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This is an analysis of the social structural context of community newspaper editors' use of a variety of information technologies, including technologies that can be conceptualized as being (a) compatible with and (b) incompatible with the routine production of the newspaper. Findings were that newspapers in more pluralistic, more urban communities were more likely to use all varieties of information technologies than were newspapers in less pluralistic, rural communities. Nationally, the gap between rural and urban communities with online newspapers was widening. Other indicators of social resources, the editor's education level and the newspaper's organizational complexity, did not explain the newspaper's use of information technologies that are compatible with normal news gathering operations.  相似文献   

Most extant research on end-of-life communication in families has been based on the assumption that more communication is better communication. We used a multiple goals theoretical perspective to demonstrate that the quality of communication about end-of-life decisions matters. Members of 121 older parent/adult child dyads (N = 242) engaged in an elicited conversation about end-of-life health choices and reported their assessments of the conversation. Using multilevel linear modeling, we found that outside ratings of a person's communication quality (i.e., attention to task, identity, and relational goals) as well as outside ratings of the partner's communication quality were positively associated with the person's reported conversational satisfaction and hopefulness and negatively associated with the person's hurt feelings and relational distancing.  相似文献   

This study examined how race and gender of reporters and community diversity influenced use of women and minority sources in local television coverage of the 2002 governor's race in Michigan. Content analysis of campaign stories broadcasted by four local television stations revealed that women reporters were more likely than their male colleagues to use women and nonpartisan sources such as experts and ordinary citizens. But minority journalists were only slightly more likely to use minority sources and were less likely than nonminorities to use nonpartisan sources.  相似文献   

Television anchors are key public figures in the American news media, vital for the ratings success of their outlets. This study uses content analysis and framing theory to examine US network news anchors’ role at a pivotal career moment—the last minutes in the all-powerful anchor chair—their swan songs. These final words are examined for messages as anchors express gratitude, sum up careers, provide journalism insights, and pronounce final words of wisdom. The textual analysis revealed several dominant frames—becoming one with the audience, expressions of gratitude to staff and viewers, the anchors’ perception of their historical role noting predecessors and successors, and insightful wisdom about journalism’s role in society. The visual analysis showed a style reinforcing a professional presence, signaling authority, and objectivity. Each American lodestar anchor was different, yet they were similar in how they said goodbye and how they wanted to be remembered.  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between box-office performance and celebrity media exposure, as measured by appearances in the celebrity magazine, People. This study employs variables that capture different time periods to test whether People magazine appearances were merely part of a general promotional effort by a studio or whether appearances reflected the popular appeal of the actor. The results indicate that promotional appearances do not significantly affect box-office revenues. In fact, it is the star's popular appeal reflected in appearances prior to the promotional push that significantly affect box-office success.  相似文献   

This study examines year-by-year correlations between Freedom House and Reporters Sans Frontières' (RSF) press freedom scores for countries over a 13-year period (2002–2014). The goal of the study is to test the hypothesis that, further into the age of digital disclosure, as press abuses and harassment of journalists are more widely reported, press freedom ranking systems are gradually becoming more precise and, therefore, correlations between the two indices will strengthen over time. To further assess concurrent validity of the indices, correlations between both indices and scores on the United Nations Human Development Index are also provided. The study also examines changes in the indices' rankings of countries over time within six world regions: the Middle East and North Africa, the Americas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe/Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia. In so doing, this study adds a degree of understanding to the validity of two press freedom indices that are routinely cited in journalistic reportage and trade journals, as well as many scholarly publications. Results suggest that the two organizations' scoring of press freedom has become significantly more correlated in the years 2002–2014, and the primary cause of the increased agreement is that RSF's ratings became substantially more aligned with Freedom House's scores during this period. Both indices' ratings are significantly correlated with countries' United Nations Human Development Index scores.  相似文献   

This study examined how advice givers' self-reported interaction goals influence recipients' evaluations of advice. A typology of giver goals was developed based on message production theories, and the influence of goal pursuit on evaluations of advice was analyzed in interactions between friends (N=189 dyads). In the structural equation model, several giver goals directly affected recipients' evaluations of specific advice features (e.g., greater effort to give efficacious and feasible advice resulted in ratings of advice as more efficacious and feasible). In turn, recipient evaluations of specific message features influenced their ratings of advice message quality. Advice giver goals of efficacy/feasibility, politeness, and novelty led to positive recipient ratings, whereas effort to change the recipient's mind led to negative evaluations.  相似文献   

