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复杂性知识及其教育意蕴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
复杂性科学视野中的复杂世界是在本体论意义上区别于简单世界的客观存在,复杂系统具有自组织、非线形、整体性、开放性、奇异性等特征。产生于大规模的复杂社会实践并指向复杂系统的复杂性知识也不同于普适、确定的简单性知识,它具有不确定性、境域性、整合性、涵疑性、深奥性等特征。复杂性知识的概念对于革新教学内容,通过复杂性知识的教学促进学生的发展,培养他们有效适应社会的能力具有重大价值。  相似文献   

现代科学的极大进步和人类对可持续发展的强烈要求提出了地球复杂性的问题。我们今天可 以从多个角度说明地球的复杂性,而且,更为重要的是,要把地球当作一个复杂的对象来认识,建立复杂 地球观。地球是复杂的,这一点决定了研究地球的科学和方法的重大转变。  相似文献   

复杂性科学为学习共同体的研究提供了新的视野和方法论。知识本身的结构复杂性和生成性、学习共同体中知识交流和建构的复杂性、个体学习的自组织性、共同体学习的复杂适应性以及共同体成员身份的复杂性等,都表明学习共同体是一个开放的复杂系统,构建学习共同体时应该采用整体性、开放性、非线性、适应性、自组织和动态性的思维方式。  相似文献   

复杂性科学提供了一种全新视角来审视大学发展规划。大学作为一个复杂系统,决定了大学发展规划相应具有复杂性特征。这种复杂性特征,一方面表现为大学发展规划所涉及的性质、环境、目标、过程等要素无不具有复杂性;另一方面,大学发展规划作为一个特殊系统,其自身也具有非线性、不可还原性、自组织性、偶然性、动态生成性等复杂性特征。中国大学发展规划存在着绝对理性模式、计划管理倾向和缺少必要弹性等简单思维。为此,从复杂性科学出发,大学发展规划应超越线性,体现非线性;关注策略,策略优于程序;通过“涨落”,促成“涌现”;告别绝对理性模式,树立有限预测观。  相似文献   

在乔姆斯基的语言观中,交际能力与语言能力是可以单独分开研究的。认知语言学的发展认为,语言能力并非源自与生俱来的结构化模式,它是在语言使用中形成和发展的。本文从复杂性科学的视角出发,把英语交际能力看作一个复杂系统,认为英语交际能力不是语言知识、交际策略和情感因素等各项成分的简单叠加,其发展具有涌现性特征。  相似文献   

英语课堂教学是一个复杂的非线性系统,要动态把握教学过程,必须用复杂性系统观以发展的眼光设计学习环境,认识教学过程的不确定性,创生性地执行教学行为。  相似文献   

曹丽玲 《海外英语》2014,(21):42-43
英语课堂教学是一个复杂的非线性系统,要动态把握教学过程,必须用复杂性系统观以发展的眼光设计学习环境,认识教学过程的不确定性,创生性地执行教学行为。  相似文献   

知识观是对人类知识总体的认识、态度和根本看法,它构成教育的基础。从知识与道德、权力、政治等的外在联系角度来看,思想史上关于知识的诸多命题,成为构建不同教育理论的理论前提。而从科学哲学的视角来看,近代以来形成的以自然科学为典范的知识观是一种简单性知识观,20世纪下半叶复杂性理论兴起,将导致一种知识观的转型。知识观的转型催生教育的变革,以复杂性知识观为基础,将在教育内容设置、课堂教学和学生评价等方面建立一种新教育观。  相似文献   

复杂性是贯穿事物运行始终的客观存在,其具备的非线性、动态性、关系性等特征是推动事物存在和发展的内生动力。研究生思想政治教育的复杂性源自研究生群体的复杂性,研究生的知识建构、道德认知与社会角色较本科生更为复杂,非线性的知识建构、动态性的道德发展以及多层次的社会互动使研究生思想政治教育愈发复杂。对研究生思想政治教育复杂性认识不足,容易导致知识探求的未知性加剧研究生的不确定性、价值导向的功利性加剧研究生的内卷化、社会角色的复杂性加剧研究生的分散性等现实问题。加强和改进研究生思想政治教育,关键在于承认研究生思想政治教育的复杂性,在不确定性中找寻确定性,在内卷中激活内生动力,在分散性中强化集体关怀,以此来回应研究生思想政治教育面临的现实问题,推动研究生思想政治教育长效发展。  相似文献   

以复杂理论为框架,阐述语言的复杂动态系统,引用复杂理论中的混沌、分形、自组织等理论,从语言使用和发展的视角分析语法的动态性本质;并以英语为例探讨语法的复杂性、灵活性和系统性,充分认识语法的动态性特征有利于改变传统的语法学习观和教学观,为语法学习提供新的理念。  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a US study of nine mentors and mentees, including mentee scores on the Reasoning about Current Issues (RCI) Test, which offers a measure of cognitive complexity, the authors explore how differences in cognitive complexity were related to role expectations, conceptions of teaching problems, and the use of evidence for justifying beliefs. Growing out of the Reflective Judgment Model developed by King and Kitchner [(2002). The reflective judgment model: Twenty years of research on epistemic cognition. In B. Hofer, & P. Pintrich (Eds.), Personal epistemology: The psychology of beliefs about knowledge and knowing (pp. 37–61). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates] the RCI defines cognitive complexity in terms of how individuals reason—make judgments and use evidence—about ill-structured, controversial, problems. The authors argue that differences in how individuals reason when problem solving may help explain some aspects of how relationships between mentees and mentors form and suggest that greater attention needs to be given to cognitive complexity when designing induction and mentor programs.  相似文献   

