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摘    要:莫高窟第3窟的壁画以线条为主的表现手法,有其显见的特殊意义。特别是以泥沙做底的湿画法,多年来成为人们研究探索并引起争论的焦点。本文通过对元代社会历史背景及敦煌地理位置,还有莫高窟特殊的自然环境,综合研究、分析了第3窟壁画的线描表达技法。

关 键 词:第3窟壁画  中国画线描  白画  文人画

Artist Achievement of Chinese Line Drawing according to the Paintings of the Mogao Caves 3
Authors:LI Yuebai
Abstract:The Mogao Caves 3 was built in the You Dynasty in which besides an eleven-headed thousand armed and thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara there are a few other figures. Most of the figures have the images of China, some looking even like Taoist gods. The line drawing is skilful, with rich variations. Rounded, smooth and forceful iron-hard lines are used to sketch out the face and limbs and the body while folded-reel lines used for the heavy and thick pleats of the garments and broad top and thin end lines which can vary with their accents are clearly used to depict the lines of muscles of the warriors. Gossamer lines bring out the fluffy hair and beard. In order to depict the different lines to make the figures vivid and moving. Their techniques clearly Show the high degree of development in the art of the Yuan Dynasty.
Keywords:Yuan Dynasty  eleven-headed thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara  Buddhist arts
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