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针对一些高等职业技术学院在素质教育中存在的误区,本文提出了教学应当成为素质教育的主要渠道,教师应当成为素质教育的骨干力量;学生自主学习应成为素质教育的主体;教学中教师提升学生学习水平的方式与方法;教师应提高自身素质四个观点.  相似文献   

教学再造能力是教师不断满足新时代学生对知识和技术掌握的需要,是衡量教师获取高效课堂教学效果的一项重要指标,是适应社会对学校教学发展与促进应用技术学院教师专业能力发展的根本,是提高教学质量的关键因素.通过对应用技术学院教师再造能力的概念的解释与再造能力特点的分析,提出了应用技术学院教师教学再造能力应该具有的结构:教学选择能力、教学整合能力、教学评价能力、教学反思能力、教学信息技术能力和教学创新能力.  相似文献   

为了借助基础化学实验教学培养具有积极人生态度、工程专业素养和综合应用能力三种特质的化工工程师后备人才,提出通过"科教融合、三位一体"改革充分发挥学院、教师和学生的积极性。将教师的科研活动和成果反哺教学实现"科教融合"。"三位一体"的实践模式包括学院引导教师将科研融入教学、教师设计实施改革并从中受益、部分学生参与甚至主导教学过程。学院、教师和学生这三个群体在整合教学内容、优化常规教学和突出创新实验的改革过程中为人才培养这个核心共同努力,使基础化学实验教学水平有了显著提高,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

电工学实验教学的几点改革意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合学院实际教学情况,提出针对不同专业,开设不同实验;实验与理论相结合;引入提高型综合实验,三个方面对电工实验的教学进行了改革,有利于激发学生对课程的重视和提高教师对该课程的教学水平。  相似文献   

非英语专业学生学习英语时会产生焦虑感,克服的办法是教师尽量为学生创设学习环境,培养学生自觉学习的能力,提高学生的学习积极性并指导学生灵活运用学习策略。文章以贺州学院实验班为例,论述分级教学方案的可行性和由此带来的教学水平的整体提高,为学院的教学评估创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

《大学英语》是许多职业技术学院学生深感头疼的课程。针对这一现状,英语教师应该深入了解学院、学生、教材、教师等方面影响《大学英语》教学水平提高的因素,充分进行调查,拿出切合实际的办法,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

分析了目前本科人才培养质量保障体系的不足,探索并实践了学院一级教学部门重构该体系的新思路、新举措。遵循新的重构原则,提出了改变学生被动学习,提升教师专业水平,确保质量保障与监控实效的办法。经过重构,在一定程度上,激活了教师对人才培养的内驱力,激发了学生主动学习的动力,教师的教学荣誉感得以提升。试运行后的成效已初步显现。  相似文献   

高校日语听力课现状及改革途径分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统的日语听力教学中,教师始终占主导地位,而学生缺乏自主学习的能力,导致其听力水平低下。通过对辽东学院日语听力教学分析,认为在听力教学中,教师应当兼顾实用性和趣味性,将学生的"听"与"说"结合起来,并注意听力素材选择的多样性和时效性,从而引导学生正确掌握提高日语听力能力的方法,同时,任课教师要在理论上和实践上有所提高,建立听力课的指导理论。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展和科学技术的提高,时代的不断进步也对人才的需求日益增加,人才的培养和质量有了更多的要求和标准,人才培养成为了众多学院的教学目标的同时,也加大了学院教师的教学难度。对于学生的职业素养教育而言,是一项顺应新时代的教学任务,学生职业素质水平的培养和教育也成为了中职语文教学中需要加以注重的教学工作。  相似文献   

王恒 《文教资料》2014,(25):137-138
高校教学秘书既是联系学校教务管理部门和学院的纽带,又是联系教师和学生的桥梁,所以应该从信息沟通、服务师生和提升自我等方面不断思考与探索,提高教学管理的质量与水平。  相似文献   

小学教师教学效能感与其归因反应模式的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以155名小学教师为被试,探讨了不同教学效能感水平的教师对于不同特点学生学业失败后的反应模式。结果表明,在学生考试失败后,高教学效能的教师对于高努力的学生以及学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的奖励,预期学习困难学生在将来更容易失败;低教学效能教师对于高能力学生和学习困难学生的生气程度较低,给予学生更多的惩罚,预期低能力学生耷将来更容易失败。中教学效能教师的反应模式更接近于低教学效能教师。  相似文献   

根据邯郸市高校师生关系的问卷调查和实地访谈,认为现阶段邯郸市高校师生关系现状基本健康,但也存在一些值得关注的问题。师生之间交流意愿较强,然而实际频率不高;师生交往关系不密切,高校教师并不是学生的知心朋友;师生之间交流渴望良师益友式的关系,情感交流方面不够;师生之间基本互相满意,但彼此之间的理想与现实之间存在差距。导致以上状况的原因:学生因素是主要原因,环境因素是外在原因,学校领导对师生和谐关系的建立平时重视不够。  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing receive educational services in general education classrooms. This placement shift has altered the way teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing work, causing an increase in the number of itinerant teachers. As placement trends for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and teachers' job responsibilities have changed, the field of deaf education has only slightly modified professional standards for licensed teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Most teacher preparation programs continue training preservice teachers to work in self-contained classrooms, leaving itinerant teachers feeling underprepared. Interviews were conducted with 25 experienced itinerant teachers to determine which content and experiences should be included in preparation programs for preservice teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing who plan to become itinerant teachers. Results indicate that changes in course work and practical are necessary to best prepare these teachers.  相似文献   

