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摘    要:四月的浙江遂昌,姹紫嫣红。4月8日至10日,来自海内外的八方宾朋,欢聚山城遂昌,一同见证了气势恢宏、美轮美奂的2012中国遂昌汤显祖文化节。满城尽唱《牡丹亭》"原来姹紫嫣红开遍,似这般都付于断井颓垣,良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院",这优美而熟悉的唱词又一次萦绕在遂昌,这是各剧种《牡丹亭》"回家"艺术展演的一个场景。

关 键 词:《牡丹亭》  文化节  汤显祖  遂昌  中国  回家  侧记  艺术展演

Suichang Holds Tang Xianzu Festival in April
Zhu Xuming.Suichang Holds Tang Xianzu Festival in April[J].Cultural Dialogue,2012(5):5-8.
Authors:Zhu Xuming
Abstract:The 2012 China Suichang Tang Xianzu Festival was held in Suichang, a rural county in southern Zhejiang Province from April 8 through 10. Tang Xianzu (1550-1616) served as county magistrate in Suichang from 1593 to 1598. During his stay in the county, he wrote "The Peony Pavilion", widely recognized as the most celebrated play of Kunqu Opera, which is a UNESCO world intangible heritage. In the history of Chinese literature, "The Peony Pavilion" is an all-time masterpiece. After it was published,
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