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由传统的文献信息中心向新型的学习服务中心转变,是当前网络数字阅读背景下公共图书馆的必然选择,更是发挥图书馆教育职能的一种创新服务模式。通过对辽宁省全民学习中心进行实证研究,结合慕课时代公共图书馆的发展方向,在对学习中心特征及功能进行阐述的基础上,展望了公共图书馆学习中心的发展前景。  相似文献   

学习中心是图书馆业务转型与发展的重要形态,是城市学习空间构建的核心。学习中心的建设应体现泛在学习、虚实结合、体系化和细分读者的理念,从技术、资源、服务、空间、管理等多个方面进行创新、完善和提升,构建以学习为中心的工作体系。文章介绍了东莞学习中心网络平台的开发和应用情况,并对东莞学习中心的建设发展提出进一步努力的方向和意见。  相似文献   

本文对以学习者为中心的开放教育教学模式进行了探讨,从设计个体化的学习内容、计划、实施及增加教材多媒体化的设计能力、激发学习者的学习兴趣等几个方面进了论证与阐述。  相似文献   

本文阐述了上海市中心图书馆文献资源共建共享的现状,探讨了中心图书馆发展战略构思,集文献资源、网络资源和服务资源为一体的现代化信息中心,对中心图书馆的管理模式和运行方式提出了探讨性建议。参考文献5。  相似文献   

阐述了学习科学与图书馆学、情报学的相关性,以及图书馆学、情报学引入学习科学的必要性,总结了学习科学对现代图书馆发展的作用和深远影响。  相似文献   

通过对全国13家外国教材中心的组织机制、人员构成、教材采购、管理、服务、评介研究及网页维护等方面的分析,阐述了各中心在管理和利用方面取得的成绩及存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

图书馆正日渐成为以读者学习、吸收和利用知识为中心的社会智能机构。论文阐述了图书馆成为社会智能机构的演变历史及其本质特征。  相似文献   

黄会芳 《大观周刊》2012,(22):218-218
确保学生的主体地位有利于激发学生的学习兴趣、提高学生的学习能力和探究问题的能力。本文从培养学生学习动机与兴趣、多进行赞赏教育、形成以发挥学生主体作用为中心的教学方式几个方面阐述了如何落实学生的主体地位  相似文献   

中学图书馆作为学校的信息资料中心,是中学生进行研究性学习的重要阵地,在新的教育理念下,中学图书馆如何为学生的研究性学习提供最佳服务?本文从重视藏书建设、提高现代信息技术开发利用能力等四个方面加以阐述。  相似文献   

文章首先阐述了新时代文明实践中心和县级融媒体中心的定义,并分析新时代文明实践中心与县级融媒体中心相结合的意义。根据目前二者的结合现状,指出了二者在结合过程中存在的问题,队伍人员交流过少、阵地结合不够深入、缺乏完整的运行机制等,通过对这些问题的分析,在如何推进新时代文明实践中心和融媒体中心的融合运用中提出统一调度人员,搭建一个中心两个平台、建立健全运行机制等对策,加强新时代文明实践中心与县级融媒体中心的融合运行,发挥出两个中心融合发展的最大优势。  相似文献   

从全球视角出发,探究长时间尺度下国际技术贸易活动格局的演化规律。本研究选取1970—2019年50个主要国家/地区的知识产权使用费数据作为分析对象,利用重心模型、科学中心转移理论和复杂网络分析方法,分别从进口和出口两个角度分析国际技术贸易的地理重心迁移、中心国家转移以及网络结构演化等规律。研究结果显示,1970—2019年:(1)国际技术贸易进出口地理重心均稳定于北半球,并分别以0.56°(45.19 km)/年、1.52°(120.68 km)/年的速度向东迁移;进口重心一直位于出口重心东侧,但两者间距离在逐步缩小。(2)国际技术贸易进口中心的转移次序为德国→日本→美国→荷兰→爱尔兰;国际技术贸易出口中心一直是美国,未发生转移,但其占比在持续下降。(3)国际技术贸易活动愈加广泛和深化;国际技术贸易网络具有明显的"小世界"和"核心-边缘"结构特征;美国优势地位明显,具有最强的国际技术贸易获利能力;中国的网络地位近期快速提升,但国际技术贸易出口能力亟待提高。  相似文献   

This article describes the evolution of the Health Sciences Library's plans for an interdisciplinary, technology-enhanced collaboration center, from a technology-driven space to one with a vision of support for peer-to-peer learning and research. The center offers an exciting opportunity to be an essential partner in collaborative and interdisciplinary programs such as the new Carolina Center for Exploratory Genetic Analysis. The Library is a centrally located and neutral place, which helps minimize geographical and territorial obstacles to effective collaboration. The collaboration center raises the Library's visibility and allows staff to demonstrate the value of knowledge resources, services, technology expertise, infrastructure, and facilities for group study and collaboration.  相似文献   

