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著名作家铁凝的小说《风度》,讲述了在一场奢华的同学聚会上发生的心灵怀旧故事。小说在反思消费主义物化现实的基础上,以浪漫主义的怀旧想象表达了理想的人性之美,体现出现实的人文关怀意义。  相似文献   
从符号学视角出发,时尚杂志在建构自己价值观念的过程中,在运用“品牌”、“休闲”、“身体”等符号为受众营造优质生活的幻象,实现消费主义的诉求时,频繁地将女性的自我实现与消费联系起来。女性的现代意识成了促进消费的动力,而消费则成了女性解放自我的手段。  相似文献   

This article centres on the recent Higher Education and Research Act 2017 in England and the consultation documents leading to the legislation. I will start by arguing that the reform promotes consumerist understanding of students. Guided by Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, I will further explore the ways in which five students’ unions from England and their sabbatical officers understand and respond to the consumerist policy discourses. The unions’ official responses to the government’s consultation demonstrated a strong opposition to the reform, particularly against the tuition fee increase and metrics used to measure teaching quality. The follow-up interviews with sabbatical officers, however, highlighted that this opposition can often be fragmented by consumerist counterarguments. The interviewees emphasised consumer rights as benefiting students and the unions. The differences between the written and verbal discourses will be discussed, and the reasons for a lack of consistency in the participants’ discourses questioned in relation to their relationship with the university management and wider student population they represent.  相似文献   
裴水妹 《华章》2007,(11):196
Sister Carrie is one of the most controversial characters in American literature.Thought as a "fallen woman" firstly,she was defined as a "new woman" by some critics later. However, by digging into the motivaton behind the whole process of Carrie's "success", the relationship between Carrie and her creator (the author), the social conditions of then American, it can be found that Carrie has never been free-standing on her thought and she has never found her real-sdf even after becoming a famous actress. In a society dominated by mass consumerism Carrie is only an adherent of her own desires. She also is a representative of all those country girls flooded into cities, a symbol and a sacrifice of the urbanization of America in a time countryside was overcome by cities.  相似文献   
当今社会大众媒介与消费主义正在走向共谋,引诱人们接受消费主义的意识形态,这其中电视又表现得尤为突出.电视作为一种把视觉与听觉结合在一起的全息媒介,其影响力不可小视.电视宣扬消费主义的两种主要手段是神话与涵化.考察电视与消费主义关系主要存在着三种理论范式,它们是使用与满足理论、传播政治经济学及文化研究.  相似文献   
消费主义文化在中国的大行其道,潜移默化地影响到了我国人民的生活方式和思维习惯,尤其是对北上广这些大都市的小资产阶级知识分子的影响最为重大。本文以目前争论如火如荼的《小时代》系列作品为例,来解释这类作品产生的经济文化根源。并通过对《小时代》系列作品的分析,阐释其受消费主义文化影响的几个表现形式。  相似文献   
The article develops a conception of education that we have named liminal education. Liminal education tries to counter the centripetal tendencies of the centre (particular that of the consumer market) by disclosing alternative positions in order to enable children to cultivate a critically reflective disposition. A second feature of liminal education is that it carries the potential to assist children in recognising that otherness is not the same thing as being alien. Finally, it is characterised by an embodiment of the notion of ‘communitas’, a state in which no one can have authority over another or see themselves as superior. For children who live within the dominant (centre) culture and who find security in consumerism, liminal education is important because it offers them imaginative possibilities which could give rise to alternative conceptions of the good life. Children in liminal communities will benefit from liminal education, because they will have a better understanding of their own position and those of others, which, we believe, will reduce the anxiety of loosing one’s identity and thereby the need to return to anxiously held foundational beliefs.
Doret J. de RuyterEmail:
教育消费主义思想起源于美国,后涌入我国,在我国成人教育领域迅速蔓延,并对我国整个教育的发展产生了不良影响,我们必须清醒地认识到这一问题。要抵制教育消费主义思想在我国成人教育领域危害的不断扩大,我们要了解教育消费主义的本质与基本特征,了解我国成人教育领域消费主义现象及其严重危害,并尽力从现在做起采取手段有效地消除这一思想,使我国的成人教育走上正规发展的道路。  相似文献   
本文通过梳理中国时尚杂志的历史脉络,认为中国时尚杂志在发展过程中,存在至少以下三个方面的特点。一是中国时尚杂志的兴起与发展均裹挟在西学东渐的浪潮中,中国时尚杂志在运作理念中缺乏自身的独立性,在时尚创意方面缺乏民族性;二是中国时尚杂志在缺乏原创内容的情况下,过度奢侈品广告化的内容使时尚杂志滑向消费主义的温床;三是中国时尚杂志从初创到当下,在技术理念上始终落后于西方,这决定了整个时尚杂志的产业处于国际时尚产业链末端。  相似文献   
消费主义文化对人的思维模式、行为方式具有重要影响,阅读作为获取信息和知识的重要方式,也受到了消费主义文化的影响。文章通过解读消费主义文化的内涵、特征,分析消费主义文化对阅读的影响,发现在消费主义文化的影响下,阅读主体趋于大众化、阅读方式趋于简单化、阅读目的趋于多样化。最后,提出应以提高创作内容的质量为目的来加强对阅读客体的管理,加强阅读素养教育,制定客观、可行的阅读标准,以营造良好的阅读环境。  相似文献   
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