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To meet its future challenges in financing higher education, Egypt has no option but to search for alternative funding arrangements. This article considers the question of how to do so, keeping in mind the need to ensure equitable access to good quality education for those who cannot afford it. To this end, the article begins by assessing public expenditure on higher education in Egypt, with respect to its adequacy, efficiency, and equity. Next, it analyzes the impacts that demographic changes, the demand for quality education, and the transition to private provision of education will have on the nature of financing higher education in the future. It concludes by suggesting alternative strategies to address the problem of financing higher education in Egypt.  相似文献   

This article analyzes patterns of expenditure on higher education in Jordan, explores the current system??s adequacy, efficiency, and equity, and identifies its strengths and weaknesses in light of current constraints and future challenges. Among the constraints are the relatively low public expenditure on higher education, leaving households to compensate through private expenditure. Moreover, despite more spending on university education, the quickly rising volume of students has required compromises in quality. Meanwhile, gradually falling subsidies have pressured public universities to reconsider their financing mechanisms and become more efficient. Cost-sharing mechanisms have been introduced through commercial private universities and ??parallel programmes?? at public universities. This generates much-needed income, but raises two critical issues. Students from poorer backgrounds find it even more difficult to enter university, and quality is constrained because universities must compromise on tasks that are essential but not profitable such as research and development. Among the suggested solutions are promoting the culture of charitable endowments, perhaps through a revision of the Islamic awqaf system, and developing innovative financial mechanisms to tap private savings without incurring the hazards of profit maximization.  相似文献   

民办高校现已成为我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,对民办高校进行财政资助是促进其发展的重要举措。基于历史制度主义的分析视角发现,自改革开放以来,我国民办高校财政资助制度历经初步形成、法制化建设、多样化发展以及差别化扶持四个阶段,其制度变迁深受宏观制度环境、民办高校发展受重视程度以及财政资助目标转变的影响,变迁过程中存在路径依赖现象,在整体上呈现出以诱致性变迁为主、强制性变迁为辅的变迁逻辑。后续民办高校财政资助制度的发展,将注重经费投入增加与支出结构优化相协调、充分体现财政杠杆的三重作用、平衡好财政资助的效率与公平。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

This paper explores the higher education financing policy in Morocco in light of the central issue of equity. First, it surveys the current situation, using a critical approach to the present financing policy, and looking at the three dimensions of adequacy, efficiency, and equity. Second, it describes the principal policy challenges in financing higher education. Third, it presents several public policy proposals likely to bring changes to the financing policy in order to meet these challenges. The analysis shows that the sustainability and the equity of the current financing system are undermined by the dysfunctions introduced by the private/public split in the higher education system and the lack of a clear political strategy pertaining to the medium of instruction.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the 1988 Family Expenditure Survey to estimate and analyze the private expenditure on education in Greece. Such expenditure amounts to 111,624 million drs per year or 2.1% of total household expenditure. The aggregate expenditure of households is roughly half of what the state is spending on education. The dominant type of expenditure is for foreign languages and private crammer schools (frontisteria). There are sharp differences in private expenditure on education depending on the location of the household (spending in Athens is two-and-a-half times that of small towns and villages), the household's total expenditure, as well as the occupation and educational level of the head of the household. The findings are discussed in the context of the equity and efficiency of current education provision and financing policies.  相似文献   