While the present individualistic and religio-culturally pluralistic scene requires RE teachers to re-evaluate their educational orientation, research shows that they find it difficult. How do RE teachers carry out their task when dealing with an individualistic, pluralistic population? It is argued that communication in the RE classroom is not only about learning to understand the other, but also about learning to relate to larger contexts like the community or society. Such an approach calls for a particular kind of communication to be effective. Teachers could make their communication regarding larger contexts more effective by inspiring students. Inspiration refers to the stimulating influence that teachers have on students. A study was designed to establish whether teachers are in fact credited with an inspiring influence, and whether certain effects ascribed to students are the result of teachers’ inspiring influence. The research permits certain conclusions that are pertinent to teachers’ inspiration as a positive influence on students. Inspiring teachers are credited with such qualities as proficiency in their subject, the ability to motivate students to achieve, devoting special attention to weaker students and finally with demonstrating the meaning of things. The study also shows that the teacher’s inspiring influence is regarded to help students to develop social virtues, knowledge and insight as well as spirituality and a sense of transcendence. Thirdly, qualities ascribed to teachers significantly influence the virtues attributed to students, while the various parties’ cultural, social or religious background has limited influence. Remarkably, imparting the meaning of things is a key factor in explaining the inspiration emanating from teachers. Findings are discussed with a view to RE teachers. It is recommended that RE teachers explicitly demonstrate how their actions convey meaning, whether these entail teaching, modelling, feedback or whatever. They should not only communicate with students by questioning aspects such as otherness and sameness, but also by asking whether things are meaningful: ‘What is this good for?’  相似文献   

This paper examines how a clinical experience in an alternative educational setting impacted both pre-service secondary teachers and the students with whom they worked. The participants were pre-service secondary teachers completing a clinical experience at a local agency that served a population of students for whom traditional school settings were not effective, as well as students at the agency. The results indicate that for the pre-service teachers, the experience allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of learner diversity and the importance of connecting to students. For the agency students, the interactions with the pre-service teachers provided them with additional academic support, as well as resources for post-secondary education. The agency students also recognized that they had the power to show pre-service teachers how to work effectively with students for whom traditional school settings are a challenge. The authors conclude with implications for pre-service teachers, agency students, and university and clinical site instructors, as well as practical considerations for developing such partnerships.  相似文献   

Politics of education researchers have long recognized the role of micropolitics in school decision-making processes. We argue that investigating micropolitical dynamics is key to an important set of school decisions that are fundamental to inequities in access to high-quality teachers: assignments of teachers and students to classrooms. Focusing on the intraorganizational political power of experienced teachers, our analysis of survey and administrative data from a large urban district suggests that more experienced teachers have more influence over which students are assigned to their classrooms. By a variety of measures, we also find that more experienced teachers are assigned fewer disadvantaged students, on average, a pattern inconsistent with goals of ameliorating educational inequality by matching more qualified teachers with the students who need them most.  相似文献   

This New Zealand‐based study of the classroom practice of nine exemplary teachers of writing to upper primary‐age students explored the significance of task orientation as a component of effective teacher instruction and the instructional strategies or actions that effective teachers utilise to promote such. Effectiveness pertains to teachers being able to generate a positive impact on learners' engagement and academic outcomes. Particular attention was given to the content and organisation of the tasks and activities that teachers required of their students. Analysis of observed teacher practice in relation to learner gains showed actions associated with task orientation to be strongly associated with student progress in writing. Two indicators linked particularly with learner gains in writing. They relate to teachers being able to select and promote learning tasks that are purposeful and challenging for students and to students being involved in the selection or construction of learning tasks. There were relatively high levels of proficiency with regard to teachers being able to select and promote purposeful and challenging tasks but significant operational variability with regard to teachers involving their students in task selection or construction. Classroom illustrations are provided on how effective teachers promote learner involvement in task selection or construction.  相似文献   

介入考试这样一个变量后,师生关系也出现了学生的教师观的"异变"、学生对教师的"反动"、教师对学生认识的"分化"、教师对学生组织角色分配的"偏差"这四方面的变化,这影响了教师与学生的良性互动,不利于教育教学的进行。重塑考选世界中教师与学生新型的师生互动关系的相应对策是:评价要兼顾属性本位取向;减少学校中的功利色彩;教师要树立正确的学生观,打造专业权威;加强对学业不良学生不良同辈群体的预防、引导与瓦解。  相似文献   

通过对大学生网上评教的循踪调研发现,学生对教学水平确实低的教师判断准确,但教学水平较高的教师不一定获得学生好评;由于课程性质、师生关系等因素的影响,同一教师在不同学期可能存在相差悬殊的学生评价;受学生欢迎的教师都是相似的,不受学生欢迎的教师各有各的问题.当前,必须坚持学生评教的主体地位,完善网上评教制度.实现由重视分数向重视评语的转变,由三级指标向二级指标的转变.  相似文献   

论教师的关怀素养   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教师关怀素养是指教师所具有的能敏锐体察学生的情感变化,知觉他们的需要,善于与学生对话与沟通,同时具备关怀知识和关怀信念,并能以适当的方式积极主动的关怀学生成长的个体素质和修养,教师关怀中还包含着责任、希望、理解与尊重。教师关怀具有生产性、关系性、具体性和情境性、情理交融性等特点。教师关怀的实现包括淡化职业意识,提高关怀素养;与学生建立关怀性相遇关系;发挥榜样示范作用;提高人际智能,掌握与学生对话和沟通的技巧。教师关怀的实现要遵循三个原则:对人的忠实;教学中的忠实;教学研究中的忠实。  相似文献   

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