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This study investigated female high school students’ (= 293) patterns of help seeking in the domains of English and mathematics. Help seeking was operationalized using both self-report measures of need-contingent help seeking and help avoidance, as well as a behavioral measure of help seeking, namely the number of times students attended after-school tutoring sessions. As predictors of help seeking, the motivational variables of achievement goals, task-value, and expectancy for success were considered, alongside cognitive and metacognitive strategy-use, need for cognition, academic procrastination, and a belief in quick learning. Overall, the motivational variables of expectancy for success, task-value, and mastery goals and the cognitive variables of metacognitive self-regulation and rehearsal were found to significantly predict help seeking in English and math. No discernable effects of grade level or ethnicity on patterns of help seeking were detected. Several subject-level differences, however, were found, suggesting that students’ help-seeking patterns do vary by domain.  相似文献   

采取分层抽样法,从山东农村抽取小学四、五、六年级,初一、初二、高一、高二学生共473人,使用儿童恐惧调查表-Ⅱ(FSSC-Ⅱ)对农村儿童青少年恐惧的内容进行了研究。结果发现:(1)农村儿童青少年最常见的恐惧事件主要与危险和伤害及社会关系有关;(2)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年的总体恐惧水平、危险与伤害的恐惧及未知和不确定事物的恐惧水平逐渐下降,而社会关系恐惧的水平则随年龄的增长逐渐上升;(3)随着年龄的增长,农村儿童青少年恐惧对象的数目逐渐下降;(4)农村女生在总体恐惧水平、各维度恐惧水平及恐惧对象的数目上均显著地高于男生。  相似文献   

“神秘”是陈染创作的主要特点之一,无论是其小说中对奇幻体故事中“异域色彩”营造中对“陌生感”的追求,还是,其在小说中对“未知”的全面展示,深味命运的不可知,和身在其中渺小的人类的精神关怀,以及她笔下的神秘女人以及女人讲述的神秘中,以“女性”更敏感的心灵触探这个世界的冲突中的精神困境,陈染都是在“神秘”的营造中完成了她的独语.  相似文献   

2 experiments were conducted to examine 7-month-old infants' perception of the facial expressions happy and fear. Using a paired-comparison procedure, infants in the first experiment were able to generalize their discrimination of these 2 expressions across the faces of 4 male and female models if they were first presented with the set of happy faces, but not if they were first presented with the set of fear faces. A second experiment was conducted to examine the source of the stimulus presentation order effect. Here a second group of 7-month-old infants was presented with a single male or female face posing both the happy and fear expressions simultaneously. The results revealed significantly longer looking to the fear face. This preference to look at fear faces is discussed, as are its implications for studies of expression recognition in general.  相似文献   

The current study developed the concept of fear of success that was originally examined by Martina Horner (1970; Journal of Social Issues, 28(2), 157–175, 1972). The key dimension in Horner’s (1970; Journal of Social Issues, 28(2), 157–175, 1972) studies was gender. The key dimension in the current study was social class. It was hypothesised that individuals from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds fear that, for them, success will lead to alienation from their community, and the loss of identity and loss of overall sense of belonging within their culture. The majority of the previous studies were based in the USA and examined fear of success using objectivist conceptions of success and quantitative methodologies. Eleven participants took part in the current study, three males and eight females. Two-phase qualitative interviewing was employed as the primary source of data collection in an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the constructions and experiences of the participants in relation to success. The majority of participants believed that they would have to make vast life changes, in order to facilitate their views of desired success. The participants’ fear was rooted in what they perceived as the “consequences of success”. These participants occupied a “trade-off mindset”; for these young people, success meant leaving their family, friends, community and culture behind. The thought of losing this “connection” and sense of belonging was expressed with noticeable anxiety.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the responses of 10 laboratory-reared and 10 wild-reared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to a real snake and to a range of snake-like objects. Most wild-reared monkeys showed considerable fear of the real, toy, and model snakes, whereas most lab-reared monkeys showed only very mild responses. Fear was indexed by unwillingness to approach food on the far side of the snake and by behavioral disturbance. Experiment 2 examined the effectiveness of seven flooding sessions in reducing snake fear in 8 wild-reared rhesus monkeys. Mean latency to reach for food, trials to criterion (four consecutive short latency responses), and total exposure time to criterion declined significantly across flooding sessions. Behavioral disturbance declined within sessions but not across sessions. Results of a final behavioral test revealed that substantial long-lasting changes had occurred in only 3 of the 8 monkeys. The results are discussed in the context of dissociation between different indices of fear.  相似文献   

