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马歇尔计划并不仅仅限于以促进自由贸易和恢复生产为核心的经济援助,它的主管机构经济合作署还十分重视以美国企业文化影响欧洲企业的经营方式。经济合作署资助大量英国生产考察队赴美国企业实地观察,这些专业考察队在对美国相关部门先进的生产和管理方式有了一定了解后,通过发布考察队报告、举办论坛等方式向本国传播美国的生产技术和管理模式。经济合作署实际上是希望通过这些考察队来展示美国的生产技术、管理经验和经营理念,并采用美国经验来解决西欧企业生产中面临的问题。可是,美国的生产方式和管理经验并不一定具有普世性,在推行上难以达到所期望的目标。  相似文献   
学界一般认为元嘉北伐导致了北强南弱的形势 ,这个结论有些片面。本文分析了在宋魏对峙的政治 ,军事形势下 ,刘宋元嘉北伐有其必要性和可能性 ,提出了元嘉北伐的失败是加强了而不是导致了南弱北强形势的新观点  相似文献   
The article focuses on spirituality on two semantic levels: the first one analyses participants’ experiences during a winter expeditionary course on snowshoes and considers the question of whether residing in the winter landscape with a community of other people may acquire a spiritual dimension in spite of the non-religious environment. The second level verifies whether the trans-rational method of systemic constellations may be used as a research tool, that is, as a specific source for data collection (different from other sources and methods). The research applied a phenomenological approach to the analysis of unstructured interviews (n = 12) and constellation insights; the result confirmed indisputably that certain kinds of experiences obtained in a completely non-religious environment (namely, during a winter expedition on snowshoes in the mountains) can be considered spiritual. The answer to the second question is also positive, since the application of systemic constellations results in different data in comparison with their verbal acquisition. Symbolic images that point out the system and its unaccepted elements deepen the understanding of both the individual and the nature of their spiritual experience.  相似文献   
作为儒家的基本典籍,《诗经》三百零五篇折射出中国传统文化的价值观念。本文通过对两类诗——以征夫口吻写的诗和以思念丈夫的妻子口吻写的诗的研究,来分析出《诗经》所秉持的战争观,即平静祥和的心态和亲近友善的风气,以及崇尚和平、勤劳,不喜杀伐的文化品格,但又对正义战争积极支持和无所畏惧的战争观念。  相似文献   
《诗经》中的征戍诗形式多样,内容丰富,具体形象地反映了先秦时期华夏族内部及其与“四夷”之间的军事冲突及社会各阶层民众在烽火遍野背景下的生存状态和情感体验,展现出一幅幅情态各异、丰富多彩的先秦历史社会画卷,具有鲜明的风格特征:雄壮激昂的英雄战歌场面宏大,气势雄壮,感情激昂,有一种阳刚之美;悲慨苍凉的征夫心曲格调低徊哀伤,沉郁悲壮。浪漫主义和现实主义之创作手法,赋、比、兴的广泛运用,情景交融的鲜明特色,豪壮刚健的感情和语言特征,铸就了《诗经》征戍诗之雄壮豪放和悲概苍凉之独特风格。  相似文献   
Indigenous voices are largely silent in the outdoor education and adventure therapy literature. The purpose of this research collaboration was to understand how a 10-day outdoor adventure leadership experience (OALE) may promote resilience and well-being for Indigenous youth through their participation in the program. The process was examined through a community-based participatory research project that sought insight from the perspectives of one First Nations community in Canada. The OALE was implemented with six different groups for a total of 43 youth participants (ages 11.9–18.7 years) from Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve in northeastern Ontario. Field data were collected from multiple sources including participant interviews, journals, focus groups, and talking circles. Using a critical ethnographic lens, we analyzed the data inductively to understand how the OALE promoted resilience and well-being. We listened to Indigenous voices, adhered to principles of Indigenous coding for thematic content and respected Indigenous ways of knowing for interpreting results. The process of connecting to the Good Life (Anishinaabe Bimaadziwin) or waking up (nsidwaaswok) to the Good Life emerged as the dominant theme. Connecting to the Good Life may offer a simple yet compelling way to understand the net impact of the OALE.  相似文献   
南昌起义军南征决策的形成具有其历史必然性,这为考证南征决策的正确性提供了依托。“南下广东”在当时具有至上而下的思想基础,在军队中深入人心,故能在路线争论中取胜,敌方的态度与我方的准备等都更加促进了决策的形成。叶贺南征为中国革命道路的探索提供了实践经验,是先烈们留给我们的宝贵的历史财富。  相似文献   
左宗棠西征是对中国西部发展有着深远影响的一次重要的军事行动。晚清特殊的国情,使就地发展西北农业经济成为左宗棠争取西征胜利的首要选择。历史证明,左宗棠西征极大地促进了晚清西北农业经济的发展。在深入推进西部大开发的今天,以史为鉴,考察左宗棠西征对发展西北农业经济的贡献,具有重要的历史和现实意义。  相似文献   
This exploratory study was conducted to illuminate aspects relevant to the emergence and evolution of informal roles in a group during a canoe expedition. Following tenets of ethnography, the first author collected observational and interview (conversational and focus group) data while participating as a member of the expedition. Three general dimensions were revealed with regards to emerging and evolving informal roles: context aspects; role occupant aspects; and group member aspects. Informal roles were found to be important structural components which contributed to group productivity and harmony. Findings are discussed in relation to the broader literature while questions are raised regarding how informal roles have been conceptualized. Implications include considering how informal roles relate to individual (e.g. satisfaction) and group (e.g. cohesion) level constructs and how outdoor leaders may benefit from understanding how informal roles emerge and evolve.  相似文献   
红军东征是中国共产党在全国抗日救亡运动持续高涨的情况下发动的,为援助与响应全国人民的抗日救亡运动,推动山西乃至全国抗日民族统一战线的建立所采取的第一个重大的战略步骤。红军东征开创了山西民众抗日救亡运动的新局面,震慑了阎锡山的妥协投降和剿共反共活动,促使其政治立场和态度发生转变,推动了山西民众抗日救亡运动新阶段的到来和山西抗日民族统一战线的形成。  相似文献   
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