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“化大革命”在1966年的迅速发动与当时中国的思想化状况存在着密切的联系:平均主义价值观念的重新扩张,构成了民众参与“革”的驱动力;个人崇拜的滋长和盛行,提供了“革”发动的重要政治资源;“革命的斗争哲学”构筑了“革”发动的思想基础;“左”倾理论的产生和发展,形成了“革”发动的理论基础;从众心理的影响,对民众参与“革”起了重要的推助作用。  相似文献   
This analysis of Kierkegaard's article The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress (1848/1967) reveals his prodigious ability to deal synchronically with aesthetic philosophy of existence at both metaphysical and pragmatic levels. It also reveals his ability to view women as individuals in the realm of art. Here he is able to make the exception and grant women full equality in both the categories of eternity and temporality.  相似文献   
An egalitarian setting; that is, a setting established on an ideological and cultural basis, in which individual differences traditionally is a sensitive and often problematic issue, the counseling of gifted individuals present a particular problem. Sweden provides the setting in which the current study was carried out. This qualitative case study focuses on how one highly gifted individual—a 27-year-old male—has experienced his school years and university training and how successful counselling for him was construed. The case is argued to be fairly typical, and it is also suggested that Received Mentorship might be the only way to counsel a gifted individual in a forbidding egalitarian setting. The article concludes by proposing a number of recommendations for counselors who work in similar settings.  相似文献   
《周颂》、《安世房中歌》、《郊祀歌》同为祭祀诗,它们在为"安上治民"、"移风易俗"服务时,除了共同的祈福敬神功能之外,又表现出各自不同的特点,都反映了社会的发展和变迁。《周颂》对周王朝德行的歌颂,《安世房中歌》对高祖功德的描述以及《郊祀歌》浓烈的汉代风尚,都是这一变迁的鲜明反映。  相似文献   
作为世界性文化现象的平均主义在西方远非一种普遍性的思想,但在中国小农经济的土壤中却主要因其温情脉脉的道德感召力而发展成为贯穿各个时代、各个阶层的文化共识。平均主义有让人们关注弱势群体的一面,但它在中国历史上所导致的诸如扼杀人们的创造性、助长专制主义和无政府主义的发展等负面影响,却不容忽视。  相似文献   
科恩教授在《拯救正义与平等》一书中,向我们展示了一种他对罗尔斯差别原则的批判:为差别原则辩护的道德任意性声明与差别原则本身的内容相矛盾。道德任意性声明谴责那种由自然的天赋和社会环境的偶然性引起的不平等,包含对关系平等的肯定;而差别原则,特别是规范地、词典式序列解读的差别原则本身的内容,则无视人与人之间关系的比较。  相似文献   

Harry Brighouse discusses two conceptions of educational equality. The first is a type of equality of opportunity, heavily influenced by the work of John Rawls, which he calls the meritocratic conception. According to this conception, an individual’s educational prospects should not be influenced by factors such as their social class background. The other, radical conception, suggests a person’s natural talents should not influence their educational prospects either. Brighouse favors the meritocratic conception, but this article argues that it is flawed and that the radical conception ought to be preferred. Although a superior conception of educational equality, the radical conception is still not quite right, so this article develops a luck egalitarian conception of educational equality. It is argued that this conception reflects much current thinking about equality and avoids some of the difficulties with Brighouse’s two conceptions. Finally, two objections to a luck egalitarian conception are considered.  相似文献   
二十世纪后,我国传统的民粹主义思想与外来的民粹主义思想相结合,在社会上形成了一种强烈的民粹主义倾向。在我们的民粹主义思想中,平均主义和反智主义是其核心内容。本文就从这两个维度着手,对民粹主义在现代中国的表现进行一番考察。  相似文献   
略论吉祥图形——“盘长”在标志设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国吉祥文化是东方文化的独特景观和宝贵财富,它题材广泛、内涵丰富、形式多样、流传久远,是其他艺术形式难以替代的,在世界艺术之林中,那独特的东方文化魅力正熠熠生辉。一些优秀的设计师把盘长纹样中隐寓的、内蕴的,即精神性的东西进一步理解与消化,自觉地融入到设计中,设计出许多深具民族精神和美感的优秀作品来。  相似文献   
结合英国开放大学首任执行校长沃顿.佩里(Walt er Perry)所著的《开放大学》,本文追溯了1969年英国创办世界上第一所开放大学的历史背景,即成人教育供给的缺乏、教育广播的持续增长和教育平等主义的政治追求。在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出"办好开放大学"的形势下,重新反思英国开放大学创办的历史背景,相信对全国电大系统思考我国的开放大学建设会有所裨益。  相似文献   
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