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张人元 《海外英语》2011,(8):360-363
Public address is one of the study fields in the research of stylistics. For those public addresses made by most internationally influential characters, most of the public addresses are regarded as the literature classics and optimal resources for English learners as well. Acceptance speech, as one branch of public addresses, is much more representative and referential in some specified areas such as academics, entertainment, economy, society and so on. This paper will conduct a brief comparative analysis based on the acceptance speech made by Martin Luther King in 1964 and Barack Obama, the 44th president of United States, after their winning the Nobel Peace Prize by revealing their stylistic features in order to evoke the readers their more appreciations about the art of public address.  相似文献   
陈玥 《中学教育》2011,(4):119-123
美国教育部于2010年发布的《改革蓝图》是对2002年《不让一个孩子掉队》法案在实施过程中所遇到的问题进行的修订。它是在复杂的政治、经济以及现实背景下出台的,基于对其主要内容的分析可以看出,强调“公平性”和“追求卓越”、“关注学业成就、倡导责任共享”是《改革蓝图》的主要特征,可以说它为未来美国基础教育的均衡发展奠定了坚...  相似文献   
In this article, I examine Barack Obama’s use of collective memory during his 2007 campaign speech in Selma, Alabama. Specifically, I argue that Obama appeals to collective memory to challenge the Black community’s relationship to the past. He reframed the memory of the Civil Rights Movement in a manner favorable to his political aspirations. While this frame was politically expedient, it weakened Black political agency. It robbed the Black community of crucial rhetorical resources used to challenge structural inequalities in society. This article offers insight into the complex relationship between metaphor and collective memory. Specifically, I interrogate the role of metaphor as a crucial site where public memory is formed, disrupted, and rearticulated. Furthermore, I consider the implications of his use of memory for the future of the Black freedom struggle.  相似文献   
李红梅  吴丹  朱耀顺 《海外英语》2014,(10):258-259,264
This thesis tries to analyze the language features of Barack Obama's two inaugural speeches in 2008 and 2012 from the linguistic aspects,including sentence types as well as figures of speech which included imperative sentences,parallelism,rhetorical question,alliteration,hyperbole,simile,metaphor and so on.  相似文献   
以批评话语分析为理论基础,以韩礼德的系统功能语法为理论依据,从及物性、情态、人称代词三个方面对2013年1月21日美国总统奥巴马的连任就职演讲进行分析,探讨政治语篇作者如何利用语言策略及技巧达到自己的目的,并试图揭示其隐含的意识形态。  相似文献   
作为一名演说家,美国总统奥巴马在一系列的演讲中展现了他精湛的演说能力。2012年11月7日,奥巴马总统发表了名为"最好的时代尚未到来"的连任胜选演说。在这次出色的演说中,他通过巧妙的运用语言艺术,征服了所有的听众。试图从认知的角度,着重以ICM理论为指导,对奥巴马总统2012年连任胜选演说词内在的语言特点进行认知解读,旨在为英语演说词的研究提供一个新的理论视角。  相似文献   
美国的对朝政策在"变"的外衣里具有"不变"的内核。"不变"的内核源自于美朝两国的意识形态差异、决策者的思想认识、对朝鲜的认知以及民情舆论,表现为对朝鲜持强硬立场且不受党派影响。认知心理学认为,观感一旦形成,短时间内难有实质性改变,美国的对朝政策典型反映了这种状况。此外,受到国际战略格局变化的影响,美国往往需要与其他国家相互协调彼此的对朝政策,因此又不得不朝温和方向进行调整。克林顿和小布什各自的对朝政策都经历了从对抗到谈判的转变的过程,但基本立场并没有发生变化。奥巴马的上台虽然为美国对外政策带来了新气象,但在朝鲜政局没有发生大的变化的前提下,美国新总统的对朝政策仍将在对抗的"不变"与谈判的"变"之间摇摆。  相似文献   
第二届首尔核安全峰会的召开,激起国际社会对朝核问题的关注。作为重要的国际核安全问题,朝鲜核问题在美国新的核安全政策中处于何种地位,奥巴马政府将如何处理朝核问题成为国际社会关注热点。本文旨在探讨朝核问题自身的特殊性,分析奥巴马政府核安全政策的本质与内在矛盾,进而揭示美国新的核安全政策仍旧很难解决其在朝核问题上面临的困境。  相似文献   
奥巴马政府执政之初,对华外交展表现出合作、谦恭的姿态.但一年以后,美国在人民币汇率、南海、互联网自由等问题上对中国表现出咄咄逼人的外向性进攻态势.这其中既有对中国发展的惶恐,又表明意识形态在美国对华外交政策中的传统影响力.  相似文献   
This essay examines the language of shame and honor in the jeremiads of Barack Obama and the anti-Obama right. The jeremiad imagines America at a crossroads between the path of shame—where we become “a story and a by-word through the world”—and the path of honor. A brief history of the American jeremiad shows that the anti-slavery jeremiad transformed its dynamic of shame from an instrument of socialization into an indictment of hypocrisy against the defenders of slavery. Paradoxically, in the Age of Obama it is the anti-Obama right that has appropriated this rhetorical innovation of the anti-slavery jeremiad.  相似文献   
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