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研究型教学模式应包括实施研究型课程体系、培养研究型教师和倡导学生的研究型学习。在构建研究型课程体系方面,要强调将实践和研究融入教学过程,推动学科按照大类培养;在研究型教师的培养方面,要通过成立研究机构、定期开展教学法和学术讨论会,使教学和科研相互促进;在研究型学习方式上,要开设学科前沿课程、师生互动的研讨课程,实施"大学生科研参与计划"等。  相似文献   

化学实验教学中培养研究型教师的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新课程的实施呼唤研究型教师。本根据化学实验教学的特点,高师化学实验的教学内容、教学模式等方面就如何培养研究型教师进行了探讨,并认为全面更新高师化学实验教学内容,大力推行研究性教学是培养研究型教师的必由之路。  相似文献   

关于“研究型教师”的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何为“研究型教师”、“研究型教师”如何培养等问题直接关系到基础教育教师专业发展的方向和途径。“研究型教师”是什么、“研究型教师”研究什么、“研究型教师”怎么研究、“研究型教师”需要什么?文章在教师专业化背景、课程改革背景和教师发展现状的立体空间中对“研究型教师”的提出背景、发展方向和培养途径进行一番梳理。  相似文献   

教师作为研究者是新课改赋予教师角色的新内涵。缺乏研究和反思型思维的教育准备、缺少系统的教师教育知识、教师教育专业学生自身不愿或不会研究和反思等因素制约着研究型教师培养。教师教育专业培养研究型教师的主要策略有:培养师范生主体意识,强化专业发展;树立反思教育观念,优化理论学习;构建交流平台,共享合作空间;加强教学实践,设计教学行为。  相似文献   

高师化学实验教学中培养研究型教师的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程的实施呼唤研究型教师.研究意识与能力是研究型教师最核心的素养,而反思与探究是研究型教师的基本特征.化学实验为培养学生的研究意识和研究能力提供了丰富的素材,无疑是培养研究型教师的最重要而有效的途径.高师化学实验中培养研究型教师,就必须改变传统的化学实验教学模式,大力推行研究性教学.通过实验教学,培养学生的研究意识和研究能力.  相似文献   

与原教材相比,新版高中生物教材图文并茂、内容新颖、编排科学,是有利于培养学生的创新能力和实践操作能力的好教材。新教材除了培养学生的实验技能和传授生物知识外,还注重了对学生探究意识、情感态度以及学习方法等方面的培养。做研究型教师,是时代发展的要求;做研究型教师,是职业发展的必然。  相似文献   

语文教师成为研究者,是教师专业化发展的需要,也是课程改革的要求.对教师进行职前培养,是培养研究型教师最有力的措施.为把中文系师范生培养成研究型教师,师范院校可以通过构建理论平台,引导实践研究等途径来实现.  相似文献   

新时代对于"研究型"教师的渴求使得高等师范院校必须与基础教育进行有效衔接,缩小培养与实际需求之间的矛盾。高等师范院校要明确培养"研究型"教师,实质是指要培养具有成为研究型教师潜质的师范生,这种潜质是指具有一定以问题意识、反思意识、合作意识与研究意识等为核心的意识与能力。为培养具有成为"研究型"教师潜质的师范生,研究性学习环境创设与策略有:充分利用微格教学、加强研究型教学与合作性学习指导、创设机会让师范生参与课题研究、充分利用网络课程平台,邀请校外专家和中小学优秀教师讲座等。  相似文献   

地质工程专业研究型教学模式初探   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
研究型教学模式旨在打造科研-教学-学习联结体的教学方式,培养本科生的研究能力,激发学生的创新欲望。从研究型大学理念的反思与精神的重塑、研究型教师的培养和“探究伙伴”师生关系的建立、研究型课程体系和培养方案的构建等几个方面,对地质工程专业研究型教学模式进行了初步探索和建立。  相似文献   

蔡元培与雅斯贝尔斯都是著名的高等教育家。他们在阐释大学理念的过程中,形成了独特的研究型教师观,主要涉及研究型教师观提出的依据、研究型教师的素养和研究型教师的培养。比较他们的研究型教师观之异同,对于拓展和深化教师教育理论研究,培养有灵魂的研究型教师富有启迪意义。  相似文献   

Research-based learning challenges teacher educators to rethink pedagogical strategies, particularly so in a context where views about the role of research in pre-service teachers' professional development are contested. The views of academics implementing a research-based learning course in teacher education are examined through qualitative semi-structured interviews in order to understand how learning autonomy is fostered. Variation was found in what teacher educators thought the course was intended to achieve and in their teaching strategies. The basis for pedagogical decision-making appeared to be their own research learning experiences. Implications for teacher education and for implementing research-based learning more generally are discussed.  相似文献   

A pilot study is presented of a multimode teacher education programme as a variation of the research-based approach to teacher education. The research-based approach has been characterised as one of the paradigms of teacher education. In this article, we discuss the opportunities and challenges that a multimode programme, which makes it possible for students to work as a teacher and to study at the same time, provides for research-based teacher education. The students’ work in school offers excellent opportunities to integrate theory and practice in a real context. However, this context may also work as a restriction regarding general teacher competence and its all-pedagogical circumstances. As a result, the characteristic elements of the multimode programme are suggested as a focus for further research.  相似文献   

研究性学习内容、研究性学习方法、研究性学习过程能有效促进大学生创新人格的形成。在研究性学习中,教者应努力做好研究性学习课程的开发,不断优化研究性学习的教学设计,积极建构研究性学习的师生关系,深入革新研究性学习的评价方式,着力培养大学生的创新兴趣、创新情感、创新思维与创新意志,全面有效地塑造大学生创新人格。  相似文献   

