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作者姓名:白鸥  魏江
作者单位: 浙江大学管理学院
摘    要:服务创新网络区别于制造业的特质为创新网络治理提出了重大的挑战。本研究通过对技术型服务企业浙江HD技术股份有限公司和专业型服务企业MS传媒股份有限公司两个案例的对比分析,识别了基于制度的关系治理和基于情感的关系治理两种不同的创新网络治理机制,并发现基于制度的关系治理有助于服务创新网络高效组织非线性的多边协同活动,响应了其网络节点间非线性多边合作的特点,有效提升服务创新;基于情感的关系治理有助于服务创新网络促进高嵌入性知识流动,响应了其网络节点之间知识边界高度模糊、关系中流动的知识资产高度嵌入的特性,从而促进服务创新。这一知识型服务业创新网络治理机制对服务创新影响机理的分析框架,深化了网络治理理论在服务业情境中的拓展,并对知识密集型服务业企业有着重要启示。

关 键 词:创新网络  基于制度的关系治理  基于情感的关系治理  知识密集型服务业

A comparative case study of the innovation network governance of technical and professional services
Abstract:The special features of service innovation network require new form of governance mechanisms to address its challenges. From the relational perspective, the existent studies ignore the effect of formal institution in the innovation networks. The impact mechanisms of nework govenance on service innovation are still less discussed. We clarify the differences of innovation network governance mechanisms in knowledge intensive services: Institution-based relational governance and Emotion-based relational governance. We explore how service companies improve service innovation by designing proper governance mechanisms. A theoretical framework of two process of multilateral non-linear coordination and highly embeded knowledge mobility are established to show the relationship between network governance mechanisms and service innovation. The emerging theory of service network governance and its implications will help us get more understanding of innovation strategy and competitiveness in knowledge intensive services.
Keywords:innovation network  institution-based relational governance  emotion-based relational governance  knowledge intensive services
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