多国高等教育大众化模式比较研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
根据经费来源的不同可以把世界各国高等教育大众化的模式归纳为四种:美国模式、西欧模式、东南亚以及拉丁美洲模式、转型国家模式。总结和比较不同模式的特点,我们发现:充分利用民间资金是解决高等教育大众化过程中经费难题的根本途径;高等教育质量的高低,与办学体制并没有必然联系,相反,民办高等教育的发展,有利于激活竞争机制,更好地培养适应社会需求的人才。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the current challenge facing higher education by exploring the historical relationship between higher education funding and long economic cycles in the UK, USA and France. It examines the consequence of the transformation of public‐private income in higher education that followed the 1970s downturn, questioning whether the rise of private resources acted as additional or substitutive resources for public spending. The paper suggests that there is a risk that the cost‐sharing strategy could be turned into a policy of public‐private substitution of funding and provision, leading to a transfer rather than an increase of resources with strong implications on quality and equity. However, the Kondratiev cycle suggests an alternative route by designating the impact of the 1970s economic downturn on education as unique. Previous economic crises were contemporary of accelerations of public funding towards education which in fact contributed to economic recovery. The current crisis could represent an opportunity to revive counter‐cyclical policy by looking not only at efficient public spending but also at developing fairer taxation. A revival of public funding complemented by an additional rather than substitutive diversification of income would rebalance the public‐private structure of funding and drive a sustainable higher education system capable of playing a key part in these counter‐cyclical transformations.  相似文献   

The evolution of higher education in Brazil is described and proposals for its reform analysed. Enrollment growth in the 1970s favoured private institutions and most of the expansion was absorbed by private non-university establishments. The article next examines the financing of higher education in Brazil before turning to efficiency and equity issues. To improve the latter more students from low-income families must complete secondary education and have access to good-quality subsidized higher education. A system of loans and of scholarships for the needy is suggested for a system in which the inequity problems at higher education are a consequence of inefficiencies at the basic education level.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to analyse the present pattern of funding higher education in India and to discuss the desirability and feasibility of various alternative methods of funding the same. Higher education in India is basically a state funded sector. But as higher education benefits not only society at large, but also individuals specifically, and as it attracts relatively more privileged sections of the society, there is a rationale for shifting the financial burden to the individual domain from the social domain.It is argued here that given the resource constraints and equity considerations, financing higher education mostly from the general tax revenue may not be a desirable policy in the long run. Accordingly some of the alternative policy choices are discussed, including financing higher education from the public exchequer, student loans, graduate tax, student fees, and the role of the private sector. Among the available alternatives, it is argued that a discriminatory pricing mechanism would be relatively more efficient and equitable. While given the socioeconomic and political realities, the government has to continue to bear a large responsibility for funding higher education, instead of relying on a single form of funding, efforts should be made to evolve a model of funding that provides a mix of the various methods. It is also argued that fee and subsidy policies need to make distinctions across various layers and forms of higher education.  相似文献   

All countries and particularly the less developed face serious difficulties in the financing of higher education. This has also been true of Colombia, where private higher education has grown more rapidly than the official sector to the point of accounting for 60% of total enrollment due to the State's inability to increase the number of its institutions and to provide them with growing budgets.Given the greater efficiency in expenditure demonstrated by private institutions, a comparison is made of their income and expenditure structure with that of public institutions and differences are established in order to define those areas in which greater internal efficiency can be achieved.In spite of the total cost of higher education in Colombia it is relatively low due to the prevalence of low salaries and lack of equipment or sophisticated facilities and due also to the fact that research is still in an incipient stage.Faced with problems of fairness toward lower income families that must pay more than they can afford, or on the other hand, those who could pay more but are receiving free state education, a state subsidy is proposed to carry out a direct transfer to the student, while all state universities would charge tuition that would cover the cost of instruction. This subsidy should be channelled through ICETEX, a pioneer institution in the world in the field of student financing through credit. Several sources of student financing are examined that reflect a more realistic way of responsibly subsidizing study.  相似文献   

我国特殊教育学校教育经费支出结构探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育经费的支出结构影响着经费的使用效率。本文分析我国当前特殊教育学校1998-2009年教育经费支出结构,发现:经费支出总量逐年增长,但相对不足;支出结构不合理,个人经费紧张,奖贷助学金比例偏低,公务费用过高以及地区差异显著等问题。由此建议加大特殊教育投入力度并优先保证特殊教育经费支出,合理调整教育经费支出结构,提高经费的使用效率。  相似文献   

