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科学意义上的“普世伦理”,作为一种客观的实体性存在,内涵于世界经济全球化趋势和世界市场秩序之中,其客观根据只能是世界经济全球化的趋势和人类的共同利益。人类社会面临的危机尤其是生存危机,使普世伦理道德的建立变得日益必要和迫切,但是,经济全球化还处在发展过程中之中,价值观还存在着严重的分歧和冲突,普世伦理还无未形成,因而当前普世俗化理还不具有现实性,只具有可能性。  相似文献   
克服“确定论两难困境”是西方科学文化向新的历史形态嬗变的重大课题。普利高津在《确定性的终结》一书中依据现代科学的最新成果,给这个课题以新的阐述,提出许多深刻的辩证思想。但断言确定性“终结”了是没有根据的,非科学的。正确的提法是“确定性的破缺”;客观世界存在确定性,但它是破缺的,因为同时还有不确定性。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether criminal thinking interacts with the rational requirements of human decision-making in a group of college students. A convenience sample of 315 undergraduates (114 males, 201 females) completed self-report measures of criminal thinking and estimated their likelihood of cheating on an exam given different levels of certainty of apprehension. A repeated-measures analysis of covariance revealed that students were significantly more likely to seize on the opportunity to cheat when the certainty of getting caught was 10% than when it was 50% and that students with higher levels of criminal thinking were more likely to take the opportunity to cheat than students with lower levels of criminal thinking. In addition, students exhibiting moderate proactive criminal thinking and moderate to high reactive criminal thinking were significantly less likely to be deterred from cheating when the odds of getting caught were low.  相似文献   
翻译标准多元化使译者翻译时具有多样选择的可能性,但这并不代表翻译无标准或译者可以任意选择翻译标准..在“笔译基础”课程考试中,评价译文的标准是给定的,即要综合考虑译文是否忠实于原文的内容、目的、功能和文体风格.这要求译者应从言内语境、情景语境和文化语境三方面来考虑最大限度地忠实于原文,如果改译甚至胡译或者乱译都将被处以“低分”的惩罚.因此,翻译标准在理论上是多元的,但在具体的翻译实践中却是唯一而确定的.  相似文献   
This article proposes a model-based procedure, intended for personality measures, for exploiting the auxiliary information provided by the certainty with which individuals answer every item (response certainty). This information is used to (a) obtain more accurate estimates of individual trait levels, and (b) provide a more detailed assessment of the consistency with which the individual responds to the test. The basis model consists of 2 submodels: an item response theory submodel for the responses, and a linear-in-the-coefficients submodel that describes the response certainties. The latter is based on the distance-difficulty hypothesis, and is parameterized as a factor-analytic model. Procedures for (a) estimating the structural parameters, (b) assessing model–data fit, (c) estimating the individual parameters, and (d) assessing individual fit are discussed. The proposal was used in an empirical study. Model–data fit was acceptable and estimates were meaningful. Furthermore, the precision of the individual trait estimates and the assessment of the individual consistency improved noticeably.  相似文献   
笛卡尔和胡塞尔都追求哲学的确定性。笛氏用普遍怀疑找到了“我”这一精神实体,并借助于直观和演绎建立了他的体系;而胡氏则用“先验还原”找到了“先验主体”,用本质还原的办法找出了确定性的严格条件。然而,两种努力均未能完全奏效,确定性似乎成了迷失的目标。  相似文献   
"实然法"与"应然法"的关系问题是研究中外法学理论问题最重要的问题之一,因此,自19世纪中期以来,该问题一直是西方法学界讨论的焦点之一.用法哲学的理念梳理西方法学史上著名的法学思想家和众多有重大影响的法学流派对该问题的认识进程,对于全面认识"应然"与"实然"法的关系,深刻认识和有效追求法的价值,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.  相似文献   
与古代哲学从自我以外的本原或上帝当中寻求确定性的做法相反,早期现代哲学选择了从自身寻找确定性根据的道路.无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向.然而早期现代哲学在从自我当中寻求确定性的根源时,也将人本身的感性的、流动的成分宣扬开来.因而从自我本身出发寻找确定性的根基,从一开始就面临着内在的矛盾和冲突,而后现代主义恰恰又将自我当中感性的、流动的成分推崇到无以复加的程度,最终导致自我的解构.  相似文献   
It is expected that children increasingly learn to identify errors throughout their schooling process and even before it. As a further step, however, some scholars have suggested how a culture of error should be implemented in the classroom for the student to be able not only to locate errors but also, and above all, to learn from them. Yet the various proposals aimed at generating a culture of error in the classroom keep regarding error as all those responses and reactions that are not considered as true or correct in each specific case, thereby not realizing that many of these alleged errors are really anomalies with very different characteristics and consequences despite their seeming resemblance. In this paper, I rely on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s On Certainty to clarify the difference between errors and anomalies. Subsequently, I provide guidelines that may be adapted by each teacher to her students’ needs and development level in order to foster a culture of error that begins by distinguishing error from anomaly, which constitutes a practical as well as conceptual necessity particularly in Child and Primary Education, as it is just then when anomalies most frequently arise in the form of questions and answers.  相似文献   
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