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In this paper, based on conventional and digital ethnography, I first identify three dominant research areas relating to the issues of destruction, use and abuse of archives and records in post-war Bosnia, and discuss their legal, political and ethical dimensions. I then go on to present two ethnographies describing how survivors of ‘ethnic cleansing’ and genocide in Bosnia and in the Bosnian refugee diaspora perceive, experience and deal with missing personal records and material evidence of their histories, as well as how they (re)create their own archives and memories, and in the process reassert their ‘erased’ identities in both real and cyber space. This paper also describes how contemporary technologies—including biomedical technology and information and communication technology—impact the reconstruction of individual and collective identities in shattered Bosnian families and communities in the aftermath of genocide. The ethnographies described point to the novel contribution that these technologies have made to re-humanising both those who perished and the survivors of the war in Bosnia.  相似文献   

近几年区块链技术作为“信任机器”在文件档案的可信管理研究中引起广泛关注,基于此,本文从资源层、管理层和服务层具体分析文件档案管理的现实需求,应用生态学方法,解析文件档案管理生态系统构成的要素:主体、客体、技术和环境,再引入区块链视角构建由供需管理系统、区块链系统和文档数据系统组成的文件档案管理可信生态系统,并从“点”“线”“面”三个角度阐释区块链如何实现可信,为后续区块链的应用以及文件档案的可信管理实践提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

Ten years of experience in working with Federal records and archives has shown me that many Federal employees, as well as those using Federal records and archives, do not fully understand the terms “permanent records” and “archives,” nor can they, most often, provide an adequate definition of a Federal record. This article will try to clarify what Federal records, permanent records, and archives are. It addresses who creates and maintains them, who determines which records become archives, and some of the legal issues relating to records and access to them.  相似文献   

It is only a few decades ago that archivists befan to redefine theirdiscipline in terms of a science. This redefinition of archives and records management was the consequence of a growing need for an adequate expression referring to a comprehensive new body of knowledge on records and archives. Consensus on how to adequately define archival sciencehas not been achieved yet, however. As information society evolves,records and archives are changing in nature and status. It is anemerging discipline that has to be defined, which is still bearsthe impress of the mindset and practices of the industrial society.Bruno Delmas shows the archivist some clues to find a way out of thisambiguity and keep communicating human heritage to unknown generations.  相似文献   

民生档案工作发展迅速,民生档案利用已经成为档案利用的主体。但民生档案的收集、管理和利用中存在着侵犯个人信息权利的风险,其主要原因在于国家相关法律法规不够完善、档案管理体制存在欠缺、档案利用程序不够规范、公民个人信息保护意识薄弱。因此,要保护好公民个人信息权利,必须完善国家法律法规、建立科学的档案管理规范、强化保护个人信息权利的行业自律意识。  相似文献   

It is only a few decades ago that archivists befan to redefine their discipline in terms of a science. This redefinition of archives and records management was the consequence of a growing need for an adequate expression referring to a comprehensive new body of knowledge on records and archives. Consensus on how to adequately define archival science has not been achieved yet, however. As information society evolves, records and archives are changing in nature and status. It is an emerging discipline that has to be defined, which is still bears the impress of the mindset and practices of the industrial society. Bruno Delmas shows the archivist some clues to find a way out of this ambiguity and keep communicating human heritage to unknown generations.  相似文献   

The African National Congress (ANC) liberation archives were created in countries all over the world. These liberation archives form part of the national archival heritage of South Africa as they bridge the gap of undocumented history of people who were previously marginalised by the apartheid government. After the ban on liberation movements was lifted in South Africa, the ANC embarked on the process of identification and repatriation of the records that were fragmented throughout the world. This study investigated the approaches followed by the ANC in identifying and repatriating its liberation archives from the trenches to make them accessible. Qualitative data were collected through interviews with purposively selected employees of the African National Congress, MultiChoice, Africa Media Online and the Nelson Mandela Foundation who were involved in the repatriation of the liberation archives. Interview data were augmented through content analysis of ANC documents such as policies, websites and annual reports, as well as observation of the storage conditions of the liberation archives. The key findings revealed that the ANC established an archives management committee that played an important role in the identification, repatriation and, ultimately, digitisation of liberation archives. The committee utilised former liberation struggle members to identify records in ANC hosts in various countries. It was established that, although the ANC was aware of where its records were abroad, not all its records were repatriated to South Africa after the unbanning of the liberation movements. For example, there were host nations, like Italy, that disputed the return of the ANC liberation archives to South Africa. The liberation archives are in the custody of the Fort Hare University as a chosen official repository for the ANC. It is concluded that the repatriation of the liberation archives is an ongoing process, as not all records have been repatriated to South Africa. As the ANC is in power at the time of writing, this is the opportunity for the organisation to negotiate with countries that still have custody of its liberation archives, such as Italy, to repatriate such records to South Africa. A further study on legal ownership and copyright, digitisation and ensuring the authenticity of the ANC liberation archives is recommended. This study can be extended to other liberation movements in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Archives have the potential to change people’s lives. They are created to enable the conduct of business and accountability, but they also support a democratic society’s expectations for transparency and the protection of rights, they underpin citizen’s rights and are the raw material of our history and memory. This paper examines these issues in the context of the historical development of archives and archivists in twentieth century England. The research lays the foundations for understanding how and why the modern archives and records management profession developed in England. This paper will investigate the historical conflict (or is it a continuum?) between archives as culture and as evidence. The story identifies and highlights the contributions made by many fascinating individuals who established archives services and professional practice in England in the twentieth century. They shaped the archive in a very real way, and their individual enthusiasms, interests and understandings set the course of the English archival profession. To a great extent, it was these individuals, rather than government or legislation, that set the boundaries of English archives, they decided what was included (acquired) and what was not (of archival value.) The conclusion will consider the more fundamental questions: what are archives and what are they for, or perhaps, ‘what good are the archives’?  相似文献   

