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学前教育可持续发展是新时代中国学前教育事业发展的目标与追求,数字技术是学前教育可持续发展的强力支撑。数字技术赋能学前教育事业发展须秉持“发展度”“协调度”和“永续度”三维统一的可持续发展观,坚持以人为本、质量与公平并重的基本宗旨,着力促进学前教育管理与安防的信息化与智能化、保教活动的科学化与个性化、“家-园-校-社”四位一体协同育人以及幼儿园教师的专业学习与毕生发展,并充分保障幼儿安全使用数字技术的合法权益。加强学前教育数字化资源的开发、存储、配置、应用、共享与管理,构建适宜于学前教育可持续发展的数字化资源环境,以确保学前教育高质量发展、均衡协调发展和稳健永续发展。  相似文献   

数字素养是新时期幼儿园教师专业素养的重要组成部分。本研究基于《教师数字素养》框架对我国东、中、西部六个省(自治区、直辖市)2 179名幼儿园教师的数字素养进行了调查。结果显示,我国幼儿园教师数字素养整体处于中等水平,“数字技术知识和技能”与“数字化应用”素养水平较低;不同地区、不同办学性质的幼儿园教师数字素养数字鸿沟显著;幼儿园教师年龄和教龄越高,数字素养越低;专业出身的幼儿园教师数字素养显著低于非专业出身的幼儿园教师。因此,本研究提出以下建议:树立整体观念,全面提升幼儿园教师数字素养;加大政策支持,弥合地区与幼儿园之间的数字鸿沟;突出课程育人作用,将数字素养培育融入学前教育专业课程设计;推广微认证与微专业,助推幼儿园教师专业发展。  相似文献   

中小学教师数字素养水平关乎我国教育现代化发展进程和教育强国战略的实施.对我国北部X省和Y省464名中小学教师数字素养的调查显示,我国中小学教师数字素养整体处于中等水平,特别在"专业参与""教与学""评价"和"提升学习者数字素养"方面还处于初级阶段.中小学教师数字素养发展受主客观多重因素共同影响.提升教师对数字素养的价值认知,满足教师数字素养的个性化学习诉求,搭建智能教学空间,营造数字化教学氛围是提升中小学教师数字素养的有效途径.  相似文献   

互联网时代的中小学生应具备哪些核心素养?这些核心素养如何内化在国家课程体系和不同学科的教科书编制及教育教学中?数字素养作为核心素养的一个重要组成部分,它的内涵及培养途径、评价体系如何?……这些已成为各国教育信息化、现代化发展过程中新的热点、难点问题。本文将重点剖析"数字素养"的概念演变与内涵构成,探索中小学生数字素养有效培养途径。  相似文献   

小学教师是推动和实现教育数字化转型的关键要素。对我国Z省704名小学教师数字化转型的现状调查显示,我国小学教师数字素养水平一般,按照得分均值由高到低进行排列,依次为数字社会责任、数字化意识、数字化应用、专业发展、数字技术知识与技能。增强教师数字素养学习意识,创设完备的数字化教学环境,提供个性化培训体系能有效帮助中国小学教师完成数字化转型。  相似文献   

随着ICT的快速普及及其与教育相融合的深化和泛化,传统课堂的教学方式正在向数字化教学生态演变。数字时代变革了大学英语的教学模式和学习方式,从而赋予大学英语教师专业发展以新的内涵,ICT素养的培养已成为数字时代大学英语教师良性专业发展的核心内容和衡量指标。教师专业发展应该进入数字化2.0时代。  相似文献   

智慧学习中面对大量的数字化材料如何保存、归档、治理等问题,使得数字治理逐渐受到关注。数字治理作为传统物态材料治理的衍生,以及数据治理、内容治理、知识管理等领域的扩展,强调以可持续的方式对数字材料进行有效治理,以便日后的获取和重用。数字治理能力作为高阶的信息素养,对智慧学习中的学习者、专业工作者和组织机构都提出了要求和挑战。  相似文献   

2022年初,全国教育工作会议提出“实施教育数字化战略行动”,党的二十大也明确提出“推进教育数字化”,教育全面数字化转型步入快车道。教师作为实施教育数字化战略行动的重要力量,其数字素养的水平必将成为我国教育数字化转型健康发展的关键因素。文章从数字素养的提出及国内外发展布局出发,结合对2023年2月教育部正式对外发布的《教师数字素养》行业标准的解读,从国家、学校、教师三个层面6个方面对教师数字素养提升发展进行了策略探究,以期对数字时代教师能力建设提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

在技术驱动社会变革进而引起教育改革的全球化背景下,学生ICT素养被欧美国家列为21世纪新能力评价的起点.剖析ICT素养深层结构及其发展过程可以为我国课程改革和21世纪技能培养提供理论支撑.基于国际上影响深远的10个ICT素养框架,通过对其内容深入比对分析,得到被广泛认同的ICT素养成分,揭示出隐藏在内部的技术情境与一般认知这两个本质因素,并据此得出ICT素养的完整演化过程及其与21世纪技能的关系.进而,对我国学生ICT素养教育提出相应建议:ICT素养内容应采用基于问题的组织方式,尽可能融入其他能力要求;以表现性评价为主要测量技术;课程设置采取独立开课和整合其他学科的并行路线.  相似文献   

