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设备腐蚀是导致物料泄漏、火灾、爆炸、中毒等事故发生的最重要原因之一。甲醇装置中的物料多为易燃易爆、有毒的气体和液体,并且腐蚀现象普遍存在各设备中,提高天然气低压合成甲醇装置的生产安全性就显得尤为重要。通过对该装置的腐蚀危害进行分析,得出甲醇装置主要腐蚀形式有蒸汽转化炉的低温露点腐蚀、合成反应器的氢腐蚀、合成气热交换器的低温露点腐蚀和冲蚀、分馏塔的酸腐蚀和气蚀、水冷却器的电偶腐蚀和振动磨蚀等,并针对不同的腐蚀形式,制定出了相应的安全对策措施。  相似文献   

基于对我国目前焦化装置生产过程中腐蚀现状的研究,结合停工腐蚀检查期间的测厚数据,参照国内外相关标准,针对典型腐蚀管道及典型换热器进行寿命预测,并计算下次检验日期,为焦化装置腐蚀设备使用期限提供参照,具有一定的工程应用意义。  相似文献   

在炼油化工生产过程中,由于介质腐蚀性较强,工作环境较恶劣,蒸馏装置极易发生腐蚀失效,甚至引起装置停工,从而造成重大经济损失。通过总结蒸馏装置常压塔的腐蚀调查情况,分析了该设备发生腐蚀的机理,并提出防腐措施,为装置的正常运行提供保障。  相似文献   

为找到硫酸铵装置设备、管道及厂房腐蚀存在的原因并能有效进行防护,减少设备及管道的泄漏,支吊架的锈蚀,混凝土框架的腐蚀,保证装置设备的安稳运行,本文从硫酸铵生产工艺特点、腐蚀机理入手,通过对装置现场设备、管道进行宏观检测和腐蚀产物XRD的物相分析,发现腐蚀原因主要是大气腐蚀与硫酸铵腐蚀,特从工艺处理、设备管理、在线监测、厂房修复处理方法、防腐材料的选择、混凝土框架设计方面提出对应的防护对策,并已取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

使用PHP、MySQL、Ajax、Autodesk DWF等先进软件技术工具开发符合用户实际需求的石化装置设备防腐信息分析系统。介绍了该系统的总体结构,详细描述了各模块功能设计思想,提出了以各装置设备采样点为中心索引,将该装置腐蚀信息、防腐测厚信息等数据相关联、采用图形化仿真界面对相关数据进行管理和应用分析的腐蚀信息管理方法,使得公司员工能够通过快速查询和分析设备腐蚀情况,极大提高了石化企业的防腐水平。  相似文献   

随着炼油结构的不断调整,加工原油品质多样化和性质复杂化趋势越来越明显。高硫高酸值原油加工过程中,蒸馏装置面临着低温部位和高温部位设备发生不同原因的腐蚀现象严重的问题;在生产工艺中强化设备防腐技术措施,提高装置长周期安全运转能力,是保证高硫高酸值原油加工的关键。  相似文献   

通过2018年某公司140万吨/年MIP-CGP催化裂化装置大检修中,对装置的分馏稳定单元产生腐蚀的部位及原理进行探索,发现了装置分馏稳定单元各塔、罐、换热器、管线中存在腐蚀的问题,对产生腐蚀的部位及原因进行分析,提出从工艺参数调整和过程设备改进两方面的防腐措施。  相似文献   

秦彤 《电大理工》2003,(1):15-16
介绍了脱硫装置胺系统设备腐蚀类型及减缓腐蚀的方法  相似文献   

煤电钻是煤矿井下掘进及采煤的常用移动式设备。煤电钻的安全使用与否,对煤矿井下正常生产和生产安全具有很大影响。介绍了6KVA大功率煤电钻综合装置的研制过程。  相似文献   

通过对重油催化裂化装置油浆组分中催化剂颗粒的粒径、含量等测定分析,找出了设备受到冲刷磨损的原因,并对反应装置中的旋风分离器进行了技术改造,消除了事故隐患,确保了安全生产。  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to assess the value that college students place on instrumental and affective communication skills across progressive relational stages in same‐sex relationships. Existing measures were utilized for affective and instrumental skills, however a newly developed communication skill (companionship) was also included. Relational stages included non‐unit (acquaintance), pre‐unit (testing friendship potential), unit (friend), and super‐unit (special friend). Results indicated that participants in non‐unit relationships valued some affective communication skills less tlian did those in pre‐unit, unit, and super‐unit relationships. All relational stages valued instrumental skills equally. Some gender differences were noted.  相似文献   

轻量级J2EE架构软件的单元测试研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轻量级J2EE架构软件的单元测试没有统一规范和标准,在实际工程开发中难以操作和实施。可从单元测试的基本理论和J2EE架构的特点切入研究,探讨轻量级J2EE架构软件单元测试的一般策略和方法。  相似文献   