Although many factors affecting a movie's success lie outside a television network's control, on-air promotion is produced by the network and can be utilized to varying degrees of effectiveness. This study measured the impact of 10 promotional variables on broadcast movie ratings by analyzing 813 prime-time promos for 137 televised movies. Results showed how the effectiveness of promotion differed according to a movie's familiarity, popularity, and compatibility. The ratings for made-for-television movies were most affected by the promotion's audience reach, frequency of exposure, and close distance in time to movie airdates; in contrast, theatrical movies aired on television were more affected by promotional reach and the construction of the promotional spot. The findings supported the general salience model of on-air program promotion but also demonstrated that the factors affecting television movie promotion differ markedly from those affecting dramatic and comedy series promotion.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of body piercing on perceptions of an employment seeker's credibility, hirability, and attractiveness. Participants (undergraduate students and managers) viewed a photograph of a job candidate who wore either no jewelry, an earring, or a nose ring, and then rated dimensions of the candidate's credibility, hirability, and attractiveness. Analysis indicated that although the candidate's attractiveness ratings were not affected by the type of jewelry he wore, his credibility ratings decreased when he was wearing jewelry, and his hirability ratings decreased when he was wearing a nose ring. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Radio stations regularly conduct music research to determine what music they should play. Programming belief is that if they play music that people like better, more people will listen and listen longer, and the station's ratings will improve. This project utilizes Radio &; Records' Callout America® callout research of the top 30 songs on its Contemporary Hit Radio/Pop chart and their published CHR/Pop radio station playlists to compile an average favorability score for the music the station played. These scores were then compared to Arbitron ratings. Analysis found a statistically significant direct correlation between music research scores and Arbitron ratings.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(22):113-124
Information brokers can exercise a subtle but significant influence on a library's collection development practices through the reference tools they produce. Traditionally, reference sources' use in collection evaluation and their capacity io direct patron demand have helped shape collection building. New optical disc reference devices may have a more pronounced impact on general collections than their predecessors. The expense of the optical systems will likely reduce general collection budgets, while their potentially heavy usage could cause changes in collecting patterns. To insure that these changes will not diminish the library's abilily to serve its community, selectors will need to evaluate each system in full recognition of broadest possible implications. Careful selection will require clearly established reference goals consistent with the library's mission.  相似文献   

Although scholars and service providers typically assume that parental self-efficacy (PSE) facilitates sensitive parenting, this study finds that the association between PSE and observer ratings of parents' sensitivity during free play actually is curvilinear. Parents (33 mothers, 5 fathers) from an intergenerational learning program serving low-income families completed the Self-Efficacy for Parenting Tasks Index and were videotaped during a 15-minute play period with their infant/toddler at program entry. Parents' self-reported PSE is positively, albeit weakly, associated with observer ratings of parental sensitivity from low to moderate levels of self-efficacy but inversely associated with sensitivity from moderate to high self-efficacy. Qualitative analyses show that mothers who report high PSE but are rated as low in sensitivity introduce toys when their child is already engaged, restrict their child's access to toys, physically manipulate their child, and violate their child's proximal space. Parenting education programs need to develop strategies for reaching parents who enter with high levels of confidence but lack knowledge of competent parenting practices.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):384-401

An experiment was conducted to assess whether exposure to fictional depictions of realistic life‐threatening events (e.g., fires, drownings) affects children's risk‐related assessments that have the potential to influence longer‐term responses. Kindergarten through fifth‐grade children were exposed to dramatic versions of a housefire or a drowning or to control programs depicting benign scenes involving fire or water. The threatening scenes induced more fear and more negative affect in general than their neutral counterparts. In addition, children exposed to a particular threat subsequently rated similar events (related threats) as more likely to occur in their own lives, considered the potential consequences to be more severe, and reported more worry about such happenings than subjects exposed to neutral depictions. Moreover, liking for activities closely related to the observed threats was reduced. Responses regarding the unrelated threat (i.e., fire danger if exposed to the dramatized drowning or water danger if exposed to the house fire) held an intermediate position, but statistical decisions varied across dependent measures. Some analyses revealed a main effect of witnessing negative outcomes. However, planned contrasts showed that for most measures, subjects who viewed threatening scenes did not differ from subjects in the neutral conditions in their ratings of other threats. Findings were interpreted as predominantly supportive of incidental learning, but the contribution of generalized emotion effects could not be ruled out entirely.  相似文献   

This study examined how Korean dramas portray the relationship between women's life and work. Men were shown as more affluent, more educationally privileged, older, and yet less likely to be married than women. Far more men than women were employed outside the home and holding a professional occupation or managerial position. Among young adult characters, marriage increased men's employment but decreased women's. Married men were also the most likely to be professionals or managers whereas it was highly unlikely for women, whether married or single. The negative effects of being a parent on employment and on holding a professional or managerial position were consistent for women and men. Examination of women and men's employment and professional empowerment for the past 10 years in television dramas and South Korean social statistics revealed a parallel between television reality and the observed reality, except for a gross overrepresentation of men as professionals or managers in the dramas.  相似文献   