芬兰基础教育能兼顾质量和公平的优异表现引起各国注目,高质量的教师和极具特色的"研究为本"的教师教育课程设置被认为是重要原因之一.本文旨在探讨芬兰中小学教师培养的课程设置框架,首先对芬兰教育体制进行简单介绍,继而论述教师教育模式的理论渊源和"研究为本"的教育模式理论及实践,最后基于理论和实践论述提出值得我国教师教育培养借鉴的特色.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the meaning potentials of teacher education in terms of the significance of a research-based approach and the different pedagogic identities that such an approach implies. The study’s aim is to examine the important factors for education to be considered research-based and to identify and analyse the research base of teacher education in Sweden. The results from the analysis of a large number of course documents and from a survey administered to teachers and students in four teacher education programmes indicate that the emerging potential meaning is that teacher education is generally a strongly framed professional education with a relatively weak and adapted research base. The analysis of the classification and framing of disciplinary content and pedagogy in the Swedish teacher education curriculum points at different pedagogic identities emerging from the different meaning potentials that are made available to the students. We argue that a thorough understanding of research-based teacher education needs to be grounded in both course content and its research base as well as other possible pedagogical aspects of research-based education; the education as a whole must be included in the concept of research-based education.  相似文献   

Much of the international debate and research on teacher education has centred on how the preparation of teachers should be organised. In contrast to many other countries, teacher education in Finland has been university-based for decades and has a strong research-based approach. This inductive study describes newly qualified teachers’ (NQTs) experiences of research-based teacher education. The study uses data from semi-structured interviews with 10 newly qualified primary school teachers that were conducted in 2016, directly after they had finished their master’s degrees but had not yet begun to work as teachers. A qualitative content analysis identified three main knowledge areas that describe NQTs’ experiences: personal development, teacher professional competence and research competence. The results demonstrate that students in research-based teacher education gain a solid basis for their future teacher profession, as well as experiencing legitimacy and a high level of status in society. Their education encourages them to become innovative and professional teachers who are prepared to honour the trust and autonomy given to them by society.  相似文献   

教师研究是教师专业发展的重要途径。研究本位的教师教育模式成为当前世界教育变革的主题。研究本位的教师教育旨在培养实践反思型教师,而不是专业的研究者。本文阐释了研究本位的教师教育的内涵、范式及其改革实践。研究本位的教师教育主要包括目标定位、课程开发、教学方法以及大学与中小学合作伙伴的教师教育研究等四个方面的策略。  相似文献   

Teacher knowledge: The relationship between caring and knowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While everyone acknowledges the importance of the “caring teacher,” little acknowledgment of caring as an issue exists at the level of educational policymaking. This paper presents teacher and researcher stories which describe a teacher's knowledge in practice and argues for recognition of an epistemological role for caring in teaching. The teacher's narratives describe what she knows from caring and being in relationship with her students - her relational knowing (Hollingsworth et al., 1993, 1994)- and how this knowledge alters her pedagogy and the curriculum that is constructed with each student. Caring for the person (Noddings, 1984, 1992) is revealed as central to what the teacher knows. The findings of this research suggest that for the teacher, the relationship between caring and knowing is complex and involves a constant reflective process. In attempting to situate caring within existing theories for teacher knowledge, Elbaz' (1983) structures are found to be too neat and the boundaries too well defined. A construct of teacher knowledge as relational and dynamic is described. This builds upon Lyons' provisional characterization of the epistemological relationship between students and teachers as nested knowing: “that is, students and teachers are considered to have nested, interacting epistemological perspectives” (1990a, p. 162). In this view, knowledge is not limited to what one person knows, but the intersection where the knowing of two persons in-relation overlap and the consequences for student learning (and teacher development) when one of those persons is a teacher.  相似文献   


If it is true that educational research should not merely offer us better understandings of educational processes, but also offer us suggestions for good practice by ascertaining 'what works' most effectively in diverse contexts, then there are potentially four ways in which such research could be of use to those engaged in teacher education. This paper explores three of them-those which it argues are of most use to teacher educators. From research into the processes of teaching and learning we have learned a great deal about the complex nature of teachers' expertise and the extent to which it is determined by highly specific contexts. In seeking to understand more about the processes involved in learning to teach we have come to recognise the strength of the personal agendas that beginning teachers bring with them and the active role they play in negotiating their own learning. On this basis research offers teacher educators a number of suggestions for good practice: about the ways in which we should expect beginning teachers to make use of research-based generalisations; about how we can help them gain access to the wealth of expertise embedded in the practice of experienced teachers; and about how we can encourage them to subject their own preconceptions to serious critical evaluation.  相似文献   

This article addresses constructions and redefinitions of teacher professionalism by focusing on the discursive negotiations between the government and the teachers’ union in Norway. Based on an examination of three white papers on teacher education from the past 15?years and policy documents put forth by the Union of Education Norway during the past decade, the authors argue that new constructions of teacher professionalism are produced both by the government and from within the teachers’ union. However, there are differences between the government and the teachers’ union concerning what the main aspects of teacher professionalism are. The government emphasises teacher accountability, research-based practice and specialisation. By contrast, the teachers’ union highlights research-informed practice, responsibility for educational quality and professional ethics. There are three main areas of discursive struggle focused by the teachers’ union: the resistance to accountability policies, the redefining of research-based practice and the lengthening of teacher education. The authors argue that the teachers’ union is adopting an increasingly more active approach, thereby also challenging the idea that the teachers’ union is less interested in developing and taking responsibility for the quality of school education.  相似文献   

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