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本文对伊犁人民出版社度人民文学出版社的《苔丝》两译本进行对比研究,重点放在词汇、句子两个层面上。在词汇层面,着重在名转动和重叠两个方面进行对比;在句子层面,着重在定语从句与主谓结构、长句与流水句这两个方面进行对比。在对比过程中,发现两个译本酣畅淋漓、各有特色,都可以说是准确贴切地反映了原文;同时也说明了英、汉这两种语言在这两个层面上的差异。  相似文献   

目前保险合同的公平问题日益受到关注,其中尤以免责条款的适用问题最为突出。本文首先对免责条款进行法理分析,结合免责条款在保险合同中的表现形式,论证其合理性的一面。接着论述不正当免责条款在保险合同中的表现形式,并就此提出应从行政规制和司法控制两个方面来规制不正当免责条款。  相似文献   

英汉“否定”意义的表达存在一定程度的对应相似性,但个性大于共性,在语音、词、短语和句子层面都有体现。通过例证对比,以帮助英语学习者提高对英汉否定表达的认识,减少否定结构学习中的不利因素。  相似文献   

许华蓉 《海外英语》2014,(15):251-252
Vagueness is a natural character of language. Vagueness of journalistic English exists in lexical level and syntactic level as well. Lexical vagueness in journalistic English is usually resulted from the indefinite meaning of words, while in syntactic level, it may be resulted from the combined use of vague words or the employment of some sentence patterns. This thesis aims to help readers to understand journalistic English from the perspective of vague language.  相似文献   

英汉语中的小句结构统一表现为嵌套时态短语的话题短语投射。英语小句中的时态成分在不同小句类型中具有实现事件论元的可选性特征,其句法结果为英语名词小句和形容词小句中的主语移位至话题短语指定语位置,而英语动词小句中话题短语指定语的位置由小代语 pro 占据。话题短语指定语位置上成分的不同造成了英语不同小句中主语被动化提取的差别。汉语中的时态成分同样在实现事件论元方面具有可选性特征。汉语补足语小句中的时态成分选择不实现事件论元,因此汉语名词小句和形容词小句中话题短语指定语位置上的成分为小代语 pro。汉语独立小句中的时态则选择实现事件论元,其主语实现为话题。  相似文献   

英语口语交际中语言形式上的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在英语口语交际中,语言形式上的性别差异体现在语音、词汇、句法各个层面。主要表现为:女性语音更趋标准规范、语调活泼多变,用词多文雅含蓄又不乏热情夸张和创新,爱用问句和感叹句,注重语法的正确性,语言的情感型特征明显;男性言语则相对使用较多的次标准语言形式,话语显得直白、朴实、粗犷、不拘小节,祈使句和陈述句相对较多,语言的工具型特征明显。造成这些语言性别差异的原因主要有社会因素、心理因素及交际语境因素等。这些因素相互影响、共同作用,使交际中的男女性言语处于一种动态的变化过程。  相似文献   

为检验二语学习者写作中的句法复杂性是否随二语水平的提高而变化,系统分析120篇英语论说文中的句法特征。研究发现:写作单位的长度和频数与学期水平密切相关;非英语专业大学生同样经历着从并列句到子句的过渡;句子类型使用上,简单句使用过多。句法复杂性与作文质量显著正相关,对写作教学和作文评分具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

We used an immediate recall paradigm to study the effects of list organization and semantic and grammatical features of printed stimuli on working memory capacity in deaf students with differing English language abilities. Thirty lists of five organizational types (random words, semantically related words, semantically paired words, scrambled sentences, and grammatical sentences) were presented to two groups of deaf students who differed in their proficiency in the English language. The students were required to recall the lists in writing. The results indicate that, overall, the students with higher levels of English language proficiency recalled significantly more than those with lower levels. Additionally, semantic and syntactic organization of the lists had different effects on the two groups of students. Semantic pairing aided the low-level group significantly more than the high-level group, whereas the syntactic organization of the grammatical sentences aided the high-level group significantly more. Implications for assessing language ability in deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

Contrastive linguistics belongs to a branch of linguistics.It studies two or more languages synchronically.However,lexicology is the study of lexical items of a language.An English sentence or a Chinese sentence formed based on words and clauses.Because of differences in Cultures,the lexical meanings between English and Chinese differ in many aspects,such as motivation of words and sense relationships.This paper is a brief review that just likes a book report,mainly based on the book Contrastive Linguistics,of lexico-semantic contrasts between English and Chinese,illustrated with several examples in both English and Chinese.  相似文献   

本文论述了英语中现在分词短语作后置定语时在动词的时、体以及类型诸方面所受的限制 ,对其与定语从句在语义等方面的差异进行了比较 ,探讨了现在分词短语转换成定语从句时应注意的问题以及在句子中的位置  相似文献   

Children employ multiple cues to identify the referent of a novel word. Novel words are often embedded in sentences and children have been shown to use syntactic cues to differentiate between types of words (adjective vs. nouns) and between types of nouns (count vs. mass nouns). In this study, we show that children learning Malay (N = 67), a numeral classifier language, can use syntactic cues to perform even finer-grained disambiguation–between count nouns. The manipulation of congruence between lexical and syntactic cues reveals a clear developmental trajectory: while 5-year-olds use predominantly lexical cues, older children increasingly rely on syntactic cues, such that by 7 years of age, they disambiguate between objects referred to with count nouns using syntactic rather than lexical cues.  相似文献   


