspublishedinAmericanmagazineScienceonJanuary18.ItwasmadewiththehelpofaCanadianmappingsatellite.Thesatelliteusedradartodeterminechangesintheicesheet.Theicesheetsarelikeveryslowrivers,withi…  相似文献   
Amongyourfavouritesnacks(零食),theremaybechocolatebiscuitscalledOreos(奥利奥饼干).Butyouproba-blyneverknowthatwitheverymouthful,youmaybeharmingyourhealth.ASanFranciscolawyerfiledalawsuit(起诉)inearlyMayagainstKraftFoods,themakerofOreos.ThoughhewithdrewhischargesonMay13,hesaidhismovewasonlytogetpeopletoknowaboutthedangersoftransfat(转化油)foundintheblackandwhitebiscuits.Thelawyer,StephenJoseph,arguedthatthetransfatthatmakesthefillingcreamyandthebiscuitcrispistoodangerousforchildrentoeat.He…  相似文献   
China will begin channeling water from the south to the dried north this year-its largest water diversion (改道) project in history.By 2010,urban and industrial water users in Beijing and Tianjin-two cities short of water are expected to use water taken from the Yangtze River by the project's east and middle  相似文献   
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