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The Flood of Film Books Continues
Authors:Peter Pollack  David Simon  David Essoe  John Springer  Pola Negri  Alexander Walker
Abstract:Peter Pollack, The Picture History of Photography (Abrams, $25.00)

David Simon, Fifty Classic Motion Pictures (Crown, $9.95)

David Essoe's The Films of Clark Gable (Citadel, $10.00)

John Springer's The Fondas (Citadel, $10.00)

Pola Negri's Memoirs of a Star (Doubleday, $7.95)

Alexander Walker's Stardom (Stein & Day, $10.00)

T.J. Ross, Film and the Liberal Arts (Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, price unknown)

Lewis Jacob's The Movies as Medium (Farrar Straus & Giroux, $8.95; or Noonday paporback, $3.95)

Benjamin B. Hampton, A History of the Movies, originally published in 1931 and re-issued now as History of the American Film Industry (Dover paporbacks, $4.00)

The Literature of Cinema

Don Slay, Conversations: Volume I (Kaleidoscope Press (Albuquerque, New Mexico), $10.00)

Raymond Durgnat, The Crazy Mirror: Hollywood Comedy and the American Imago (Horizon Press, $7.50)

Harry M. Geduld and Ronald Gottesman's edited collection Serge Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: Tho Making and Unmaking of “Quo Viva Mexico” (Iniana University gross, $15.00)

Verne and Sylvia Carlson's Professional 16/35 mm Cameraman's Handbook (Hastings House, $15.00)

Julius Bellone's edited collection, Rennaisance of the Film (Collier paperbacks, $2.95)

Richard Randall's excellent Censorship of the Movies (University of Wisconsin Press, $7.95)
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