Syntactic complexity has been recognized as an important construct in writing research, and for the past five decades, many syntactic complexity measures (SCMs) have been examined in numerous studies. This systematic review is the first study of its kind to synthesize 36 studies spanning from 1970 to 2019 by identifying and cataloging all SCMs examined during this period. An analysis was performed on how the use of SCMs varied by genre, grade level, students’ writing ability, and writing quality. Five online databases (Academic Search Premier, ERIC, PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, and PsycARTICLES) were searched. A total of 48 SCMs were grouped into six categories: T-units and sentences, clauses, phrases, words, combined measures, and other measures. Most studies examined three common SCMs: mean T-unit length, mean number of words per clause, and mean number of clauses per T-unit. The argumentative genre had the highest values for T-unit length and mean number of clauses per T-unit, which could indicate greater sentence complexity. Higher-grade-level students generally construct sentences that are syntactically complex, but comparison between studies was difficult because different studies investigated different SCMs. Although students with higher writing abilities generally construct sentences that are syntactically more complex compared to students with lower writing abilities, the findings are not conclusive, as only a few studies examined this relationship. A similarly inconclusive relationship was found between syntactic complexity and writing quality because only a few studies examined this relationship. More research is needed to examine the relationship between SCMs, writing quality, and genre.


句法结构的偏离是《离骚》修辞句法的一种重要方式。单句的句法偏离主要包括:情态语前置、修饰语后置、修饰语悬空;复句的句法偏离包括:分句位序的改变、添加语气词以改变主从关系、句式的叠加与整合。句法偏离的修辞效果主要是:在内容上,强调和渲染了抒情主体表情达意的重心;在形式上,协调了音节声韵,满足了《离骚》节奏音组的韵律要求。  相似文献   

论英语德语语法层次结构构建的相似性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于英语德语两种语言在历史上的亲缘关系,两种语言在语法层次构建方式上十分相似,分别体现在词素、词、词组、分句、句子各层面上。  相似文献   

文章运用Stephen Krashen的二语习得理论,对中国学生在英语学习中碰到的英语语言问题及外国留学生学习汉语过程中碰到的汉语语言问题作了对比分析,并从语音、词汇、句法和语义四个层面对英汉两种语言进行了剖析与阐释。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2005,10(1):5-43
We assessed whether and how the discourse written for prototype integrated tasks (involving writing in response to print or audio source texts) field tested for Next Generation TOEFL® differs from the discourse written for independent essays (i.e., the TOEFL Essay®). We selected 216 compositions written for six tasks by 36 examinees in a field test—representing score levels 3, 4, and 5 on the TOEFL Essay—then coded the texts for lexical and syntactic complexity, grammatical accuracy, argument structure, orientations to evidence, and verbatim uses of source text. Analyses with non-parametric MANOVAs followed a three (task type: TOEFL Essay, writing in response to a reading passage, writing in response to a listening passage) by three (English proficiency level: score levels 3, 4, and 5 on the TOEFL Essay) within-subjects factorial design. The discourse produced for the integrated writing tasks differed significantly from the discourse produced in the independent essay for the variables of: lexical complexity (text length, word length, ratio of different words to total words written), syntactic complexity (number of words per T-unit, number clauses per T-unit), rhetoric (quality of propositions, claims, data, warrants, and oppositions in argument structure), and pragmatics (orientations to source evidence in respect to self or others and to phrasing the message as either declarations, paraphrases, or summaries). Across the three English proficiency levels, significant differences appeared for the variables of grammatical accuracy as well as all indicators of lexical complexity (text length, word length, ratio of different words to total words written), one indicator of syntactic complexity (words per T-unit), one rhetorical aspect (quality of claims in argument structure), and two pragmatic aspects (expression of self as voice, messages phrased as summaries).  相似文献   

英语长句的翻译历来是英汉翻译教学中的重点和难点。“五步法”以对比语言学为依托,对指导学生在翻译英语长句的过程中如何找出句子主干、理清句内各成分的关系、以小句为转换单位、再按汉语的语言特色和思维逻辑重新组句、及至最后如何校改和润色的全过程作了全面描述,为英语长句翻译提供了一种具有可操作性的思维和教学模式。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of syntactic complexity on written sentence comprehension in compensated adults with dyslexia. Because working memory (WM) plays a key role in processing complex sentences, and individuals with dyslexia often demonstrate persistent deficits in WM, we hypothesized that individuals with dyslexia would perform more poorly on tasks designed to assess the comprehension of syntactic structures that are especially taxing on WM (e.g., passives, sentences with relative clauses). Compared to their nondyslexic peers, individuals with dyslexia were significantly less accurate and marginally slower on passive sentences. For sentences containing relative clauses, the dyslexic group was also less accurate but did not differ in response times. Covarying WM and word reading in both analyses eliminated group differences showing that syntactic deficits in adults with dyslexia are constrained by both WM and word-reading ability. These findings support previous research showing that syntactic processing deficits are characteristic of dyslexia, even among high-achieving students.  相似文献   

英汉语言表达由于民族思维的差异有着许多不同的表达方式,但也有其共性,英语有不同类型的从句.汉语也有相应的表达,其中英语条件句是常见的从句,汉语也有条件句,但与英语条件句相比,汉语条件句的表达用词更丰富,形式更多样化,本文归纳了汉语条件句的类型,并就其含义译成不同类型的英语条件句,从而使读者对英语条件句有进一步的理解。  相似文献   

任何语言都有歧义现象的存在,英语也不例外。英语歧义句是由多种因素造成的。本文以若干实例从词汇和句法两大因素入手,对英语中歧义句产生的原因及如何消除歧义句作了比较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

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