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摘    要:声乐作品和其他音乐作品一样,若没有歌者对其进行二度创作,我们无法感受音乐带给我们的魅力,无法体验对歌唱艺术美的认识,那么它的艺术价值就不能得到体现。歌唱艺术二度创作还要看它的美学本质所在,它不仅是忠实地再现原作,而且通过演唱者从理解作品入手,发挥想象与联想的心理技能和演唱技巧进行创造性表演,使声乐作品焕发出新的光彩。本文以对歌唱艺术的二度创造为切入点,试从二度创造的重要性和它在声乐演唱中的实际应用,从对歌唱艺术感性认知的角度出发结合审美体验进行探讨和总结。

关 键 词:歌唱  二度创作  艺术原理

Priniciples of ongoing creation in the Art of Singing
Abstract:We can't feel the charm of the vocal music work, unless the singer perform it creatively, and the value of the vocal music work also do not be brought about, The singer must grasp the gist of the vocal music work, performing it creatively, and the charm of the vocal music work can be appear. The thesis will discuss how to perform the vocal music work creatively, and want to give the singer some advice.
Keywords:Sing  Ongoing creation  Art principle
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