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无政府主义是20世纪初在中国影响较大的政治思潮之一,在几十年的传播过程中,逐渐溢出了政治领域,向中国文化,文学渗透,以其激烈的反抗精神和乌托邦的理想引起了不少作家的兴趣,使这一思潮与中国文学和中国作家发生了密切联系.近些年来,许多研究者对这一领域给予了一定关注,也取得了部分成果.学术界的研究成果基本上可以分为两类,一类是无政府主义对现代文学思潮的影响,另一类是无政府主义与作家思想的研究,以对巴金的研究最为突出,此外还有关于鲁迅与无政府主义、郭沫若与无政府主义、周作人与无政府主义的研究等等.系统梳理这些学术成果,并作归纳总结.  相似文献   
贵族作家托尔斯泰崇尚“草泽哲学”,这与俄罗斯化母体中的人民性有关;在忏悔中走向复活,体现了俄罗斯宗教化的特质;躁动不安的俄罗斯魂不在意物质财富,渴望灵魂的归宿;痛恨强制与压制,托尔斯泰的无政府主义最终走向严格的自我管理、自我压制。  相似文献   
巴金早期的编辑活动基本上是为了实践他的无政府主义思想这一目标来进行的。随着他在无政府主义理论实践探索上的失败,以及文学创作的成功使巴金开始向着文学活动转向。特别是参加《文学季刊》的编辑实践活动为他后来主持文化生活出版社的编辑工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   
In the world of nineteenth‐century educators Charles Ange Laisant occupies a special place. Laisant’s training, which was that of the French elite, opened up an administrative career but at the same time he continued to work and publish in the subject area of mathematics. His research demonstrates that he was clearly an accepted member of the scientific world, and he met the most eminent mathematicians of his day. Laisant played a major role in structuring the mathematical community, both nationally and internationally. He participated prominently in the battle that led to a change in the status and teaching of science in many countries in the early twentieth century. He is also one of those individuals who dedicated themselves to the renewal of pedagogy and to the goals of the new education. Yet, Laisant is still largely unknown; perhaps because of the profusion of his activities and interests he remains beyond the limits of traditional analysis. The author has chosen here, after retracing Laisant’s life in all its diversity, to focus on the profound unity of thought that characterised his mind. Laisant’s life as an educator allows us to understand how politics, science and teaching were inextricably linked, and to witness how personalities so diverse, even opposing, could come together to pursue common goals of educational reform.  相似文献   
Colin Ward (1924–2010) was an anarchist and educator who, together with Anthony Fyson, was employed as education officer for the Town and Country Planning Association in the UK during the 1970s. He is best known for his two books about childhood, The Child in the City (1978) and The Child in the Country (1988). The book he co-authored with Fyson, Streetwork. The Exploding School (1973), is discussed in this article as illustrating in practical and theoretical terms Ward’s appreciation of the school as a potential site for extraordinary radical change in relations between pupils and teachers and schools and their localities. The article explores the book alongside the Bulletin of Environmental Education, which Ward edited throughout the 1970s. It argues that the literary and visual images employed in the book and the bulletins contributed to the powerful positive representation of the school as a site of potential radical social change. Finally, it suggests that “fleeting pockets of anarchy” continue to exist in the lives of children through social networking and virtual environments that continue to offer pedagogical possibilities for the imaginative pedagogue.  相似文献   
In appreciating and responding to the three symposium papers on “Anarchism, Texts and Children”, a case is made for what John Berger has called “the honour of an alternative”, for affirmation as well as for refusal. Not only should we respond positively and imaginatively to Colin Ward’s call for “counter-history” of our own making, we should also extend our advocacy of alternatives through the adventure of more creative historical methodologies. Lastly, in the spirit of Berger’s writing, this Afterword celebrates the capacity of all three papers not just to speak to issues of enduring human importance, but to do so imaginatively and eloquently, thereby refusing and subverting the increasingly dreary hegemony of academic writing disgracefully in thrall to the diminishing calculus of neo-liberalism.  相似文献   
早期马克思主义者在确立马克思主义信仰的过程中,大都经受无政府主义的影响,其原因主要有:无政府主义传播迅猛、早期马克思主义者理论水平不高、无政府主义与马克思主义之间客观存在"共性"。  相似文献   
二十世纪三十年代初,随着中国局部抗日战争的爆发,韩国无政府主义者积极投身其中。他们还用暗杀、爆炸等恐怖手段打击日本帝国主义,同时也做出巨大的牺牲。他们的恐怖暗杀活动不是现代意义上的恐怖主义,但不是正确的革命方法,它要让位于革命的武装斗争。  相似文献   

In this paper, we build on recent work on the role of the ‘utopian pedagogue’ to explore how utopian thinking can be developed within contemporary higher education institutions. In defending a utopian orientation on the part of HE lecturers, we develop the notion of ‘minimal utopianism’; a notion which, we suggest, expresses the difficult position of critical educators concerned to offer their students the tools with which to imagine and explore alternatives to current social and political reality, while acknowledging the contingent ethical constraints of the system within which they and their students are working. While agreeing with utopian theorists such as Darren Webb who have defended the need for ‘blueprint utopias’ in education in the face of the reduction of the idea of utopia to a purely process-oriented pedagogy, our focus here is on the prior educational task of providing the conceptual and communicative tools for utopian thinking to emerge. The collaborative nature of this paper is reflected in the interdisciplinary sources on which we draw in developing our ideas, including moral philosophy, literary theory, political philosophy, anarchist theory and utopian studies.  相似文献   
《新世纪》时期吴稚晖政治思想主要表现在反对封建专制制度、批判封建伦理道德、抨平清预备立宪等方面。其理论体系虽然是唯心主义的,但从现实操作中所产生的客观效果看,它对当时的资产阶级民主革命起到了积极的推进作用。  相似文献   
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