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摘    要:-﹂产︺,‘产叼叭扫,卜卜卜户,卜扣。幽卜户,小l,盛,‘,‘+祷,再,‘!蔺,自甲‘r‘尸、护‘护·l﹄1 11角口·,乌口111日 The Non一Visual任xchange In the 4 x 100 meters the fatigue of the ineom- ing runner 15 not a signifieant faetor but the sPeedo} the exehange 15 eritieal.The non一visual exchange makes It Po3sible for both the jneomjng and outgo- ing runner to be Close to their maxlmum running sPeed When the baton一5 Passed thereby ensuring 一ts ve!oeity 15 high thrOUgh the take一over zone, wih op…

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