作为历史研究中不可或缺的环节,地方现代史的收集、整理和馆藏应提到较高的重视程度;高校图书馆,特别是中小城市的高校图书馆,长期以来只是学校的图书信息中心,而在校园文化建设中没有起到应有的作用。本文提出将地方高校图书馆建成当地文物文献的收藏和博览中心,既服务于地方的文化建设,又塑造高校的人文精神,形成具有地方特色的高校文化。  相似文献   

In the Spring 2017 semester, an instructional designer, a writing center coordinator, and a director of distance library services initiated a pilot project for a seven-campus, eight-satellite center, public university system to cross-train virtual writing tutors in baseline research skills. This case study describes the collaborative pilot program’s progress, challenges, and lessons learned and grounds the process in peer learning theory, exploring its growing acceptance in academic libraries.  相似文献   

打造用户学习中心:图书馆学习共享空间构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习共享空间在构建主义学习理论的影响下具有支持学习的内涵,是确立图书馆学习中心地位的重要服务模式。在充分发挥用户学习中心的功能的基础上,从物理共享空间、虚拟共享空间、文化共享空间三个维度构建学习共享空间。学习共享空间将朝参与E-learning和功能整合的趋势发展,使图书馆成为用户学习中心。  相似文献   

图书馆新视野:公共知识管理制度   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
图书馆是公共知识中心在某一特定发展阶段的表现形态。公共知识中心实际上代表着平等、高效的公共知识管理制度。公民文化权利的保护、社会关系的调整、WTO义务的履行以及学习型社会的创建 ,迫切需要一套行之有效的公共知识管理制度。目前 ,制定公共知识保障法 ,构建公共知识共享与保障体系 ,以确保公共知识的平等获取与合理使用 ,是完善公共知识管理制度的关键。  相似文献   

程本强 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(3):83-84,15
创建全面开放实用的学习资源中心是电大现代远程开放教育个体化学习支持服务体系中的重要工作目标。文章探讨了由电大图书馆升级成为学习资源中心的必要性与可行性,并剖析了实现目标的基本条件。  相似文献   

Problem: Four consumer health information centers in Richmond, Virginia, provide one-on-one assistance in accessing health information. Because they may not be fully utilized at present, an exploratory marketing study of factors affecting usage of the centers was conducted.Method: Observers counted center passers-by and tracked their paths. Also, brief intercept interviews were conducted with people who had just used a center, people nearby who could have used one but did not, and people on the street. Finally, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with key informants.Results: There was a high degree of satisfaction with the centers among users. Nonusers universally endorsed the center concept. However, most passers-by did not even glance at the centers, and intercept interviewees suggested better signage and promoting the resource centers through various media channels. Key informants added suggestions about interpersonal strategies (e.g., physician referrals) for center usage promotion but cautioned that a large increase in traffic could not be accommodated without increasing staff size or shifting from a model of individualized service.Conclusions: Triangulating findings from multiple data collection methods can provide useful guidance for efforts to promote center utilization. At minimum, steps should be taken to make the largest centers more noticeable. Because center utilization is not only associated with consumer satisfaction with hospitals, but may also foster health literacy, both hospital-based and community-based usage promotion strategies may be warranted. All such promotional strategies should be audience-tested before they are adopted.


  • Both users and nonusers of consumer health information centers said they would think more highly of a hospital with a center and would refer friends or family members to such a center.
  • Study participants classified as nonusers of the centers were unaware of the centers or found them hard to locate.
  • Suggestions for increasing center traffic ranged from improving signage to promoting routine referrals from hospital staff.
  • An alternative to increasing center traffic is delivering information to places where consumers are located.


  • Those responsible for making funding decisions about health information centers should be made aware that hospitals with health information centers are perceived more positively.
  • The potential trade-off between intensive, personalized customer service and serving large numbers of consumers must be considered carefully.

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(40):157-168
Due to severe budget constraints the cost of implementing an interactive media center must be weighed heavily against potential reference benefits derived from having a facility of this sort included in the library. This investigation determines cost-per-issue of the Interactive Media Center at the State University of New York at Albany Library. Relevant literature focuses on various aspects of such a center. However, there are no specific publications which deal with the subject as a whole. The methodological approach was a case study. An interview was conducted with the Coordinator of the facility. The data advantages and shortcomings of the investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

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