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Cloud computing, which refers to an emerging computing model where machines in large data centers can be used to deliver services in a scalable manner, has become popular for corporations in need of inexpensive, large scale computing. Recently, the United States government has begun to utilize cloud computing architectures, platforms, and applications to deliver services and meet the needs of their constituents. Surrounding the use of cloud computing are many risks that can have major impacts on the information and services supported by this technology. This paper discusses the current use of cloud computing in government, and the risks–tangible and intangible–associated with its use. Examining specific cases of government cloud computing, this paper explores the level of understanding of the risks by the departments and agencies that implement this technology. This paper argues that a defined risk management program focused on cloud computing is an essential part of the government IT environment.  相似文献   

This study examines the acceptance of cloud computing services in government agencies by focusing on the key characteristics that affect behavioral intent. The study expanded upon the technology acceptance model by incorporating contextual factors such as availability, access, security, and reliability. The research model was empirically verified by investigating the perception of users working in public institutions. Modeling results showed that user intentions and behaviors were largely influenced by the perceived features of cloud services. Also these features were found to be the significant antecedents of cloud computing usefulness and ease of use. The findings should guide governments' promotion of cloud public services to increase user awareness by enhancing usability and appeal and ensuring security.  相似文献   

This study examines the adoption of centralized customer service systems in local governments in the United States. Survey data is used to show the relationship between different factors of E-Government adoption and the implementation of this information technology (IT). The results of this study show that the adoption of a centralized customer service system was related to the form of government that the local government had and being located in a central city. The results also indicated that the sophistication of the local government's website was related to the adoption of a centralized customer service system. The results of this study did not support the claim that larger cities are more likely to be adopters of this type of IT. Other results indicate that only 15% of local governments have adopted this IT. These information systems are well-integrated with existing online communication methods such as email and the internet. The information from this IT is commonly used by local governments for performance management and budget development.  相似文献   

Cloud computing applications have entered the stage of popularization and wide adoption as part of e-Government. Improving the implementation and assimilation of e-Government cloud applications (e-Gov cloud) to create public value has become an important issue. Based on theories of information technology (IT) assimilation, IT value, and organizational ambidexterity, this study develops a model of e-Gov cloud assimilation and explores the individual and joint effects of the depth and breadth dimensions of e-Gov cloud assimilation on public value. The model was tested with partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using a survey of local government agencies in China. The empirical results show that the two dimensions of e-Gov cloud assimilation - depth and breadth - have significantly positive effects: (1) directly on operational public value and (2) indirectly on strategic public value through operational public value. Moreover, the complementary fit strategy of the depth and breadth of e-Gov cloud has a significantly positive effect on strategic public value, while the balanced fit strategy has no significant effect. These findings contribute to both academic research and practical implications, advancing our understandings of e-Government cloud assimilation on public value creation.  相似文献   

云计算正引领着IT技术新一轮的发展,必将对图书馆界产生巨大影响。目前,国内高校区域性、集聚式的发展格局已经出现,如何实现区域性高校图书馆资源共建共享已成为当前普遍关注的问题。该文以正在建设的浙江省高校数字图书馆下沙分中心(XADL)为例,引入云计算的理念,探讨高校图书馆基于云架构的共建共享服务模式的实现。  相似文献   

档案上云既是政务信息系统集约化建设的必然趋势,也是实现档案工作提质增效的战略举措。在探索过程中,档案工作者既满怀期待,又心存顾虑,安全问题已成为制约档案行业采用云计算服务的关键因素。文章聚焦我国政务云环境,遵循风险管理基本流程,首先基于现有学术文献和政策文本,参照风险构成三要素,从风险因素、风险事件和风险损失三个维度探讨政务云环境中的档案安全风险;然后采用面向档案工作者的问卷调查法和面向专家的德尔菲法对风险因素进行排序和分级,评估风险发生的概率和危害的程度,以期为制定档案云安全保障策略提供参考,推动档案事业融入社会信息化和数字政府建设大局。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) applications in local government have been mostly used to advance the technical capacity of localities in delivering public services. As decision making responsibility moves from the U.S. federal government to local governments, academic researchers should address the need for developing intuitive decision support systems (DSS) for government managers and senior decision makers. The task-specific models of Web-based information systems (IS) discussed in this study can help local government managers capture information in multimedia format and facilitate information sharing between their department and other agencies without dependency on specific platforms, time differences, or locations in a cost-effective manner. Consequently, research should be encouraged to develop methods that respond to questions of training in the new IS environment and to provide solutions to facilitate service and system integration despite the environmental and political complexity surrounding local governments.  相似文献   

