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商业银行经营管理学是一门集综合性、实践性和应用性于一体的金融学专业必修课,因此案例教学在其课程教学中具有举足轻重的作用。然而传统案例教学存在诸如学生积极性不高、课堂气氛不活跃、信息单向传输等问题,相对于传统案例教学,辩论式案例教学是可以激发学生能动性、提高学习兴趣、创新能力、表达能力的一种全新的案例教学模式。  相似文献   
嘉靖倭乱以后,明政府内部开始了关于是否开放海禁的“筹海之争”,在这场争论中福建官员提出的部分开放海禁的建议获得了大部分官员的认同。隆庆元年,明政府在漳州月港开港。然而,这次开港并不意味着反海禁斗争的胜利,它不过是明政府的一次妥协,明政府始终没有放弃海禁政策。通过解析从筹海之争到隆庆开港这段历史,有助于更好地了解明政府的海禁政策。  相似文献   
本文试图通过对《孟子》与《战国策》作比较分析,说明儒家和纵横家辩辞的差别,着重展现两家在道义与权术问题上的争锋,以及温敦醇厚与辩丽多姿的殊异。进而说明导致两家较量胜负殊异是儒士与策士们所持政见不同所致。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代的经济危机引发了美国学术界关于美国经济自给自足还是经济开放的大辩论,这场辩论推动了美国贸易决策机制的转变,其标志就是1934年美国国会通过《互惠贸易协定法》,从而形成了决定美国贸易政策的"1934年体制"。与此前的美国关税法相比,"1934年体制"的主要特点是国会将贸易决策权在一定时期内授予总统,总统可以与外国政府谈判并签订贸易协定,该协定不需要国会批准即可生效。但是,为了维护总统和国会在宪法上的权力平衡关系,再加上受党派政治斗争的制约,"1934年体制"中也包含了关键性的妥协:国会对总统的授权是"临时性"的,而且总统在谈判贸易协定时必须充分考虑国内企业的贸易保护要求。尽管如此,《互惠贸易协定法》的出台和此后几十年的顺利延期,在一定程度上改变了美国高度保护主义的贸易政策偏好,推动了以关贸总协定为核心的多边关税减让谈判和贸易自由化进程。  相似文献   
二战后日本经济从复兴到高速发展主要得益于其国内关于经济发展道路与战略选择的多次论战所带来的诸多理论成果,以及政府在这些理论指导下的正确决策。而20世纪90年代日本经济的困境则与政府及民众对过去成功经验的过分迷信不无关系,更与对当时"理论之辩"的忽视密切相联。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between student communication motives (i.e., relational, functional, participatory, excuse‐making, sycophantic) and perceived instructor communicator style (i.e., friendly, impression leaving, relaxed, contentious, attentive, precise, animated, dramatic, open, dominant). Participants were 228 undergraduate students enrolled in a variety of communication courses at a small Midwestern university. Results indicate that (a) the perceived instructor communicator style attributes of impression leaving, friendly, and contentious predict student use of the relational motive, (b) the attribute of friendly predicts student use of the functional motive, (c) the attributes of animated, contentious, and friendly predict student use of the participatory motive, (d) the attributes of attentive and contentious predict student use of the excuse‐making motive, and (e) the attributes of contentious and friendly predict student use of the sycophantic motive.  相似文献   
The present study examines the influence of relative minority size on perceptions of argument quality and attitude change. Strong and weak arguments for both cautious and risky positions were presented in conjunction with information describing the size of minority factions as either small or large. Results demonstrated that cautious argument quality influenced perceptions of argument quality only when the majority advocated a cautious position or when the minority faction was large. Results are discussed in light of their implications for normative and informational influences in group polarization.  相似文献   
This article is based on the authors' reflections on observations and interviews with students and staff involved in a debate competition in London secondary schools. Taking the data we collected as our starting point, we seek to draw on research from a range of perspectives, including political education, political philosophy and debate as a teaching method, to clarify the role of debate within a pedagogy for democracy. We consider the case for promoting debate in general terms, and then go on to discuss the role and form debate should take in such a pedagogy. Here we contrast models based on adversarial and deliberative democracy and consider the need for teachers to be aware of the benefits and shortcomings of each. We then draw on the concept of students' public voice to discuss some of the issues that need to be borne in mind when developing these strategies in class. Finally we pose a number of questions for future investigation, which may help teachers reflect on their own practice as well as inform our own ongoing research in this area.  相似文献   
1972年美国图书馆史学家迈克尔·哈里斯发表《历史视角下的美国公共图书馆目标:一种修正式解读》,从社会阶层论视角爬梳美国公共图书馆的起源及其领袖人物的图书馆目标,认为公共图书馆是社会精英阶层用以管理和控制社会的工具,批评传统进步主义图书馆史学家对相关问题的理想化认识。以菲莉丝·戴恩为代表的进步主义图书馆史学家认为公共图书馆是民主和人道主义的产物。戴恩批评哈里斯的修正式观点因缺乏扎实论据而失于偏颇。双方展开了1970年代美国图书馆史研究中的“哈里斯-戴恩论战”,引发学界对公共图书馆的起源和目标的深刻反思,对图书馆史研究的方法论和发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
在1923年中国学者所发起的"科玄论战"中,虽然没有多少生物学家的参与,但生物学的理论和知识却成了论战中争论的重要内容,科学派所提出的"科学人生观"几乎等同于"生物学人生观"。这一方面是因为生物学中的进化论和遗传学知识在当时的社会中得到了广泛的传播,生物学又涉及非常广泛的人生问题;另一方面是因为具有科学主义倾向的科学派人士大都是进步主义进化观的赞成者。  相似文献   
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