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The education exodus: The flight from township schools

The dismantling of apartheid education was applauded when South African schools opened up their doors to learners from different racial backgrounds. There were hopes that the quality of education would improve, since the markets were now going to exercise their power as choosers. There was also the belief that, with apartheid outlawed, all schools would be able to match world standards. Furthermore, the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996) gives more powers to parents to have a say in the education of their children. However, what has been happening since the early 1990s is that the increasing number of black parents is avoiding the historically black schools by enrolling their children in historically white schools. As a result of this, many educators contend that the quality of education offered in historically black schools is deteriorating. This article focuses on the effects of the movement away from historically black schools, the reasons why some parents still send their children to historically black schools despite the quality problem, the benefits of moving away from historically black schools, and the impact of different schools on the future of the learners themselves.
Keywords:exit  voice  loyalty
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