通过对高校生均培养成本核算的情况进行探讨,认为高校生均培养成本核算存在3个问题,即各高校缺少提供生均培养成本的动力,生均培养成本概念界定模糊,生均培养成本核算缺乏基础。提出新《高等学校会计制度》首次适当引入权责发生制原则,创新引入了"虚提"固定资产折旧,进一步细化事业支出的分类和核算,全面规范财政补助结转结余、非财政补助结转结余的会计核算,可解决高校生均培养成本核算中的问题。  相似文献   

1997年修订的新刑法明确规定了单位犯罪,使得我国刑法关于单位犯罪问题得到进一步发展和完善。但是,我国刑法规定的单位犯罪问题仍存在着立法缺陷,例如,单位盗窃应如何处理问题和单位犯罪能否成为累犯问题,本将对上述二个问题进行分析,并提出相应的建议,予以完善。  相似文献   

依据GB 3 1 0 0~ 3 1 0 2— 93《量和单位》系列标准 ,对出版物中出现量与单位符号正斜体大小写混淆、单位符号与中文符号混用、使用非单位符号、用一种单位符号代替另一种、在单位符号上附加标识、重叠使用词头、使用已废弃的单位符号等问题进行了辨析 ,以期引起作者和编者的注意 ,使出版物中使用量与单位符号达到标准化 .  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to design and implement a digital interactive globe system (DIGS), by integrating low-cost equipment to make DIGS cost-effective. DIGS includes a data processing unit, a wireless control unit, an image-capturing unit, a laser emission unit, and a three-dimensional hemispheric body-imaging screen. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to evaluate the learning effectiveness of our system. A total of 105 junior high-school students from Taiwan participated in this 8-week experiment. The students were divided into three individual groups of 35 students each, with one control group and two experimental groups (EG1 and EG2). The results of one-way mixed design ANOVA indicated that participants in the experimental group, who used the DIGS, outperformed the other two groups, in the post-test as well as in the delayed test. These findings demonstrate that the proposed DIGS can effectively enhance the performance of the learners in an Earth Science course.  相似文献   

战国秦汉时期的里社与私社   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来长江流域出土的简牍材料表明,战国秦汉时期南方楚地存在着很多里。里皆有其社,社主又有“地主”、“侯土”等异名。围绕着里社的巫术活动十分盛行。从战国至汉代,里、社合一之制基本得到沿续,然而里、社分离的历史趋势已明显存在。西汉晚期,民间百姓在里社(官社)之外另立私社。东汉初年的《序宁祷券》证明了此种私社的存在,西汉中期邗江汉墓的《神灵名位牍》和秦朝末年的周家台秦简《日书》中关于私社的内容,比文献中唯一一条材料(见《汉书.五行志》)要分别提前36年和177年。  相似文献   


This report summarises the first year of an innovative and multilayered teaching and learning collaborative experience within the context of an undergraduate unit in early childhood. The facilitative influence is two‐fold: (a) generic information skills training (GIST) project which is a joint initiative between the Institute of Early Childhood (IEC), the Library and the Centre for Flexible Learning to teach information literacy skills which are contextualised within the unit presentation mode, its requirements and assessment tasks, and (b) redesign of the unit from a former third‐year level to a first‐year level to incorporate the notion of problem‐based, collaborative teaching and learning. Many challenges were faced by those involved in the unit in its first year, mainly class size and heterogeneity of student levels, incorporation of technology into learning and teaching, and flow of information for smooth operations for students, the teaching team and Library staff. Multilevel collaborations were central to this experience, and examples of student‐student, student‐teacher, and teacher‐staff collaborations are provided. The first of the 2‐year cycle of the GIST project has generated substantive data, as has the implementation of the unit in an innovative format. The complexity and challenges presented in the unit seemed to account for student withdrawal of about 25% in the first month; final evaluations are obtained from 292 students. Survey results presented here are both from the withdrawn students, as well as those who completed the unit. Modifications to the delivery of the unit in its second year and ways of strengthening the communities of learners and teachers towards a common goal are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

搞清“语法、语言单位”的内涵和外延及其相互之间的关系,是进行语言和语法研究的前提。这方面的研究虽有进展,但还有待于进一步研讨。为有助于对“语法、语言单位”问题进行深入探求。本文对语法、语言单位的种类、各单位之间的相互关系的研究作出述评,并提出新的语法单位观。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to examine the Environmental Workshop unit taught to Environmental Sciences majors in the high schools in Israel and learn if, and in what ways, this unit could become a model for environmental education throughout the high school curriculum. We studied the special characteristics of the Environmental Workshop (EW) unit, which is based on inquiry-based learning that takes place in and out of school, and includes an environmental action component as well. We describe three approaches to the EW we identified. After identifying teachers’ challenges in assessing their students, in addition to the phenomenographic study, we suggest and demonstrate assessing the EW students by relevant socio-scientific issues. Finally, we argue that the EW could be incorporated in the junior as well as the high school curriculum as a coherent unit that is in line with environmental education in its broader sense.  相似文献   

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