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According to the features of the turning simulation,a simplified Whitted lighting model is proposed based on the analysis of Phong and other local illumination model.Moreover,in order to obtain the natural lighting effects,local ray tracing algorithm is given to calculate the light intensit of every position during the course of the simulation.This method can calculate the refresh area before calculating the intersection line,simulate the machining environment accurately and reduce the calculating time.Finally ,an example of the virtual cutting scence is shown to demonstrate the effects of the global illumination model.If the CUP is 1.3G and the internal memory is 128M,the refreshing time of virtual turning scene can be reduced by nine times.This study plays an important role in the enrichment of the virtual manufacturing theory and the promotion of the development of the advanced manufacturing technology.  相似文献   
基于质子交换膜燃料电池的天然气微型热电联产系统的核心单元是重整制氢反应器.设计研发了一种集蒸汽发生和天然气水蒸汽氧化重整于一体的制氢反应器,实验测试了典型工况下反应器的性能,以及操作条件(水碳比、空碳比、空速)对反应器性能的影响.在典型操作条件下,反应器平均床层温度为630℃,反应器出口合成气的物质的量组成为H。40.61%、N。37.63%、CO5.56%、CH43.62%、C0212.58%,甲烷的转化率为92.56%,反应器能量利用效率88.3%.实验表明这种制氢反应器可用干微型天蚨气执由群声桑缔  相似文献   
According to the features of the turning simulation, a simplified Whitted lighting model is proposed based on the analysis of Phong and other local illumination model. Moreover, in order to obtain the natural lighting effects, local ray tracing algorithm is given to calculate the light intensity of every position during the course of the simulation. This method can calculate the refresh area before calculating the intersection line,simulate the machining environment accurately and reduce the calculating time. Finally, an example of the virtual cutting scene is shown to demonstrate the effects of the global illumination model. If the CUP is 1.3 G and the internal memory is 128 M, the refreshing time of virtual turning scene can be reduced by nine times. This study plays an important role in the enrichment of the virtual manufacturing theory and the promotion of the development of the advanced manufacturing technology.  相似文献   
课堂教学的根本目的就是提高教学质量,而激发学生的积极性和创造性又是提高教学质量的关键。通过分析当代大学生的听课心理特征,结合《机械设计》课程,在拓宽学生的知识面,培养他们创新能力方面做了一些尝试。  相似文献   
Withtherapiddevelopmentofmanufacturingtechnology ,traditionalsimulationofmachiningcannotmeettheneedsofthepeople .Userswanttowatchnotonlythecuttingprocessbetweenthecutterandthesemi finishedpro ducts,butalsothewholemachiningscene .Manyexpertshavefocusedtheirattentiononthisstudy :aframeofvirtualmachiningfordiamondturningbuiltbyCheung[1] caneveninspecttheaccuracyofthework piece ;Zhang[2 ] builtavirtualmachiningcenterandthecorrespondingmeasuringcell;Wang[3] describedandconstructedavirtualcuttingsy…  相似文献   
元旦前两天,班里传出一条轰动性消息:“在新世纪的第一个新年晚会上,班主任老师要和一名同学同台朗诵她的散文《那夜的烛光》。”《那夜的烛光》早在我们班传诵着,同学们不止一次地被那充满浪漫色彩的气氛所打动。老师会邀请她的哪一个“宠儿”呢?我们猜测着,议论着:是班长,还是团支书,还是……一万个没想到,老师竟然选中了我这口齿不伶俐的女孩。这让我着实吃了一惊:不是开玩笑吧!可我分明从老师的眼睛里读出了鼓励与期待。接下来便是紧张的排练。午饭后,黄昏时,我和老师一遍又一遍地练习着,老师经常给我纠正读音,我也时不…  相似文献   
以往复式教学的一个重要弊端是讲练关系不协调,影响了学生能动作用的发挥和学习能力的培养。两年来,我们从教材特点出发,采用了讲练变序,讲练交替互用的办法,协调了讲练在动静中的关系,改进了课堂教学。一、先练后讲,作好新授铺垫有些教材重点难点比较集中,光靠“动”时教师直接讲解,要求学生当即理解,学生常有困难。我们就采取在“动”前的“静”,或在“动”时讲解前的少量时间里,布置一些  相似文献   
我从部分单式和复式学生的计算能力所作调查分析中发现,在计算速度方面,复式学生明显较单式学生慢。究其原因,主要是复式班中缺少有指导的、经常性的口算训练,因而口算能力差。那么,怎样才能加强作为计算基础的口算能力呢? 我认为,必须处理好训练内容、训练形式、训练时间三个方面的问题。1.训练内容——对口、适量。对口,就是要有针对性。要紧密配合教学重点,有目的、有计划地设计安排口算内容。如教学除数是小数的小数除法时,教前重点安排口算除数是整数的小数除法;教后的口算侧重练除数是小数的小数除法。适量,就是每次安  相似文献   
本文主要阐述了运输平巷、回风平巷的功能和要求,区段平巷的坡度与方向等问题。  相似文献   
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