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论电子文献的劣势特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
姜玉明 《情报科学》2003,21(11):1176-1178
新型的文献类型——电子文献,正以纸质文献无可比拟的优势而迅速地发展着,已呈现出与纸质文献平分秋色之势。然而,电子文献并非尽美,全无劣处。当人们将更多的目光投向这一新型文献的优势特点时,理性告诉人们,也不应忽视其与生俱来的劣势特点。研究其劣势特点,对于图书情报部门,搞好电子信息资源的利用,扬长避短,同样具有非常现实的指导意义。  相似文献   
通过对新疆弱势群体的范围、规模、分布状况和具体特征等的分析,说明新疆弱势群体的存在对新疆稳定有着特殊的影响,并根据新疆的特殊区情来思考解决新疆弱势群体问题的对策。  相似文献   
人的思维总有地缘和历史的烙印,后期学术及文化的浸染更是不可忽视的原因。李斯思想中既有楚文化开放、积极、张扬、果敢的基因,又有儒家荀子趋利避害、帝王之术的思想,还受法家韩非以利相交、督责之术的影响,同时,秦国残酷的政治文化也是十分重要的因素。  相似文献   
课程综合化是我国课程现代化改革中的一个极其重要的问题,各级各类教育都在尝试综合课程的研究与开设,然而综合课程的开发与实施却又难以普遍展开.本文试从综合课程的优势与不足这两方面出发,探讨其中的原因.  相似文献   
将"可供出售金融资产"和"交易性金融资产"会计科目合并,有利于避免企业会计准则设计上的漏洞,有利于投资人的投资决策和会计人员的账务处理,有利于会计信息使用者对会计信息的阅读和理解.  相似文献   
班级的管理对学生的成长具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了传统班级管理模式下的若干弊端问题。  相似文献   
Through an examination of the experiences of young people in one disadvantaged area, this paper adds to an emerging body of knowledge focused on what place physical activity occupies in the lives of young people in areas of disadvantage. A total of 40 young people (21 males, 19 females) participated in focus group interviews. The research question explored the forces which enable and constrain the participation of youths in physical activity and the interplay between such forces and how they experience and exercise agency. All focus group interviews were transcribed, coded and thematically analysed. The findings remind us that young people can be seen as positioned within multiple social relations conferred by specific social identities (such as child, friend, brother or sister) and each of these identities influences the ability of youth to exercise agency in choosing whether, where and when to participate in physical activity. Institutional structures also influenced the physical activity habits of young people in this study. It was interesting to note that staying out of trouble was one of the most discussed benefits of physical activity. Young people also recorded feelings of disempowerment through the belief that no significance was attributed to their words and shared thoughts. This sense of constrained agency presents a particular difficulty when we consider that it is only through accessing the voices of young people that those attempting to promote physical activity can ensure that the range of opportunities being created are matched to the preferences of youth.  相似文献   
京通仓指清代储存数百万石国家漕粮的北京、通州两个最大的仓储群,号称“天庾”,是封建政府维持国家政治、经济、社会秩序的重要物质基础。为了把京通仓控制权牢牢掌握在自己手中,最高统治者对于仓储弊端有着严格的规章与惩治措施,但随着吏治的腐化与社会秩序的紊乱,到同治朝时京通仓弊已经发展到无以复加的地步,其破坏性与影响力已经远超前代。  相似文献   
近些年",艺考热"持续升温引起了人们的广泛关注。本文重点分析了"艺考热"给高职美术教育带来的一些弊端,并就高职美术教育提出个人的几点建议。  相似文献   
薄弱学校难以补充和稳定优质师资是一个世界性教育问题。为了解决薄弱学校的师资建设困境,OECD国家采取了如下做法:改进职前教育,培养胜任薄弱学校教学的教师;优化招聘策略,提升薄弱学校师资聘任质量;强化专业发展,推动薄弱学校教师持续成长;改善工作环境,保证薄弱学校教师安心从教;实施激励措施,稳定薄弱学校教师队伍。这些做法对我国薄弱学校的改进、促进义务教育改革与发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
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