In modern, Western societies the purpose of schooling is to ensure that school‐goers acquire knowledge of pre‐existing practices, events, entities and so on. The knowledge that is learned is then tested to see if the learner has acquired a correct or adequate understanding of it. For this reason, it can be argued that schooling is organised around a representational epistemology: one which holds that knowledge is an accurate representation of something that is separate from knowledge itself. Since the object of knowledge is assumed to exist separately from the knowledge itself, this epistemology can also be considered ‘spatial.’ In this paper we show how ideas from complexity have challenged the ‘spatial epistemology’ of representation and we explore possibilities for an alternative ‘temporal’ understanding of knowledge in its relationship to reality. In addition to complexity, our alternative takes its inspiration from Deweyan ‘transactional realism’ and deconstruction. We suggest that ‘knowledge’ and ‘reality’ should not be understood as separate systems which somehow have to be brought into alignment with each other, but that they are part of the same emerging complex system which is never fully ‘present’ in any (discrete) moment in time. This not only introduces the notion of time into our understanding of the relationship between knowledge and reality, but also points to the importance of acknowledging the role of the ‘unrepresentable’ or ‘incalculable’. With this understanding knowledge reaches us not as something we receive but as a response, which brings forth new worlds because it necessarily adds something (which was not present anywhere before it appeared) to what came before. This understanding of knowledge suggests that the acquisition of curricular content should not be considered an end in itself. Rather, curricular content should be used to bring forth that which is incalculable from the perspective of the present. The epistemology of emergence therefore calls for a switch in focus for curricular thinking, away from questions about presentation and representation and towards questions about engagement and response.  相似文献   

复杂性与知识管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识属性和知识发生传播的过程均具有很强的复杂特征,其中的相互作用也具有某种复杂的网络通路。知识管理也是非常复杂的,首先,知识管理涉及的要素就很复杂;其次,知识管理本身还涉及管理组织;第三,知识管理的更复杂的地方,还在于知识管理是把知识创造、知识组织和存储、知识分配、传播以及应用等过程综合起来的、其间存在不断反馈的过程。  相似文献   

不同学业水平学生的图式水平和知识基础是不同的.优秀生通常比普通生有更高的图式水平和知识基础,更善于表征问题中复杂的集合关系,普通生稍差一些,学习不良学生最差;普通生在表征以"关系"形式被包含至下级关系的二级以上关系时有困难,且不能有效提取具备的知识基础;差生的知识储备不足,仅能表征以"元素"(数值)形式直接代入下级关系的情形.  相似文献   

Despite a growing body of knowledge about what content, processes and arrangements for learning may result in more effective initial teacher education, there remains a problem with the variability of outcomes from teacher education programmes. This paper reports on a multi-perspective exploration of what influences learning to teach in valued ways during initial teacher education. Framed by complexity theory, which emphasises the non-linear nature of social phenomena, the paper presents an analysis of 76 maps of influences on learning to teach (made by teacher candidates, teacher educators, mentor teachers and policy makers), looking for differences and patterns that might point the way to explanations about teacher candidates’ varying ability to enact practice that improves outcomes for all learners.  相似文献   

Judgements concerning proper or appropriate educational endeavour, methods of investigation and philosophising about education necessarily implicate perspectives, values, assumptions and beliefs. In recent years ideas from the complexity sciences have been utilised in many domains including psychology, economics, architecture, social science and education. This paper addresses questions concerning the appropriateness of utilising complexity science in educational research as well as issues relating to the ways in which complexity might be engaged. I suggest that, just like all human endeavour, approaches to research emerge out of discursive communities and can be understood as self‐organising, dynamic and emergent over time. In this formulation, complexity represents one such newly emergent approach. I argue that it is important that researchers partake in critical and reflective discourse about the nature of education and conceptual frameworks, as well as about impacts and legacies of utilising complexity, so as to participate in and influence the ongoing emergence of educational endeavour. I conclude by suggesting a series of caveats for researchers considering using complexity in educational research.  相似文献   

论技术本身的要素、复杂性与本质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从古代到现代,技术概念从原来的生产过程中的技能含义,扩展到工具、设备和技术知识。技术本身具有复杂性。技术是由经验性要素、实体性要素与知识性要素涌现出来的。工艺可以定义为技术的一种特定表现或特定的实践行为。技术是知识和技能的实践涌现。  相似文献   

在分析了传统二分插入排序算法性能的基础上,给出了一种二分双插入排序算法,这种排序算法使时间性能得到了极大改善.  相似文献   

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