21世纪初,随着美国经济的又一次衰退,美国公立高校的民营化趋势愈演愈烈,公立高校开始依赖私人资金,并不断扩大自主权。对近20年来美国公立高校经费来源结构的变化作大致的分析,有助于探究目前美国公立高校民营化倾向的原因及其表现,并分析其对教育公平性、教学质量、高校管理、乃至整个美国高等教育系统所产生的影响。  相似文献   

For many years the Portuguese Ministry of Education used a funding formula to allocate the State budget to public higher education institutions. Some of its major objectives were higher enrolments and allocation equity. As the expenditure on salaries was a major component of the budget, the formula was supposed to force convergence to established standard staff/student ratios. This article analyses the evolution of staff numbers in Portuguese public universities to assess how successful the funding formula has been in forcing convergence to standard staff numbers.  相似文献   

This chapter discusses a few select issues relating to the privatization of education in the South Asian countries. Particularly concentrating on India, a few comparisons are made on private and public schools, and in the process a few common postulates are examined relating to equity, quality and financing of education. The complementary nature of public and private sectors, and the correlates of private sector are also briefly probed into.  相似文献   

梁文艳 《天中学刊》2011,26(1):18-24
面对经济危机给公立高校造成的经费困境,美国联邦政府积极调整高等教育财政政策,通过加大高等教育投入、改进高校学生财政资助政策、加大对高校基础科研和科技创新的经费拨款、推动以职业教育为导向的两年制学院发展等措施,美国的高等教育取得了长足的发展。在我国正式颁布《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》,并着手制定"十二五"教育规划的过程中,我国的高等教育财政政策应借鉴"他山之石",作出战略性、前瞻性的部署。  相似文献   

The equity effects of public subsidization of private schools in Côte d’Ivoire are analyzed. The subsidy per student in private (and public) schools increases as one goes to higher household per capita expenditure groups. Students from families in the highest expenditure quartile receive twice the subsidy received by students from families in the lowest quartile, compared to four times more in the case of students attending public schools. However, the subsidy system is relatively progressive in the case of private school attendance as there is a clear tendency for the share of family education expenditure covered by subsidies to decline as one goes to higher quartiles.  相似文献   

我国教育经费结构:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国教育经费的增长,经费分配的公平和使用效率等结构性问题将引起更多重视。本文在前人研究的基础上,总结我国的历史数据,比较他国的有关数据资料,对我国教育经费的来源结构、分配结构和使用结构进行了回顾与展望。研究认为:1、在可以预见的未来,主要由于预算内教育经费的增加,我国教育经费来源结构总体上将呈现财政性教育经费占比缓慢提高的趋势;未来更长时期的变化,将主要受政府政策选择的影响。2、在分配结构方面,短期内初等教育经费占全国教育经费的比例会因为政策支持而有所提升,但从长远来看,中等教育和高等教育将由于规模的扩大而在总经费中占据更大比重。3、在生均经费方面,以绝对货币单位表示的三级教育生均成本将会继续提高,但以生均成本指数(生均成本占人均GDP的比例)来看,未来我国初等教育生均成本指数会继续提高,高等教育的长期趋势有可能是继续下降。3、在教育经费使用结构方面,本文以地方小学的数据验证了人员经费占事业经费比重与事业经费充足程度之间的关系,证明经费的内部结构可以作为监测教育经费充足程度的指标,认为未来随着总体经费紧张程度的缓解,总体上看,教育经费中人员经费在事业经费中的比例将继续降低。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of public vs private finance of education and public vs private management of schools on school cost and efficiency, using school-level data on revenues, expenditures, enrollments, examination scores and student characteristics from Indonesian primary schools. We find that in Indonesia, where schools generally operate at very low funding levels, more money is likely to bring better school quality. Private management is more efficient than public management in achieving academic quality. Private funding also improves efficiency whether the schools are publicly or privately managed, but the incremental effect declines as the local funding share increases.  相似文献   

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