People likely hold different opinions about deceptive communication. Lie acceptability refers to an individual's attitude about deceptive communication. A self-report measure of lie acceptability was updated and refined, and preliminary data (N = 312) consistent with validity were reported. CFA indicated acceptable fit to the a priori unidimensional model. As anticipated, the lie acceptability scale was positively related to narcissism and negatively associated with religiosity. The scale also predicted likelihood of use ratings of equivocal messages, deceptive omissions, and outright lies. An anticipated sex difference, however, was not replicated. The potential utility of the scale in communication research is discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested Feeley and Barnett's (1997) Erosion Model (EM) of employee turnover which predicts that individuals who are more central in their communication network will be more likely to remain at their position (or less likely to turnover). Seventy employees from three different organizations were surveyed about their attitudes toward their jobs and were also asked to indicate (by checklist) which employees they spoke to regularly at work. Turnover data were obtained at 3 and 6 months time after the surveys were completed. Results generally supported the Erosion Model of employee turnover. Those employees with high Degree or number of links in the network were less likely to turnover. Employees who required fewer links to communicate to all others in the network (i.e., Closeness) were also less likely to turnover but this relationship only approached statistical significance (p = .06). Betweenness, defined as the frequency with which a person falls between pairs of other positions in a network, was also significantly related to employee turnover. It was also predicted, based on Feeley and Bamett's EM, that the relationship between network position and turnover would be mediated by an employee's level of commitment to the organization and his or her intentions to leave work. Closeness significantly predicted commitment while Betweenness and Degree were unrelated to commitment levels. Organizational commitment was negatively related to intentions to leave work and, unexpectedly, commitment levels were positively related to employee turnover. The results were discussed and the applications of this research for management practitioners were considered.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):158-177
This paper examined the effects of strategic voir dire questions on juror evaluations of trial participants. The influence of three types of voir dire questions was assessed on ratings of defendant guilt, defendant credibility, and defense attorney credibility. Using both a control group composed of non‐strategic questions and a control group with no voir dire questions, results indicated that the use of strategic voir dire questions influenced decisions and ratings of trial participants. In particular, questions asking jurors to disregard the defendant's unsavory past produced a main effect on perceptions of guilt. Among other effects additionally, the absence of any voir dire questions seemed to affect negatively perceptions of trial participants on the competence dimension. On both the ratings of defendant character and competence, an interaction emerged between the use of questions encouraging jurors to hold the prosecution to its burden of proof and questions urging jurors to overlook the defendant's unsavory background. Though use of the defendant background question enhanced credibility ratings when the burden of proof question was omitted, these effects were suppressed when both question types were used. In addition, a significant main effect revealed that competence was reduced when jurors were exposed to the question encouraging them to resist group pressure to convict. Furthermore, a three‐way interaction indicated that the highest ratings of defendant competence occurred when jurors were not asked any strategic questions except those urging them to overlook the defendant's unsavory background.  相似文献   

Using the Utah COVID-19 Digital Collection as a case study, this study investigates the nature of the materials collected in a community archive during COVID-19, examining their unique contributions to building public history. The authors collected and analyzed metadata from 812 collection items created between March and June of 2020. Findings show that the local community's active voluntary participation was noteworthy. The local community submitted more than half of all collected materials. Even when submissions from the campus community decreased during summer break, the local community's submissions remained steady, helping to broaden the collection's geographical and topical coverage. The authors conclude by offering their recommendations for COVID-19 community archiving projects and future research directions.  相似文献   


The current study explored emotional distress and comforting messages from a receiver's perspective. This approach differs from most comforting research, which focuses on the sender's ability to provide comfort. After reading a scenario that depicted a major distressing event or a daily distressing event, subjects selected the Burleson and Samter (1985) comforting strategy that would most alleviate their emotional distress. In an attempt to explain a subject's perceptions of comforting, attachment styles, likelihood of seeking support, and level of emotional discomfort were also assessed. Results indicated that subjects desired a mid‐level comforting response regardless of whether they were distressed over a daily event or major event. This result is counter to the sender oriented comforting research, which suggests that providing higher‐level comforting responses is optimal. Subjects in the death scenario were more upset by the event and more likely to seek social support. Secure attachment subjects desired a significantly higher‐level comforting message than anxious/ambivalent and avoidant individuals. Additionally, females desired a higher level comforting response, were more likely to be upset by the distress, and were more likely to seek support than males.  相似文献   


Compared to televised debates using a single‐screen presentation, those using a split screen presenting both debaters simultaneously show viewers the nonverbal reactions of a debater's opponent. This study examined the effect of such reactions on viewers’ ratings of both the speaker's and the nonverbal communicator's veracity. Students watched one of four versions of a televised debate. One version used a single‐screen presentation, showing only the speaker, while the other three versions used a split‐screen presentation in which the speaker's opponent displayed constant, occasional, or no nonverbal disbelief regarding the content of the speaker's message. After watching the videos, students rated the veracity of the debaters’ communication. Analysis indicated that when the nonspeaking debater showed constant signs of disbelief, his communication was perceived as deceptive, while his opponent's communication was perceived as truthful. Moderate signs of disbelief lowered truthfulness ratings for both debaters’ communication. These results and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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