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创新教育实习模式的探讨及构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为基础教育培养合格的教师后备人才是高等师范教育的目标。教育实习是高师学生实现从学生向教师转变的关键环节。文章旨在通过分析新型教育实习模式的培养目标、传统教育实习模式不足以及国外教育实习成功经验的基础上,探索出更加适合基础教育需求的实践教学培训模式,为师范学生顺利地向教师转变创造条件,为师范院校职前教师教育课程的设置提供依据,同时也为师范类大学生的就业作好铺垫。  相似文献   

谈高师院校英语专业学生实践能力的培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等师范院校肩负着培养未来合格教师的重任。世界各国的高等师范教育都十分重视对学生实践教学能力的培养,注重开展反思性教学研究。基于目前我国师范生在教育实习中面临的主要问题,高等师范院校英语专业学生只有加强和重视在校期间职前实践教学能力的培养,才能缩短成为“专家型”教师的时间和满足基础教育新课程所需的新型英语教师的要求。  相似文献   

作者在长期工作实践的基础上,认真总结了国内外的经验教训,提出了适合我国国情、面向21世纪的我国高等师范教育的最佳模式:独立设置的高等师范院校、“4+1”和“3+1”师资培养方式、中等学校教师的在职教育三者的有机结合.并指出,独立设置的高等师范院校是我国高等师范教育的主体力量,“4+1”和“3+1”方式是高等师范教育的有力补充,中等学校教师的在职教育是高等师范教育的继续和应有的内容,只有将三者有机地结合起来,才能有效地为我国培养出大量、合格的中等学校教师.  相似文献   

在师范生教育的毕业实习阶段,建立师范院校与中小学合作机制一直是我国高等师范院校教育实践的方向。从最初的"教育实习"、到近年来的"顶岗实习"和"双导师制"等,体现了高等师范院校在职前教师教育培养模式上的改革创新。但是,由于高等师范院校与中小学在整个国家教育体系中目标和任务不同、结构和建制不同、思想和文化差异等原因,实践中的改革模式并没有促成二者走向深度合作,"权责明晰、优势互补、合作共赢"的协同培养机制还没有形成。在新时期,只有更新职前教师教育理念,创新运行机制,深化职前教师培养模式改革,建立高等师范院校与中小学协同培养机制,才能实现"卓越教师培养"之路。  相似文献   

通过对当前高等师范院校教育实习存在的主要问题研究,从树立与基础教育改革相适应的教育理念出发,建立高等师范院校、地方政府、中小学合作培养师范生的新机制,加大对高等师范院校实践教学经费的投入,强化指导教师的管理与培训,丰富教育实习内容并建立与之相适应的科学评价标准等方面探索教育实习改革之路,以达到真正提高教育实习质量的目的。  相似文献   

高等师范院校的教育实习 ,是对学校教育质量和毕业生素质的全面检查。构建教育实习新模式是提高教学质量的重要环节 ,是培养专家型教师和时代发展的需要。本文重点介绍了微格教学在教育实习中的应用实践与体会  相似文献   

以“顶岗实习”为契机,深化教师教育实践教学体系改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实习是高等师范院校教师教育专业教学计划的重要组成部分,是中小学教师培养不可或缺的重要环节。文章旨在探讨在我国基础教育新课程改革的大背景下,如何以落实教育部大力提倡的师范生"顶岗实习支教,置换教师培训"为契机,推动我国教师教育实践教学体系的深化改革。  相似文献   

教育实习评价是教育实习中不可或缺的重要环节。通过分析高等师范院校的教育实习在评价内容、评价方式、评价主体上存在的问题,探讨中文教育实习准备、实习、总结三个阶段的评价策略,构建科学合理的教育实习评价体系,进而提高学生的专业化和职业化水平,培养卓越教师,推进实践教学改革。  相似文献   

教育实习作为高等师范院校的师范生教学实践教育中的重要组成部分。做好教育实习工作,是提高师范生的教师专业水平的重要途径。本文分析了目前高等师范院校的教育实习存在的一些问题,探讨相对应的解决方法,以期望教育实习能得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

高等师范专科教育是我国教师教育的重要组成部分,在高等教育进入大众化阶段,高等师范专科教育的发展只有面对现实、转变观念、科学定位、增强质量意识、办出特色,并多渠道加大资金投入才能适应高等教育大众化的发展要求。  相似文献   

人工智能的教育应用成为相关领域的技术趋势和研究热点。为探讨AI赋能教师培训的教育意蕴及其实践向度,从分析人工智能技术促进教师培训理念和实践方式变革入手,分析AI赋能教师培训促使培训和教学实践有机融合,培训目标指向教育智慧的生成和教师自身的完满发展,并在多元关联的知识域、主体域、智能系统中解析AI赋能教师培训的心理场与物理场、自主与规约、冲击与张力等问题,以及培训过程中所蕴含的多维实践意义及关系建构。实践向度上,提出应精准设置学习路径以实现长善救失,坚持实践导向支持对教学实践探索的螺旋上升,将智能信息技术与教学实践深度融合促进教师教学能力提升,注重人性涵养以丰盈教师个体生命。  相似文献   