随着云计算技术与服务的广泛应用与深度渗透,数据密集型科学出现。云环境中的科学数据既面临传统的安全风险,也遇到新型的安全威胁。从所涉主体的不同,云环境中数据安全风险的致因可分为4类:由研发人员访问科学数据库引发;作者通过云平台进行论文投稿并上传数据所蕴含;政府部门建立科学数据云平台并提供数据服务所致;别有用心的外国政府持续的监视活动。科学数据安全风险的治理范式经历了从单一的技术治理、法律治理到复合型"技术+法律"治理的发展路径。我国当下治理科学数据安全风险的对策主要包括:大力发展云安全产业、构建数据保护法律体系和加强政府数据监管。  相似文献   

Around the world, governments turn to information technology (IT) training programs to enhance equitable delivery of online public services to citizens. However, the effectiveness of these citizen training programs has gone unexplored. This study is motivated by two objectives: 1) To evaluate whether citizen participation in government training programs is associated with greater e-government use among participants, and 2) To assess whether the strength of this relationship varies according to whether a citizen is elderly, disabled, or not – those who are elderly or disabled tend to use e-government the least. We use data from South Korean to examine these objectives. Findings indicate citizen participation in government IT training programs is positively associated with e-government use and that this relationship is stronger for citizens who are elderly or disabled. These findings highlight the potential of government IT training programs to mitigate the digital divide. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The U.S. Government's role as overseer of the World War II airwaves was significant, given the government's task of establishing a supervisory mechanism for the radio industry that would serve the need of national security and, at the same time, minimize the need for bureaucratic intrusion into program decision making. A mechanism also was needed to police the domestic airwaves for unlicensed intruders and to monitor the international airwaves for enemy propaganda. To accomplish these tasks, the government enlisted the services of three agencies: the Federal Communications Commission, the Defense Communications Board, and the Office of Censorship. This paper examines the structure, operation, and contribution of each.  相似文献   

基于云计算的区域电子健康档案服务系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国医疗科技水平的快速发展及国家对区域电子健康档案的高度重视,建设以区域为中心的电子健康档案服务系统是我国卫生领域实现信息化的迫切需要和必然选择。本文从业务需求和技术需求角度对基于云计算的区域电子健康档案系统的优势进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

为了提高云计算环境下数字图书馆虚拟机资源利用率与服务可用性,文章提出了一种云计算环境下基于面向服务架构的数字图书馆虚拟机部署与应用策略.该策略可达到负载均衡和满足服务等级协议的需求.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential of application service providers (ASPs) to transform electronic government (e-government) services at the local level. The ASP model helps local governments overcome barriers to offering next wave e-government services such as a shortage of skilled IT staff and limited financial resources. The realization of full potential, however, requires first the adoption of an ASP model. Five conditions that favor the decision to use an ASP are (1) strong top management support, (2) promise of large efficiency gains, (3) enough IT capability on the part of the government unit to identify key piece of technology, (4) less burdensome outsourcing rules and procedures, and (5) a variety of high quality and reliable ASPs from which to choose locally. To ensure the success of an ASP project, local governments need to build in-house IT capability to evaluate an ASP and to develop proper performance measures. Management should focus on serving citizens and businesses and develop the capability to negotiate as well as manage service-level contracts with ASPs. Continual top management support is necessary for dealing with possible initial resistance and ensuring interdepartmental communication and cooperation.  相似文献   

云计算这一新的信息技术,已经成为众多企业发展战略中的重要组成部分,也为图书馆的发展带来了机遇和挑战。文章简要阐述了云计算的基本概念,分析了云计算环境下图书馆的变化,探讨了图书馆云服务模型的构建,最后分析了图书馆云服务中存在的安全问题及相应的安全策略。  相似文献   

云计算环境下图书馆服务的创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章探讨了图书馆在云计算环境影响下的发展方向,简述了云计算在图书馆的应用情况。指出图书馆应抓住IT行业的这次革命,创新服务,以满足读者的信息需求。探讨性地提出了一些具体的创新服务举措,以适应云环境的发展要求。  相似文献   

