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作者姓名:Elizabeth  Fischer[英]
摘    要:减肥是每个女人都关心的话题,当然还有很多男性朋友对此也是热衷不已,看看健身房里就知道了。而“如何减肥”也名列网友搜索最多的话题之一。春节期间走亲访友.无非就是吃喝,而且都是高热量的食物,等到假期结束你回家站在健康称上时就会发现原先所做的努力都浪费了.这时很多人就会暗下决心,采取一些极端办法,比如绝食、过午不食等等来找回原先的身段,但毕竟健康是最重要的,下面我们就一起来看看如何让自己在重获美丽的同时又保持健康的方法吧!

关 键 词:春节期间  健身房  健康  话题  减肥

Staying Slim
Abstract:So, you've fnally hit your perfect weight. All those weeks of watching your diet, of going to the gym everyday, of turning down chocolates and ice cream, have paid off.You can fit into the dress you brought in a moment of optimism, your friendsare all jealous, and you look great. But when you go to the scales a few days later, you can already see the dial creeping back up! What's a girl to do?
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