教育实践智慧根植于具体的教育教学实践,是基于善的教育价值追求。其建构离不开教师的道德品性、自觉的实践理性和不竭的学习顿悟。在此基础上,教育实践智慧的价值在于促进教师的自我发展,改变教师的生存方式和实践行为,使得教育生活更能呈现智慧的光泽。  相似文献   

教育实习是教师教育的重要实践课程.专业技能是教师专业化的标志之一,教育实习对教师教育专业技能的作用如何?本文通过对师范生教育实习前、后对教师专业技能的认识调查进行分析,提出了一些对教育实习实践课程的思考和认识.  相似文献   

The impact of scholarly research in education on the educational practice in secondary school is low. Academics examine problems that teachers in school perceive as irrelevant, want to publish in peer-reviewed journals instead of disseminate their work, and aim at generalizing insights rather than improving school practice. Teacher research might be a way to link educational academic research and teaching practice aiming at furthering professionalism in teaching, improving teaching practice and extending the knowledge base on teaching and learning. Four experienced secondary school teachers systematically investigated their classes, guided by a supervisor. Their materials as well as formal and informal communication with their supervisor and with each other were analysed. Related to their research projects, these teachers reported significant changes in their understanding of student learning and their teaching. They took different perspectives on teaching, looked at alternative solutions for problems, and reflected more deeply on their own teaching as well as teaching of their colleagues. Although each of them published an article in a peer-reviewed journal, they reported difficulties with extending the knowledge base on teaching and learning. Not only did they rarely share results with their colleagues in school because they were perceived as external researchers, they also struggled with writing journal articles and coping with peer reviews. We discuss the value of situated generalization as one of the implications and discuss how teacher research could lead to a new in-between research practice, linking theory and practice, and researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   

缺乏现代教育技术支持的传统幼儿教师教育中存在诸多问题,幼儿教师利用数字化布鲁姆工具拓宽知识领域、深化教师专业成长,理解、增强信息处理能力,提高分析问题、解决问题能力,提升评课能力和教学能力,从而促进幼儿教师教学反思与专业成长。幼儿教师教育要以研修小组为实践共同体,践行自主学习加协助学习模式,建立以网络技术为纽带的幼儿园——高校远程互动教研平台,实现互动交流,互助双赢,共同发展的长效机制。  相似文献   

As a growing number of educational institutions are offering online programs, teachers need to be competent in this new way of teaching. This is especially the case for synchronous online learning through videoconferencing technology, an emergent and so far understudied form of online education. Based on a systematic literature review of 30 studies, this study identifies 24 competence clusters, which can be grouped into 5 teacher roles associated with synchronous online teaching through videoconferencing: the instructional, managerial, technical, communicational, and social role. This framework can act as a starting point for future research on this understudied topic and can also provide directions to support teachers’ professionalization and practice.  相似文献   

The use of kits in elementary science classes is a growing trend in some countries. Kits provide materials and inquiry lessons in a ready-to-teach format for teachers to use in their science instruction. This study examined elementary teachers' instructional strategies, classroom practices, and assessment types in relation to the frequency of science kit use. A total of 503 elementary teachers from an urban school district received professional development, implemented kits in their classrooms for a year, and then completed a survey about science kit use and teaching practices. Despite similarities in demographic characteristics (gender, ethnicity, certification/educational level), there were significant differences in teachers' use of inquiry-based teaching and assessment practices by kit use. Teachers who reported using kits the most often were significantly more likely to report that their students designed and implemented laboratory investigations as well recorded, represented, and analyzed data. In addition, the high kit users indicated that they were more likely to use student groups, require students to use evidence to support claims, and use alternative assessments of student work including portfolios, notebooks, and long-term projects than those teachers who used kits less frequently. Those teachers who reported using kits the least often were significantly more likely to report having students practice for standardized tests. The role of kits in promoting reform-based teaching practices is discussed.  相似文献   

This essay explores the relationship between emotion and teacher identity, using a framework of personal experience and published research from a variety of disciplines. The author argues that an increased awareness of emotional experience serves not only to increase rapport among educators, but also to counteract the persistent dehumanization of the teaching profession in our current sociopolitical context. She highlights the work of other educational scholars to suggest various means by which this awareness can be cultivated in research and teaching practice.  相似文献   

Contemporary genomics research will impact the daily practice of biology teachers who want to teach up-to-date genetics in secondary education. This article reports on a research project aimed at enhancing biology teachers’ expertise for teaching genetics situated in the context of genetic testing. The increasing body of scientific knowledge concerning genetic testing and the related consequences for decision-making indicate the societal relevance of an educational approach based on situated learning. What expertise do biology teachers need for teaching genetics in the personal health context of genetic testing? This article describes the required expertise by exploring the educational practice. Nine experienced teachers were interviewed about the pedagogical content, moral and interpersonal expertise areas concerning how to teach genetics in the personal health context of genetic testing, and the lessons of five of them were observed. The findings showed that the required teacher expertise encompasses specific pedagogical content expertise, interpersonal expertise and a preference for teacher roles and teaching approaches for the moral aspects of teaching in this context. A need for further development of teaching and learning activities for (reflection on) moral reasoning came to the fore. Suggestions regarding how to apply this expertise into context-based genetics education are discussed.  相似文献   

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