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摘    要:《水浒传》成书于洪武初,王道生《施耐庵墓志》载施耐庵的生卒年为1296—1370,《京本忠义传》残页中“军人每”中的“每”字,是元代常用字。《施耐庵墓志》说:“及长,得识其门人罗贯中于闽。”罗贯中来福建,是谋求出版《水浒传》。福建刻《水浒传》时间早、数量大,是罗贯中来闽活动的结果。为了消除时人误会,罗贯中强调:“每成一稿,必与门人校对,以正亥鱼,其得力于弟子罗贯中者为尤多”,表现出他的坦荡与实诚。《水浒传》成书于元末明初,正处于“变夷为夏”的阶段。它是“愤书”。愤,就必须有作为。《红楼梦》成书于康熙年间,处于“变夏为夷”的阶段,作者之隐痛可知。它是“哭泣”之书,导致了不作为。《水浒传》艺术风格体现为阳刚之美,《红楼梦》艺术风格体现为阴柔之美。中国文化的元气,尤在最具生命力的阳刚、激情与“天行健”的始源精神,“水浒气”的存在,是中国文化经久不衰的象征。

关 键 词:《水浒传》  成书时间  阳刚

The Shaping of Masterpiece All Men Are Brothers and Its Spirit
Authors:OUYANG Jian
Institution:OUYANG Jian(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou,China)
Abstract:The masterpiece"All Men Are Brothers" was formed in the early years of the Ming Dynasty.WANG Dao-sheng,a famous epigraphist,wrote in "Epitaph of SHI Nai-an" that SHI Nai-an,the author of the masterpiece,was born in 1296 and died in 1370 and that SHI met LUO Guan-zhong,coauthor of the masterpiece and SHI’s apprentice,in Fujian.LUO came to Fujian only to attempt to publish the book,which could be shown in his writing "when having completed a chapter,I will have to proofread together with my apprentice LUO Guan-zhong from whom I have got more aid." "All Men Are Brothers" is characterized by its "Anger" which has a sharp contrast with another masterpiece "A Dream of Red Mansions" which is characterized by "Weep".The spirit of "All Men Are Brothers" is embodied by its masculine feature while "A Dream of Red Mansions" by its feminine beauty.Therefore,vitality---the original Chinese cultural soul,is entirely shown in "All Men Are Brothers" in shape of manliness and furor,conforming to the famous Chinese saying "Nature develops forever and gentlemen should constantly strive to become stronger".The spirit reflected in "All Men Are Brothers" symbolizes the unfailing Chinese culture.
Keywords:All Men Are Brothers  shaping period of the masterpiece  manliness  
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