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This paper aims to make a contribution to the stream of literature on action research by describing a longitudinal collaborative research project which evolved out of a long-term, participation partnership with Volvo Cars. The collaboration was aimed at developing innovation capabilities in the company and accumulating knowledge on how capabilities are developed. The paper provides insights into the design of collaborative research projects to enable mutual, sustainable learning. It draws on key notions in the literature on collaborative management research and action learning, highlighting the research design of the project at Volvo Cars and its relations to action learning. The paper describes how the research design opened the way to establishing a learning system at Volvo Cars while simultaneously generating new scientific knowledge within the area of innovation capabilities. The paper provides rich and detailed data on a collaborative research setting and highlights key aspects related to organizing and undertaking collaborative research.  相似文献   
Most U.S. higher education institutions have implemented initiatives to increase campus diversity. The intended outcome is to reduce educational inequities among underrepresented populations. Such initiatives have come under fire, however, for serving as a superficial solution to educational inequities. Here I propose the application of an action-knowledge conceptual framework to explore why money and policy change are not enough to create campus environments where multi-culturalism enhances student learning. Argyris' (1985) notion of double-loop learning recognizes the necessity for actionable knowledge to be instilled in practitioners in order for diversity initiatives to truly achieve desired outcomes and have lasting effects.  相似文献   
Governments aim to mitigate natural hazards' impacts through a disaster early warning system. Drawing on citizen co-production theory and resilient information infrastructures framework, we empirically examined government use of Twitter Tsunami Early Warning Civic Network and citizens' roles in co-providing timely and actionable information. The Indonesian government issued its tsunami early warning Tweet, which was “re-tweeted” without delay by its followers to their own followers to warn tsunami hazards during the 2012 earthquake. Within 15 min it reached over 4 million Twitter users. Based on our case study and social network analysis of Twitter information flows and exchanges within the network, we found that the speed and enormous reach of the government's Twitter tsunami early warnings would be significantly less without citizens' direct participation in re-tweeting, hence influencing greater control of the network. We present evidence for net-savvy citizens' co-production effects on increased government efficiency in providing time-critical public information services.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例》首创行政复议和解与调解制度,但条例对和解协议和调解书的效力没有作出具体的规定,这对和解与调解制度的具体执行和落实存有潜在的障碍。在现有行政法理论和立法基础上,论证和解协议和调解书的强制执行力和可诉性,达到明确和解与调解效力的目的。  相似文献   
在"三权分立"的原理和制度架构下,为保证在违宪审查过程中不超越自身权限,同时减少法院和国会之间的冲突,美国联邦最高法院依据<联邦宪法>第3条,确立了诸多限制联邦法院违宪审查的具体原则,包括当事人适格、诉的成熟性、已逾可诉的程度、禁止咨询性意见和不审查政治问题.符合这些原则的案件中的宪法问题才可能被联邦最高法院裁判.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]剖析国际科研数据政策的导向及其特征,为我国完善科研数据政策保障体系、优化科研数据管理与共享工作提供重要依据。[方法/过程]采用案例分析、文献调研方法归纳出国际科研数据政策的"整合DLC-SH"和"机器可操作"两种导向,并使用模本法分析、验证两种导向的异同。[结果/结论]"整合DLC-SH"导向秉持科研数据管理与共享整体观,遵循"组织管理-业务流程"基本框架,目的在于构建全球协同式数据治理方略;"机器可操作"导向提供依次递进的指导性原则,重视数据基础设施的辅助作用,目的在于实现"数据互联网"全球布局。两种导向在理论基础、核心组件和服务对象上存在不同,但在基础环境、实现途径和最终目标上基本一致,且两种导向的相互融合成为现阶段的主流趋势。建议我国强化政策的导向功用,融入国际工作体系;重塑工作机制与流程,完善数据治理格局;"人文与技术"相结合,构建"人机协同"生态。  相似文献   
交通事故责任认定是指负有交通管理职能的公安机关在查明交通事故的原因后,根据交通事故当事人的行为在引法交通事故以及产生损害后果中的相互关系,依法作出对当事人责任大小的认定。因它涉及当事人的权利和义务,如果当事人不服是否有权向法院提起行政诉讼,法院是否作为行政诉讼案件受理和审查,在司法实践和理论界存在不同的看法,笔者通过本文对交通事故责任认定行为是一种具体行政行为而并非鉴定结论、将交通事故认定纳入行政诉讼受案范围的必要性问题等,阐述对交通责任认定属具体行政行为,当事人不服可以向人民法院提起行政诉讼,法院有权对交通事故认定行为的合法性进行审查,从而保障当事人的合法权益。  相似文献   
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