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运用文献资料法、三维定点摄像法、影像解析法等,以刘虹参加2016年全国竞走大奖赛暨奥运选拔赛20km比赛的技术特征为研究对象,对其技术的优缺点进行归纳总结,旨在为其里约奥运会技术改进提供参考。结果表明:总体来看刘虹技术的规范性、实效性特征较好。技术规范性特征具体表现为其腾空时限处于模糊腾空时限内,但是最后冲刺阶段由于提速导致腾空时限远超过临界值。头顶垂直位移稍偏大,摆动腿离地瞬间膝角偏小,垂直膝关节角度同样偏小,且重心移动速度越快,其膝角越小,易形成“跑”的动作表象。着地技术符合裁判员判罚的直腿标准,且垂直支撑阶段“反弓”动作明显。实效性特征表现为左、右步长均有提高,“小步高频”的中国技术风有较大改观;但仍存在左、右不均衡现象。两大腿夹角偏小,说明刘虹向前“送髋”的技术仍需改进。  相似文献   
健步走作为一项人民群众喜闻乐见的大众健身运动,要求的技术门槛低,适宜广大人群参与的特点。然而在国内很多高校并没有开展起来,作者调查研究影响在大学校园开展健步走的各种影响因素,并得出初步的结论:校园高知人群选择健步行走的健身行为受到个人、团队、所在办公区和体育健身环境等影响;校园健步走的线路设计应该遵循流量控制、景观元素、距离、时间等因素;提炼人们选择健步走的金字塔层级模型:必要性、可行性、易行性、安全性和舒适性。通过研究还证明了在自然环境中的健心和部分健身效果优于人造地物环境中。理论研究与实践研究相结合,在研究过程中,总结出健步走路线图的科学设计流程和标准,从而达到理论的总结和实践的应用的多方收获的局面。  相似文献   
Excavating what Jeffrey Cohen [2015. Stone: An ecology of the inhuman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press] calls ‘lithic ecomateriality’, in this paper we illustrate how rocks have traditionally been conceptualized through three tropes: rocks as insensate; rocks as personified; and rocks as transformative. We take up the concept of inhuman to challenge human-centric taxonomies of rocks and animacy. If rocks are not lifeless, or only considered as ‘resources’ or ‘threats’, to humans, then thinking with rocks as vital extends our ethical and political response. In the final section of the paper, we consider archives, not as a logical form of organizing knowledge, but as material, vital, and affective. We argue that when stones and archives are examined as something more than stable things – as interfactual, transcorporeal, and transmaterial co-compositions – different ethical relatings to the inhuman world become possible.  相似文献   
This paper presents a disturbance rejection scheme for walking robots under unknown external forces and moments. The disturbance rejection strategy, which combines the inverse dynamics control with the acceleration projection onto the ZMP (zero moment point)-plane, can ensure the overall dynamic stability of the robot during tracking the pre-computed trajectories. Under normal conditions, i.e., the system is dynamically balanced, a primary inverse dynamics control is utilized. In the case that the system becomes unbalanced due to external disturbances, the acceleration projection control (APC) loop, will be activated to keep the dynamic stability of the walking robot through modifying the input torques. The preliminary experimental results on a robot leg demonstrate that the proposed method can actually make the robot keep a stable motion under unknown external perturbations.  相似文献   