This article compares the similarities and differences of the two genders in the area of achievement aspiration. Many current studies have already explored the influence of gender on this question from the psychological and sociological perspectives. They have expounded the reasons why female achievement aspirations differ from those of males. The most noteworthy of these explanations is Horner's achievement motivation theory. Horner's psychological studies (1968, 1972) pointed out that the reason the females' achievement aspirations are lower is because they have a stronger "fear of success."  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the utility of the theory of planned behavior model developed by social psychologists for understanding and predicting the behavioral intentions of secondary science students regarding enrolling in physics. In particular, the study used a three-stage causal model to investigate the links from external variables to behavioral, normative, and control beliefs; from beliefs to attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control; and from attitudes, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control to behavioral intentions. The causal modeling method was employed to verify the underlying causes of secondary science students' interest in enrolling physics as predicted in the theory of planned behavior. Data were collected from secondary science students (N = 264) residing in a central Texas city who were enrolled in earth science (8th grade), biology (9th grade), physical science (10th grade), or chemistry (11th grade) courses. Cause-and-effect relationships were analyzed using path analysis to test the direct effects of model variables specified in the theory of planned behavior. Results of this study indicated that students' intention to enroll in a high school physics course was determined by their attitude toward enrollment and their degree of perceived behavioral control. Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control were, in turn, formed as a result of specific beliefs that students held about enrolling in physics. Grade level and career goals were found to be instrumental in shaping students' attitude. Immediate family members were identified as major referents in the social support system for enrolling in physics. Course and extracurricular conflicts and the fear of failure were shown to be the primary beliefs obstructing students' perception of control over physics enrollment. Specific recommendations are offered to researchers and practitioners for strengthening secondary school students' intentions to study physics.  相似文献   

The present study explored sex differences in children's expression and control of fantasy and overt aggression. Fifth-grade boys and girls were presented a TAT-like projective test to measure fantasy aggression and controls over aggression. Overt peer-oriented aggression was measured by peer and teacher ratings. Results indicated that boys were rated more physically and verbally aggressive than girls but not more indirectly aggressive. Boys also produced more physical aggression in fantasy than girls, although the opposite trend was found for indirect aggression; no sex difference was found for verbal fantasy aggression. Finally, girls had a higher ratio of aggression control per total fantasy aggression than boys. The results support the position that while boys, in contrast to girls, are socialized in a way that encourage direct expression of aggression, girls are just as likely to be aggressive as boys when the aggression is indirect. The results are discussed further from the perspective of social learning theory and Maccoby and Jacklin's biological position.  相似文献   

Parental involvement in education remains important for facilitating positive youth development. This study conceptualized parental involvement as a multidimensional construct—including school‐based involvement, home‐based involvement, and academic socialization—and examined the effects of different types of parental involvement in 10th grade on student achievement and depression in 11th grade (approximately ages 15–17 years). In addition, this study tested whether parental involvement influenced adolescent outcomes by increasing their academic engagement in school. A total of 1,056 adolescents participated in the study (51% males; 53% European American, 40% African American, and 7% other). Parental involvement was found to improve academic and emotional functioning among adolescents. In addition, parental involvement predicted adolescent academic success and mental health both directly and indirectly through behavioral and emotional engagement.  相似文献   

The Relation between Individual Differences in Fantasy and Theory of Mind   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
The relation between early fantasy/pretense and children's knowledge about mental life was examined in a study of 152 3- and 4-year-old boys and girls. Children were interviewed about their fantasy lives (e.g., imaginary companions, impersonation of imagined characters) and were given tasks assessing their level of pretend play and verbal intelligence. In a second session 1 week later, children were given a series of theory of mind tasks, including measures of appearance-reality, false belief, representational change, and perspective taking. The theory of mind tasks were significantly intercorrelated with the effects of verbal intelligence and age statistically controlled. Individual differences in fantasy/pretense were assessed by (1) identifying children who created imaginary characters, and (2) extracting factor scores from a combination of interview and behavioral measures. Each of these fantasy assessments was significantly related to the theory of mind performance of the 4-year-old children, independent of verbal intelligence.  相似文献   

J.K.罗林的《哈利·波特》系列小说是新世纪奇幻小说最为成功的代表作,体现了奇幻小说发展的新趋势。这一系列小说产生于英国后工业社会背景下消费文化语境中,得益于英国创意文化产业的发展,因此在作品中处处呈现消费社会的典型形态。消费逻辑导致罗林的奇幻小说违背了传统奇幻小说的美学原则,呈现出幻想世界与现实世界整体趋同的特征,这种特征也反映在了文本的具体情节形象当中。  相似文献   

