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摘    要:长期以来,关于马克思主义哲学形态的名称问题颇多歧义。溯源于苏联-斯大林模式的“并列论”和“混合论”的提法似是而非,违反逻辑,对理解马克思主义哲学的内在统一性与建构其科学的理论体系均为一大障碍。从“马克思主义哲学即辩证唯物主义”这一正确定位出发,可以设想一个由总论、分论和史论三部分组成将一般世界观和具体领域观以及自然观、历史观和思维观有机统一起来的新的哲学体系框架。

关 键 词:马克思主义哲学  名称  哲学形态  辩证唯物主义  历史唯物主义  哲学体系

Conceptions On the Name and The System of Marxist Philosophy
Abstract:There has been an ambiguity in regard to the naming Marxist philosophy for!many years. The pervasive view of juxtaposition holds that Marxist philosophy is Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism was resulted from the ex-Soviet Union and Stalin's pattern. This name of juxtaposition and its variant one of mixture both are plausible and anti-logical. So, they become big obstacle to understanding of internal union of Marxist philosophy and to constructing a better scientific theoretical system. Setting out from the appropriate name i.e. Marxist philosophy is Dialectical materialism, we can conceive its new framework which composed of introductory, analytical and historical parts, and which can unite the general view of world with the concrete view of domains as well as the views of nature, history and thinking.
Keywords:name of Marxist philosophy  pattern of philosophy  Dialectical materialism  Historical material- ism  philosophical system
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