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作者姓名:吕春生  刘方[图]
摘    要:在庆祝新中国60华诞之际,杭州南宋御街正式开街。为此,首届南宋御街国际旅游文化艺术节在清河坊历史街区举办,活动历时一个月。活动分展示类、展销类、演艺类、饮食文化类和群众互动类等五大板块。展示类有18大类南宋文化展示内容,展销类从全国特邀32个各具特色的艺术精品门类展销,饮食文化类主办南宋饮食文化节,演艺类主要是国庆期间每晚一场专场演出和市井文化表演,互动类有红歌大家唱,

关 键 词:南宋  文化艺术节  历史街区  国际旅游  展示内容  艺术精品  市井文化  专场演出

Festival Celebrates Restored Historical Street and 60th Anniversary
Abstract:Royal Street of the Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou, after a lengthy restoration project, will be reopened to the general public in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the New China. A month- long cultural festival is to take place in the Qinghefang Historical Block to celebrate the rebirth of the street after a hiatus of about eight centuries. The festival consists of five groups of events: exhibitions, sales shows, performances, food hands-on interactions, and beverages, and A galaxy of domestic artists as well as artists from Nepal, Korea,
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