本研究以情绪调节自我效能感量表和应付方式量表为研究工具,针对3所大学的大学生进行实证研究。文章使用阶层回归分析方法,对大学生应对方式和情绪调节自我效能感的关系进行了研究。结果显示:(1)在表达积极情绪自我效能方面,两个区组的模型整体上都显著。背景变量阶层的△R2=.137(F(3,142)=7.530,P=.000)。在控制了性别、文化程度和年级后,座对方式阶层的增加解释力不显著,但幻想变量达到了显著水平(Beta=.243,t=2.594,P=.011)。(2)在调节生气和易怒情绪自我效能方面,两个区组的模型整体上都显著。背景变量阶层中性别达到了显著性水平。背景变量阶层的△R2=.075(F(3,142)=3.814,P=.011)。在控制了性别、文化程度和年级后,应对方式阶层的增加解释力不显著,但性别的作用进一步增强(Beta=-219。t=-2.620,P=-010)。在调节生气和易怒情绪自我效能方面,女生相对男生要差一些。大学生的性别和幻想应对方式影响情绪调节自我效能感。  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持、应对方式间存在一定的相关性。不同年级大学生人格特征、不同性别大学生幻想应对方式差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其余各组间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。N(神经质)人格特征与解决问题应对方式呈负相关(P〈0.01);与自责、幻想、退避、合理化呈正相关(P〈0.01);与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。应对方式中解决问题与客观支持、主观支持、支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01);自责与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。求助与支持利用度和支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01)。幻想与客观支持呈负相关(P〈0.01)。年级是大学生人格特征的影响因素、女性大学生更多运用幻想的应对方式。  相似文献   

This study examined relations among early family risk, children's behavioral regulation at 54 months and kindergarten, and academic achievement in first grade using data on 1,298 children from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Family risk was indexed by ethnic minority status, low maternal education, low average family income from 1 - 54 months, and high maternal depressive symptoms from 1 - 54 months. Results of structural equation modeling indicated that minority status, low maternal education, and low family income had significant negative effects on reading, math, and vocabulary achievement in first grade. Modest indirect effects were also found from ethnicity, maternal education, and maternal depressive symptoms, through 54-month and kindergarten behavioral regulation to first-grade achievement. Discussion focuses on the importance of behavioral regulation for school success especially for children facing early risk.  相似文献   

“世界末日”的预言让人既紧张又兴奋。人们愿意设想或是讨论这类消息,实际上是与生俱来的恐惧意识的外在显现。而作为文艺创作的基本方法之一的浪漫主义手法,则是根源于人类对于自己已有生活或未来时代的种种幻想,布尔加科夫的代表作——《不祥的蛋》正是这二者的完美结合。  相似文献   

This prospective longitudinal study followed a sample of 106 kindergarten students through 11th grade examining the effects of family characteristics, school readiness, socialization, and student demographics on academic achievement and behavioral adjustment outcomes. These educational outcomes were contrasted among four groups consisting of: 1) early grade retainees; 2) transitionally placed retained students; 3) students recommended for transitional placement, but promoted; and 4) regularly promoted students. While previous studies examining the efficacy of early grade retention focus exclusively on between‐group comparisons, this study examines the family and individual characteristics of successful and unsuccessful retained students by including both between‐group and within‐group effects on academic and behavioral outcomes. The results of this study demonstrate that retained students' initial school readiness, socioeconomic status, mother's level of education, parental value of education, kindergarten personal‐social functioning, and chronological age are distinctly associated with subsequent academic or behavioral outcomes. Variables associated with relative educational success following early failure are delineated and research implications are discussed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in students’ mathematics achievement and in their attitudes toward mathematics. Another purpose was to examine mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their perceptions of their male and female students’ ability. The sample consisted of 692 students (353 girls, 339 boys) between the ages of 12 and 16 years, enrolled in grades 7–9 at four private schools in Lebanon. Data were collected using the Attitudes Toward Mathematics (ATM) scale (Aiken in Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 5, 67–71, 1974), school records, and interviews with teachers. Results showed no significant gender differences in either achievement or attitudes toward mathematics, thus dispelling the common belief that female students in traditional cultures do not perform well in mathematics and dislike the field. A main effect for grade level was found with ninth graders significantly outperforming their younger counterparts. Also, teachers viewed mathematics as a male domain and attributed boys’ success to ability and girls’ success to effort. They also interacted with boys more frequently regardless of the nature of the exchange. Implications for future research and for instructional practice are overviewed.  相似文献   

随着“幻想热潮”的掀起,幻想文学逐渐纳入人们的视野中。彭懿作为幻想小说的倡导者,创作了大量的幻想小说。文章以彭懿幻想小说所展现的指向成长的爱的母题为基点,分析了作品中亲情、友情、爱情等爱的表现,以及小说形象的象征意义,营造的磨难的幻想意境。进而探讨幻想小说爱的母题的特殊意义。  相似文献   

This study followed a sample of 179 children from kindergarten through eighth grade to examine the extent to which kindergarten teachers' perceptions of their relationships with students predict a range of school outcomes. Kindergarten teachers rated children's behavior and the quality of the teacher-child relationship. Follow-up data from first through eighth grade were organized by epoch and included academic grades, standardized test scores, work-habit ratings, and discipline records. Relational Negativity in kindergarten, marked by conflict and dependency, was related to academic and behavioral outcomes through eighth grade, particularly for children with high levels of behavior problems in kindergarten and for boys generally. These associations remained significant after controlling for gender, ethnicity, cognitive ability, and behavior ratings. The results have implications for theories of the determinants of school success, the role of adult-child relationships in development, and a range of early intervention and prevention efforts.  相似文献   

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