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公民资格是理解公民教育的起点和基础。美国公民资格理论范式主要体现为自由主义、共和主义、批判主义和跨国主义公民资格。自由主义和共和主义公民资格作为影响美国公民教育的主导话语,对公民教育实践产生了重要影响。批判主义和跨国主义公民资格以其特有的理论活力对公民教育提出了挑战。美国公民资格理论话语的丰富和发展为公民教育实践提供了参照和启示。  相似文献   
思想是社会历史的印迹。随着社会的变迁和对公民概念的不断深化,公民思想也经历了古典共和主义、新共和主义、自由主义、社群主义、多元文化主义等不同的思想流派,呈现出不同的特点和侧重,相应地也表现出不同的公民教育思潮,引领着公民教育的实践。本文试图通过对西方不同公民思想流派的梳理,厘清它们的差异和变迁以及对公民教育实践的影响,从而汲取相应的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
在西方现代共和主义的理论范畴中,佩迪特教授的“无支配”共和理论是较有代表性的一种观点。通过从自由观与政府观两方面对“无支配”共和理论的概括和梳理,文章认为以“无支配”来概括现代共和主义理论精神这一做法虽然继承了共和主义一贯的哲学基础与理论风格,但其存在的争议也不可小视。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:  This article explores the civic republican conception of citizenship underlying the Labour government's programme of civil renewal and the introduction of education for democratic citizenship. It considers the importance of the cultivation of civic virtue through political participation for such developments and it reviews the research into how service learning linked to character education can lead to the civic virtue of duty or social responsibility.  相似文献   
Signatures of citizenship: The rhetoric of women's antislavery petitions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Women's antislavery petitioning not only contributed significantly to the success of the abolition movement, but also figured centrally in the ongoing struggle over defining and redefining various levels of U.S. citizenship.  相似文献   
In 1866, military drill and instruction became part of the curriculum of Maryland Agricultural College as a result of the passage of the Morrill Act of 1862, a law setting the terms for the establishment of agricultural colleges across the USA. The introduction of military instruction meant a direct inclusion of physically active coursework that preceded the widespread emergence of organized physical education courses in American educational institutions. However, this was not the first time physical activity was used and discussed at the college: previously, the uses of physical activity at the college wholly entailed outdoor agricultural practice in which students applied pedagogical training about agricultural techniques in the field. In this paper, we examine early Maryland Agricultural College printed discourse from 1859 to 1886, studying how the college shifted focus from idealizing the Republican male citizen as a physically active farmer or ‘cultivator of the soil’ in the years preceding the American Civil War to a physically active ‘citizen-soldier’ in response to the social and political effects of the conflict. Our analysis sheds light on the historical place of such physical activity coursework within the larger historical narrative of American physical education's emergence, and also provides useful historical context for critically viewing linkages between physical culture, nationalism, agricultural education and the military in contemporary physical education.  相似文献   
意大利文艺复兴时期的思想家马基雅维里,素被称为"恶的导师".从某种意义上说,他的思想核心是"自由",终极目标是创建共和国.他批判地吸收了古典共和主义自由的观点,创造性地从自由国家、公民美德这两个方面,论述了自由与政体、美德、法律、风习和宗教的关系,他的自由观对以个人主义为哲学基础的自由主义具有某种矫正作用.  相似文献   
政体有两种基本形式 ,即共和制与君主制。古希腊城邦的政体属于共和制 ,要么是贵族共和制 (如斯巴达 ) ,要么是平民共和制 (如雅典 )。中国先秦时期的政体是分权君主制 ,即在君主集权、中央集权的前提下 ,臣子 (如西周、春秋时期的卿大夫 )对君主、地方对中央有较大程度的分权。这种“分权”仅仅指一定范围内分割权力的事实与因素 ,不是指分权制衡的原则与制度。从政体来看 ,中国不存在城邦制  相似文献   
法国革命既要破除旧的制度,又要通过创新和改造而建立新的政治和社会制度,因而如何通过象征物的宣传和引导作用让大众接受、认可和自觉维护共和制度,是革命者的重要任务之一。大革命中,法国革命者通过创新和改造等手段,将“共和历法”、高卢雄鸡、三色旗、马赛曲、“自由女神”等一系列宣传实体物化为革命的共和象征物,为法兰西共和国以及法国政治文化传统做出了贡献。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:  Citizenship as a compulsory subject was added to the National Curriculum in England in 2002 following the 1998 report, 'Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools'. It was little noticed at the time that the report stressed active citizenship much more strongly than democracy. The underlying presupposition was what historians call 'civic republicanism', the tradition from the Greeks and the Romans of good government as political government, that is, citizens reaching acceptable compromises of group interests and values by public debate. This is contrasted to modern liberalism. To stress 'democracy' unduly in citizenship education can lead to definitional dogmatics about multiple meanings of the term, even to disillusionment. Democracy is a necessary element in good government but not a sufficient one, unless subjective opinion is enshrined over knowledge through education. The practices of free politics are both historically and logically prior to democracy.  相似文献   
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