How well do governments comply with their own transparency statutes? Alarmingly, answers to this question are in short supply because of patchy comparative data. This study begins to address this gap by analyzing an exhaustive compilation of 265 transparency compliance evaluations (i.e. audits) authored by NGOs, academics, and government oversight authorities across Latin America between 2003 and 2018. Aggregating data on patterns of evaluation and public sector compliance with transparency statutes, we find modest increases in compliance over time, strikingly low compliance with passive transparency compliance (i.e. governmental responses to citizen requests) at the local versus national levels of government, and significantly higher compliance scores when government oversight agencies act as evaluators. Our data also reveal worrying gaps in evaluation efforts. Evaluators tend to focus far more on active transparency (i.e. website-based disclosure) than passive transparency, more on national level governments than subnational governments, and preponderantly on the executive as opposed to legislative or judicial branches of government. Textual analyses show that education is the most evaluated policy theme, with financial policies and social services close behind. In presenting the first large-scale cross-national assessment of transparency compliance, the current study brings to light trends in the effectiveness of transparency regimes and patterns of transparency evaluation across Latin America.  相似文献   

云计算给图书馆管理带来挑战   总被引:71,自引:4,他引:67  
与云计算相关的网络技术或服务,已经应用到了图书馆中。云计算将给图书馆带来巨大好处,也将给图书馆管理带来挑战。图书馆面临的管理方面的挑战包括:可替代性问题,标准问题,数据安全和保密问题,知识产权问题。为应对这些挑战,图书馆学理论界应当研究:云计算的基础理论问题,云计算在图书馆应用的可行性,图书馆云计算政策、标准与协议,基于云计算的图书馆管理体制,云计算案例。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来个人云存储服务的技术安全问题屡见不鲜,严重影响了个人云存储服务用户持续使用率。识别和分析使用云存储服务的技术安全风险的关键影响因素,对于个人云存储服务提供商提供安全云存储服务、提高个人云存储服务用户粘性具有重要实践意义。[方法/过程]基于文献调研、专家访谈、云计算安全报告(Gartner)、云计算安全架构与标准(ENISA、CSA、FedRAMP、MTCS),构建个人云存储服务的技术安全风险影响因素指标体系。通过专家问卷调查得出个人云存储服务的技术安全风险评估体系中各影响因素之间的直接影响矩阵,运用Fuzzy-DEMATEL方法对个人云存储服务技术安全风险影响因素的因果关系及重要程度进行分析,揭示个人云存储服务技术安全风险关键影响因素。[结果/结论]个人云存储服务技术安全风险关键影响因素包括:访问控制、服务/账户劫持、软件安全风险、虚拟化漏洞、数据传输安全。最后,依据实证研究结论,为个人云存储服务提供商构建安全云存储服务提供可行的技术建议。本研究丰富了个人云存储服务安全风险理论研究成果,为个人云存储服务提供商保障用户数据安全提供实践参考。  相似文献   

云计算平台的安全性问题越来越受到广泛的关注,同时也只有完善云计算共享服务的安全性问题,才能有 效促进其发展进程。首先对云计算共享服务模式和目前存在的云服务安全风险架构进行分析;然后对云服务面临的新的 或传统风险中被忽略而在云计算中被放大的安全风险及对策进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 云服务在图书馆的应用可有效提升图书馆的数据存储与计算能力,但也为图书馆带来众多信息资源安全问题,而云计算服务协议的不规范性更加剧了图书馆面临的信息安全风险。[方法/过程] 选取8家云服务代表运营商的服务协议作为样本,聚焦云服务协议中有关信息安全的条款,从数据收集、数据存储、数据传输、数据访问和服务安全等5个方面深入分析当前云服务协议条款中存在的信息安全风险。[结果/结论] 图书馆应用云服务可能面临的信息安全风险包括:云服务协议内容缺失,用户信息安全难以得到确切保护;云服务协议表述模糊,尚未建立健全的安全保障机制;云服务协议的制定更有利于云提供商,用户权利易受侵犯。在此环境下,图书馆应当进一步明确图书馆用户数据的所有权,强调图书馆信息资源的安全性。  相似文献   

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