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This article examines the initial journey of a middle school in South Carolina from a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum to a STEAM (STEM + art) curriculum. This is the first of a three-year longitudinal study that investigated the perceptions of the effectiveness, relative importance, and sustainability of a STEAM curriculum in which the arts animated learning on a daily basis for both teachers and administrators during the first year of implementation beginning in the fall 2014. The article also investigates the response that the faculty of a STEM-oriented middle school had to the induction of STEAM curriculum training.  相似文献   
高质量建设粤港澳大湾区是国家"十四五"规划的重要战略目标之一。教育协同是推进粤港澳大湾区协同创新发展的关键议题和重要途径。但因诸种原因,港澳与内地的教育协同迟迟没有质的突破。综合考虑粤港澳三地在教育体制和社会文化等方面的异同,STEAM教育可以视作三地教育协同发展的最大公约数和突破口,有望实现粤港澳大湾区科技教育和人文教育的双重融合。如何在粤港澳三地STEAM教育现有协同发展路径基础上进行机制创新,是推进三地STEAM教育协同创新发展的关键。基于原有协同模式经扩展而建构的USERS框架,既是一种历时性的系统演化模型,也是一个共时性的生态发展模型。该框架能为统筹三地"政产学研用"各方力量,促进系统各要素充分流通,打造服务于粤港澳大湾区STEAM教育协作平台,以及为开展STEAM教育资源库建设、STEAM教育指导纲要研制、STEAM教育评估等提供指导。USERS框架的落地不仅能助推粤港澳三地STEAM教育的协同创新发展,也有助于更好地培养新一代大湾区建设者和创新型高素质人才。  相似文献   
文化本位的跨学科学习立足于落实“立德树人”的根本任务,贯彻我国以价值观为核心的育人需求,是对本土化STEAM教育在文化意义层面的进一步发展。该文首先从目标定位、内容选择、方法创新三方面阐述了文化本位的跨学科学习的内涵,然后结合《中华优秀传统文化进中小学课程教材指南》从分学科的文化融入、文理科内部跨学科的文化融入、文理交叉的跨学科的文化融入逐步深入地分析了文化融入学科教学的思路,再介绍了相关课程与广域课程两种文化本位的跨学科学习模式,最后就其中典型的广域课程模式的开发设计路径提出了金字塔模型及其应用的实例和相关保障措施,以期明晰STEAM教育本土化的方向,奠定文化本位的跨学科学习的理论基础,从而推动中华优秀传统文化教育的创新发展。  相似文献   
当创客遇上STEAM教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创客教育与STEAM教育的融合,为K12教育的综合实践课程和信息技术课程带来时代性的变革。对创客教育和STEAM教育的起源到发展进行文献调研,发现创客对STEAM教育起到优化的作用,为STEAM教育的实施提供工程案例和创新思想。对二者结合对中小学教育的作用以及遇到的困难进行分析,发现目前中小学缺乏健全的创客教育教学设计模式、校内创客空间建设有待完善、创客教育人才、资金等资源的不足。其未来发展和研究方向有认知学徒式培养、去精英化培养、创客教育教学设计模式、空间设计及平台建设等。  相似文献   
This study investigates the sociomaterial movements of student engagement in a school's makerspace. Here, we understand sociomaterial movements as emergent and relational, comprising complex dynamics of agency across students, teachers and materials in situated, culturally framed activities. Our study draws on data comprising 85 hours of video recordings of 9–12-year-old students' (N = 94) engagement in a technology-rich makerspace in a Finnish elementary school. The video data were transcribed and analyzed qualitatively using a multimodal interaction analysis. The sociomaterial movements were found to be displayed across a tension-laden continuum between (1) procedural activity—analysis and reflection; (2) individual activity—collaboration; (3) “doing school”—empowerment; and d) alienation—identification. Together, the study offers a potential approach for investigating and understanding the often overlooked workings of sociomateriality that constitutes students' emergent engagement and learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEAM) learning contexts.  相似文献   