数字技术作为一种新型技术手段,可以推进数字教育理念变革,提高职业教育学生数字信息素养;加强数字教育资源建设与应用,提升职业教育学生的关键能力;深化数字教育内涵发展,培育职业教育数字工匠人才。面对数字化转型升级的全新要求以及产业结构变革下人才结构的调整需要,职业教育人才培养呈现出新的发展面貌与态势,彰显出创新性、生态性、适应性等特征。数字技术背景下职业教育人才培养策略为:以优化数字要素配置为主线,构建人才链、创新链、产业链闭环培养生态系统;以数字资源集聚驱动产教深度融合为依托,健全智能化校企协同育人机制;以统筹推进数字化新基建为牵引,打造政校行企人才培养共同体。  相似文献   

本研究旨在利用PISA2018跨国学生测评数据,通过多层次模型方法系统刻画与评估个体-学校-国家层级的ICT水平对数字化阅读素养的影响路径及其效应。实证研究发现,不仅各层ICT水平对学生数字化阅读素养具有显著正向效应,且不同层级间存在显著的跨层交互调节效应;同时,“一带一路”国家与发达经济体在ICT水平上的发展差距在短期具有拉大数字化阅读素养差距的“马太效应”,但长期来看“一带一路”国家更快的ICT发展速率又将“平抑”技术分层导致的差异固化问题。中国应积极利用自身ICT发展优势,参与全球教育治理,引领“一带一路”沿线国家ICT水平与国民数字化阅读素养的协同发展,为全球教育发展开辟新的发展道路,贡献中国力量。  相似文献   

Technology, digital media and popular culture form an important aspect of young children’s life-worlds in contemporary post-industrial societies. A problem for early childhood educators is how to most effectively integrate these aspects of children’s life-worlds into the provision of play-based learning. Traditionally, research has considered barriers to teacher uptake of technologies in the early years, or teacher beliefs and attitudes about using technologies with young children. An alternative perspective focuses on children’s play as the foundation for early childhood curriculum provision and argues that what is needed instead are ‘new’ concepts of play more appropriate for explaining children’s contemporary play experiences in post-industrial societies. This article examines the influence of a new concept of play called ‘web-mapping’ on teachers’ curriculum practices in early childhood education, and finds that, according to Vygotsky’s ideas about explicit and implicit mediation, new concepts of play are likely to provide a fruitful avenue for addressing the ‘problem’ of technology, digital media and popular-culture integration in early childhood education.  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织在修订以往《教师ICT能力框架》的基础上,对标《2030年可持续发展目标》,制定了囊括18项教育ICT能力的《教师ICT能力框架(第3版)》。作为指导教师使用ICT的职前和在职培训工具,很多国家和机构结合当地实际对该框架内容进行了调整,以便实现教师专业发展目标。本研究采用内容分析和文本分析方法,梳理了联合国教科文组织《教师ICT能力框架》的演变脉络,从能力框架开发原则、内容架构、实施案例和资源开发三个维度,深入解读这一能力框架,并提出落实能力框架,需要政府、师范院校、在职教师专业发展机构、骨干教师和校长的强有力领导。构建符合我国国情的教师信息技术应用能力框架,要出台基于“循证实践”的教师信息技术应用能力提升政策;利用智能技术助推课程动态评估;加强教育资源生态系统整体建设;分层制定科学的教师ICT能力提升计划。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to systematically showcase and evaluate how students’, schools’, and countries’ Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development levels influence students’ digital reading literacy by using the data of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 and the multi-level model approach. It is found that the ICT development at each level has a significant positive effect on students’ digital reading literacy, and there is a significant interactive moderating effect between different levels. The gap in ICT development levels between the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and developed economies has a “Matthew effect” in widening the digital reading literacy gap in the short term, but in the long run, the faster growth of the countries participating in BRI in ICT development levels will narrow the gap and alleviate the effect. China should make use of its advantages in ICT development to engage in global education governance, facilitate the co-development in both the ICT development level and the digital reading literacy for the countries participating in BRI, and contribute to the development of global education by opening up a new way of development.  相似文献   

Western research over the last decade has shown that early childhood (EC) teachers’ perspectives on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the early years strongly shape young children's experiences in educational settings and affect the integration of ICT into the classroom. The research in China is scant however. This article reports a study of Chinese EC teachers’ views on the use of ICT in preschools. Data consist of illustrative original quotations generated from interviews with four teachers, as part of a larger study. This study shows that Chinese preschool teachers had an emerging understanding about social and technological impacts on the use of ICT in early childhood education (ECE), but they recognised the value of ICT for young children and themselves in a limited way. This restrained young children's active and meaningful use of ICT for early learning and development. We argue that there is a need to develop explicit ICT polices and curriculum guidelines for the ECE system that emphasise young children's active and creative use of ICT for early learning and development, and better support teacher learning.  相似文献   

