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当代大学生实用主义价值观的形成主要由以下几个因素造成的:思想政治教育严重弱化,社会上功利主义倾向在大学生中引起共鸣,社会转型期中的校园文化的影响,学习压力、经济压力、就业压力的加重,市场经济负面的影响,传播媒介错误的导向,知识经济的影响,大学生思想不成熟等。上述因素为实用主义价值观在当代大学生这个特殊群体中泛起提供了可乘之机。  相似文献   
当今日本新闻业的实用主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今日本的新闻业看上去充满了民主之风,实际上却出现了一些问题,原因在于日本政府的政策和媒体自身。文章分析了日本新闻业和政治的相互关系,揭示了日本新闻业实用主义风潮的本质,对新闻业唯政治马首是瞻的情况进行了批评并分析了问题产生的原因和目前的解决措施。  相似文献   
To explore the key approaches to pragmatism is not only a logical requirement of the development of pragmatism itself, but also necessary for Chinese pragmatism to progress. There are three major necessary and feasible approaches to the study of pragmatism, which will play a very important role in the development of Pragmatism in today’s China: Firstly, the approach through the history of Western philosophy and logic of thinking; Secondly, the approach through comparative research in the context of contemporary academic dialogs, and thirdly, the approach through comprehensive interdisciplinary research. The approach through the history of Western philosophy and thought helps us ascertain the status of pragmatism in Western philosophy. Meanwhile, comparative research in the context of contemporary academic dialogs is necessary for resolving cultural conflicts and for the integration of and dialogs between cultures in an age of globalization. Finally, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and comprehensiveness are intrinsic to pragmatism, and scholarly circles in China have tremendous room for research characterized by the same.  相似文献   
福泽谕吉是日本近代著名启蒙思想家、教育家,他的思想和实践对日本的近代化和现代化起了巨大的推动作用,但其实用主义和霸权主义的外交思想也深刻影响了日本的外交政策。在新的时代和国际环境下,重新审视福泽谕吉的外交思想,有利于抑制日本右翼势力抬头,促进世界和平与发展。  相似文献   
清嘉道年间,西北边疆史地研究之风兴起,史地学者主张关注现实,积极倡导经世致用,将学术研究与社会需要紧密结合起来,形成了一个引人注目的学术派别。从四个方面对这一派学者的经世思想进行了探讨。  相似文献   
经世致用思想是“宁波商帮”大面积活跃的深层次化基凶。以黄宗羲为代表的浙东学派,在明清时期的化和资本主义萌芽的影响下,对宋明理学流弊进行了批判和反思,提出不仅要提倡学术思想的经世致用,而且还提出“工商皆本”的经济思想,主张“切于民用”的手工业和商品流通,这种思想源远流长,成为“宁波商帮”创业精神的源头,也体现了经世致用思想的现实意义。  相似文献   
新闻史研究:“问题”与“理论”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国新闻史研究应该力避没有生命力的流水账,必须要有问题意识,才能以抽象概括的理论语言,总结复杂而具体的历史事实,抽丝剥茧,甚至画龙点睛。理论烛照史料,使我们洞察材料背后曲折的意义和内在联系。但倘若走另一个极端,理论先行,生吞活剥,将中国材料硬塞进宏大社会理论的紧箍咒(例如哈贝马斯的公共领域),这种理论霸道也不足取。本文提倡以默顿的中距理论,联系媒介文本到更大的政治、经济和文化脉络。  相似文献   
Whereas present theories of transformative learning tend to focus on the rational and reflective actor, in this article it is suggested that spontaneous action may play a decisive role in transformative learning too. In the spontaneity of action, novelty finds its way into life, gains momentum, is respected by others and reflected by the actor. Such transformation processes are investigated both with the means of theoretical reflection and of empirical inquiry. Based on nine narrative interviews typical phases of transformative learning processes are identified. Owing to the comparative nature of the study, it was also possible to develop an age-related typology that overlaps certain phases of the transformation process. These empirical findings constitute the background against which the nexus of spontaneous action and transformative learning is reflected theoretically. Theories drawn upon include John Dewey's Pragmatism and George Herbert Mead's Social Pragmatism. Both scholars provide rich theoretical concepts for reflecting on the nature of that what so often eludes from the control of both educators and learners: the spontaneity of the beginning.  相似文献   
This study relies on participant observation and in-depth interviews to explore how StreetWise, an organization with a newspaper by the same name, mobilizes symbolic and material support for people without homes or those at risk. Pragmatism is used to understand how StreetWise ameliorates the experience of homelessness by building community. In stark contrast to forces that erase “the homeless” from the public scene, StreetWise integrates people without homes, as vendors, into community life by providing employment and raising awareness about poverty-related issues. Through its structure, mission, and business plan StreetWise encourages an engaged citizenry and enhances civic discourses. StreetWise provides scholars with a context within which to understand the reflexive and interactive organization–society relationships that strive to support a democratic way of life.  相似文献   
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