Combining the excitement from the maker movement and the novel creation of deployable makerspaces, we review the development of the Mobile Atelier for Kinaesthetic Education (MAKE) 3D. MAKE 3D is a mobile makerspace platform that can be deployed anywhere there is electricity to create a curricular spectacle of digital fabrication in particular additive manufacturing or what is more commonly referred to as 3D printing. Our project combines this notion of curricular spectacle and a mobile makerspace platform, to develop strategies in how to meet the novice user almost anywhere and to entice them into a series of hands‐on activities that would give them a range of knowledge and aptitude for additive techniques in digital fabrication. We review the component parts of our Material to Form curriculum and explore thematic connections between the maker movement and art education including STEAM and interdisciplinarity; design thinking and kinaesthetic learning; and place‐based education and the mobile platform. Informal practices in art education and the mobile makerspace advances forms of place and kinaesthetic learning. Similar curricular setups are therefore encouraged to reinforce and expand prior knowledge, broaden participation and provide an adaptable learning space for STEAM initiatives.  相似文献   
教师学科教学知识(PCK)的形成是STEAM教育的发展之基。STEAM教师PCK是教师面对具体的跨学科的内容主题时,所特有的将不同学科的知识和技术转化为学生易于理解的教学形式的整合性知识,具有知识范畴的跨学科性、知识来源的实践性和知识形成的融合性等特点。通过对已有PCK研究的梳理,结合STEAM教育的特征,STEAM教师PCK可分为跨学科内容知识、教学对象知识、教学情境知识和教学策略知识。在此基础上,STEAM教师PCK的建构逻辑:一是立足理论性学习为教师建构PCK打“地基”,促进公共性PCK向个体性PCK转化;二是基于经验性学习为教师建构PCK竖“框架”,推动内隐性PCK向实践性PCK转化;三是通过实践性学习为教师建构PCK添“砖瓦”,实现陈述性PCK向程序性PCK转化。  相似文献   
加快推进我国STEAM教育改革不仅是培养综合型、创新型、应用型人才的必由之路,也是提升国家竞争力和教育发展应对自身危机的可行之径。然而,改革中却存在诸多阻力。从“教育改革”的视角出发探赜改革蕴含的阻力因素,并提出阻力消解对策对促进我国STEAM教育顺利开展、探索一条具有中国特色的STEAM教育发展道路具有重要价值。研究发现,我国STEAM教育改革在实践中遭遇了价值阻力、制度阻力、实际阻力和自身阻力。为消解阻力,应坚持STEAM教育价值先行的基本理路,推进不同主体的自我变革;加强制度供给,理顺STEAM教育与现行制度之间的关系;加大STEAM教师队伍建设力度,推进STEAM课程改革;促进STEAM教育的本体回归,破解“跨学科悖论”。  相似文献   
当前STEM教育已经成为国内外K-12教育领域的热点话题,它与我国幼儿园科学教育具有内在契合性,是变革我国幼儿园科学教育的重要参照。因此,我国幼儿园科学教育改革可以在四个方面寻求突破:一是以STEAM素养为参照确立科学教育目标体系,克服幼儿园过多关注科学知识掌握而忽略幼儿简单问题解决能力培养的问题;二是以STEAM教育主题项目为抓手组织教育内容、促进学科融合,从而培养幼儿核心素养;三是以STEAM问题探究为驱动,开展幼儿园科学教育活动,调动幼儿探究积极性;四是以STEAM教育生态为纽带开发和利用科学教育资源,促进优势资源积累和整合,提高科学学习品质。  相似文献   
A significant contention underpinning the commentary around STEM / STEAM is the evidence of discipline hierarchies, and inherent binary perspectives and/or biases that lend themselves to privileging one or more disciplines over another in an interdisciplinary education context. The current focus on increasing engagement with STEM in Australian schools provides opportunities to explore how the creative and liberal arts, and arts‐based approaches to teaching and learning are being adopted to significantly enhance teaching and learning outcomes in and for STEM education. This article examines how design for a STEAM education programme evolves and is adopted in an Australian context. Tasmania represents one of the most vibrant creative communities in Australia. At the same time it has one of the lowest levels of educational attainment. Entrenched teaching habits and disciplinary hierarchies often create significant barriers to the implementation of STEAM despite genuine goodwill and enthusiasm for STEAM among teachers and within schools. This article argues that, despite the contrasting dynamics extant in the Tasmanian educational context, it is here that some of the nation’s most curious and exciting examples of STEAM teaching and learning have emerged. It offers an example of an innovative learning project and proposes the means by which these disciplinary strands have been effectively entwined.  相似文献   
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