This study investigated early childhood teachers’ beliefs about information and communications technology (ICT) and play in preschool, as well as their confidence in integrating ICT in the classroom. A 28-item questionnaire was compiled and administered to 190 early childhood teachers in Greece. Although ICT play (which can provide learning opportunities) has largely replaced traditional childhood play, in Greece, there is inadequate integration of ICT in early childhood education. In this study, two factors were extracted: ‘playing with ICT as an effective mode of learning and developing children's technological competence’ and ‘ICT use as free play’. The fewer the years of teaching experience and the higher the teachers’ computer self-efficacy, the stronger was the view that ICT play is not just free play. Teachers’ beliefs and confidence affect their classroom practices and, consequently, the children's learning. Viewing ICT as a mode of learning that should be embedded in the curriculum is expected to lead to ICT integration in a teacher's daily practices. The implications for in-service teacher training are therefore discussed.  相似文献   

This article aims to provide a baseline for future studies on the provision and support for the use of digital or electronic information services (EIS) in further education. The analysis presented is based on a multi‐level model of access, which encompasses access to and availability of information and communication technology (ICT) resources, access to and availability of EIS resources, and the third leg of staff skills and their development. The research was conducted within the third cycle of the JISC (Joint Information Services Committee) User Behaviour Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, in 2001/2002. Evidence was gathered from library and information service web sites and various stakeholders, including library and information service staff, academic staff and students to generate insights into the provision of access to EIS in further education. Sector‐wide funding initiatives have had a significant impact on ICT infrastructures, and these attract a positive response from students. EIS are represented on some library web sites but both web site development and EIS availability is very much less advanced than in higher education. Staff, however, lack sufficient dedicated access to ICT to be able to develop their own skills and use. There remains a low level of access to electronic information resources, with only limited access to these resources through library web sites. LIS managers face a number of challenges in enhancing this provision, including licensing arrangements, tight budgets that need to be spread across many discipline areas, and the absence of EIS designed specifically for the further education student. The other key challenge lies in the provision of time and opportunity for academic and LIS staff to develop their ICT and EIS skills, and, more generally in the further development of the role of Information and Learning Technology (ILT) Champions.  相似文献   

The professional digital competence (PDC) of teachers is of growing importance in classrooms, now that digital resources and digital media are becoming important parts of teachers’ everyday practice. This study explores how newly qualified teachers are prepared to use information and communication technology (ICT) in their initial teacher education (ITE). We present findings of a nationwide survey in Norway on 356 newly qualified teachers. It explores how these teachers’ ICT self-efficacy is related to how they perceive the quality of, and contributions from, their ITE related to ICT and the development of their PDC. In general, newly qualified teachers report fairly poor quality and contribution of ICT training during their teacher education. We claim that continuous effort is needed to review the quality of ITE and contribute specifically to the development of PDC and developing student teachers’ ICT self-efficacy in ITE.  相似文献   

A digital disconnect perspective is founded on an assumption that technology use in the home is frequent, creative and generative, and that technology use in the early childhood centre should be the same as that found in the home. However, such arguments divert our attention from understanding the nature of the setting and thereby from an understanding of the role of technologies in education and at home. This study adopts a socio-ecological approach to explore the influence of setting, in particular the elements of activity, time, place and role on young children’s use of digital technologies. It concludes that technology use is characterised by different imperatives in each setting so that thinking about digital differences may be more productive than continuing to focus on the concept of disconnect.  相似文献   

信息素养是学生生存和发展的基本素养,对信息通信技术(ICT)的胜任力是反映学生信息素养的重要指标。基于PISA 2015中的ICT精熟度问卷数据,对中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力表现进行分析,考查中国学生的ICT资源、ICT使用情况以及ICT兴趣对其ICT胜任力的影响。结果发现:中国四省市学生的ICT胜任力在参测的48个国家和地区中排名靠后;不同性别、不同年级学生的ICT胜任力存在显著差异;家庭ICT资源对学生ICT胜任力有显著的正向预测作用;学生在学校使用ICT越多、在家使用ICT做作业越多,学生的ICT胜任力越高;学生的ICT兴趣越高,他们的ICT胜任力越高,学生的ICT兴趣对他们的ICT胜任力影响最大。为了提高我国学生的ICT胜任力,教育行政部门、学校、教师应充分重视ICT教育,完善ICT素养测评体系;扩大对ICT资源的投入,为学生更多地接触电子设备提供条件;加大ICT和电子设备的使用频率,在教育实践中逐步融入信息素养教育;着力培养学生对信息技术的兴趣,提高他们的ICT胜任力。  相似文献   

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