The generality of the variability in practice prediction, arising from Schmidt's schema theory (1975) of motor learning was tested on young children. More specifically, the structure of the variability session and its subsequent influence on transfer performance to a novel variation of the task was examined. Children tossed a weighted bean bag to a fixed target location. Three groups experienced variability in practice with four bean bags of varying weights (3, 4, 5, and 6 oz.); however, the trial-by-trial presentation of each weight was different for each group. One group received a random presentation of each weight from trial to trial while another experienced random presentations of a weight for blocks of three trials. The third variability group received blocked practice with six trials per block for each weight. All variability groups experienced the same amount of practice at each weight. A constant practice group experienced only a single weight. Following 24 practice trials, all subjects transferred outside the range of previous experience, receiving three trials with one of two possible test weights (2 oz. or 7 oz.). The results indicated that the variability group practicing with blocks of three trials at each variation led to superior performance at transfer to novel variations of the task. Overall, the experiment suggested that transfer performance for children is affected by the appropriate structure of variable practice which formulates the schemata for movement production.  相似文献   
《暗夜行路》于大正10年1月在《改造》杂志上进行连载,中间两度中断,历经16年终于完成。大正九年,志贺直哉就完成了小说的整体框架的构思,这两次中断必然存在其合理性。本论将以志贺直哉的日记为基本考证依据,沿着时间的轨迹,考察第二次的九年中断期存在的合理性。这九年的时间既证明了志贺直哉是一个极具精神卫生的作家,又是作者为实现预定的主人公心境所必需的时间。  相似文献   
李春秀在第25届奥运会夺得女子10公里竞走铜牌,在第七届全运会夺得金牌,创造了亚洲记录,逼近世界纪录。采用高速摄影和影片解析的方法,对其在六运会比赛中的竞走技术进行定量参数解析。结果显示,其步频、步长、腾空时间、单步水平速度、身体重心起伏、支撑腿技术、躯干与水平面夹角等与世界优秀选手陈跃玲、萨克斯比接近或一致,说明其技术是合理的。  相似文献   
目的:探索太极拳练习和快走练习对老年人平衡能力的影响效果。方法:31名老年女性被随机分成太极拳组(TC)和快走组(BW)。两组受试者分别接受16周的太极拳练习和快走练习,每周5次,每次1h,随后停止练习跟踪8周。受试者每4周测试一次平衡能力,共测试7次。测试指标包括睁眼(SLO)和闭眼(SLC)状态下的单腿站立时间(TIME)、足底压力中心在左右方向的最大位移量(DX)、足底压力中心在前后方向的最大位移量(DY)。结果:太极拳组(TC)TIME-SLO/SLC从第4周显著性增加,而快走组(BW)从第8周显著性增加;太极拳组DX-SLO/SLC、DY-SLO/SLC从第8周显著性减少,而快走组从第12周显著减少。停练阶段,太极组的平衡能力指标未有显著性变化,但快走组指标中除了DY,其他指标均有明显变化的趋势。结论:太极拳和快走练习均可以提高老年人的平衡能力,太极拳提高的更快(太极vs.快走:8周vs.12周);8周的停练阶段,两种练习方式对平衡能力均有较好的维持作用,但太极拳的维持效果更好。因此,相比于快走练习,老年人可以考虑将太极拳作为首选的练习方式。  相似文献   
宗白华的美学研究具有雍容、灵动与洒脱的学术风格,这种风格被称为“散步美学”;散步美学的主要方法论特征是直觉与逻辑的统一,在对中国艺术意境的描述与阐释中,宗白华具体而娴熟地运用了这一方法;这一方法之所以出现在宗白华的美学研究中,主要是因为宗白华不仅有丰富的东西方艺术体验与修养,而且还有将东西方文化与艺术“渗合融化”的理想、视野与实践。让人怅惘的是,散步美学的方法虽令人向往却无从摹仿。  相似文献   
从20 km竞走项目的本质属性、特点及其训练理念入手,对我国20 km竞走的体能训练进行研究。认为,我国20km竞走项目体能训练问题表现在理论研究与训练行为两个层面。具体表现为:聚焦局部者多,整体探究者少;坐而论道者多,注重实证者少;训练行为抓小放大,缺乏系统观念;训练理念各异,负荷安排无章可循。在此基础上指出,突出体能属性,统一训练理念;细化体能结构,把握整体规律;贴近训练实践,注重实证分析;加强制度建设,促进沟通协作是我国20 km竞走项目体能训练的发展走向。  相似文献   
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