在科技档案领域,文件生命周期理论和来源原则仍具备适用性.但全宗理论则不一定适用。文件连续体理论是对文件生命周期理论的修正和发展。  相似文献   

A discussion of the archival profession in Namibia cannot be done in isolation from the records management profession. This paper discusses training for the records and archives management professions in Namibia and the extent to which it is meeting the needs of the job market. The National Archives of Namibia, as the largest employer of archivists, and the institution charged with the responsibility of providing a records management service to Government, is mostly referred to, but where appropriate, references to other institutions are made. It outlines the factors which have shaped the current formal training in records and archives management being offered. Some suggestions as to how the job market can be satisfied are provided.  相似文献   

渠诚 《档案管理》2008,(5):21-23
以“档案形成在前”学说的角度看来.档案馆中的部分“档案”并非真正意义的档案.而是被赋予档案信息的文件。档案是对历史事件的最为直接的记录.而历史事件的记录又大多是关于人的言行的记录.档案因此具有记录支配社会活动的人的观念与动机的价值。分析出档案的这种价值.对未来的档案实践工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   

越来越多的政府机构开设了政务微博,通过政务微博发布信息、营销公关,但是政务微博中一些有保存价值的信息却没有存档。文章分析了政务微博的档案价值以及影响微博信息存档的因素,如信息量大、互动性、超媒体、即时性等。针对这些问题,提出要重视政务微博档案,建立健全保管机制,将有价值的政务微博进行档案化保存。  相似文献   

To commemorate its centenary, the NSW Division of the Australian Red Cross decided to donate its archive to the State Library of New South Wales in 2014. The State Library is honoured to be the recipient of these significant and extensive archives. In this article, the authors outline the process the librarians and archivists used to manage the donation and the importance of communication, both internally within the Library, and externally with the volunteers at the Red Cross who had arranged, compiled and cared for the archive. They describe the extent and organisation of the collection, the variety of formats and subjects, its historical significance and how it has been promoted to the State Library’s audiences. The authors reflect on how the archive charts the evolution and growth of Australia’s longest-running humanitarian organisation and how it contains the records of people who made history, but did not write the history books.  相似文献   


In 2014, as part of their centenary celebrations, the Australian Red Cross initiated a project in which it transferred archives to various national, state and territory institutions across Australia including the University of Melbourne Archives and the State Library of New South Wales. The transfer of this voluminous (but not complete) collection built on earlier transfers of archives to the State Library of South Australia and the Australian War Memorial. This paper charts the origins of the plan to donate the records to public repositories. It interrogates the societal provenance of those collections, recognising that the pluralising of records is an historical process, in which the agency of archivists, historians and administrators must be understood. An investigation of Red Cross records in Australia exposes that process in its contingency, inertia and, ultimately, enthusiasm. The paper also reveals the challenges faced by voluntary organisations in preserving their records, and how historians and archivists both can benefit from assisting such organisations. Finally, this paper argues that the ‘Gift to the Nation’ project, with its national and international significance, reflects a shift in our understanding of the First World War to a transnational paradigm that recognises the important role of voluntary organisations.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 个人存档困境是个人面对如何有效留存个人档案时所产生的一种不知所措、左右为难或焦虑的情绪状态,科学测度个人存档困境的主要维度及其程度,有助于改善个人存档规则、工具与环境,提高个人存档效率,缓解困境感。[方法/过程] 借鉴个人存档挑战、困境等领域的相关研究成果,以前期研究形成的"个人存档面临的挑战及关系模型"为基础,构建个人存档困境测量量表,经过优化与修正的量表信效度良好,以此作为个人存档困境测评工具,从动力不足、数字化焦虑、工具匮乏、规则缺失、档案海洋5个维度对公众的个人存档困境展开测评。[结果/结论] 研究表明,公众个人存档困境处于中等水平,并呈现出年龄愈长困境感愈强、学历愈低动力不足感愈强、学历愈高数字化焦虑感愈强、具有档案学背景者规则缺失感低于非档案学背景者等特点,提出通过完善个人存档规则、研发个人存档工具、提升公众档案素养和开展个人存档研究等方法缓解个人存档困境程度。  相似文献   

In a climate of fear about funding for libraries and the arts, the preservation of many periodicals and newspapers is under threat. Digitisation is therefore justifiable as a conservation directive however what of those volumes that are not chosen? Are we creating an alternative version of Victorian culture through so selective a gaze? Indeed, who is choosing these titles? There is a question of access, both of what material is available to digitise and also what it is perceived ‘the audience’ want. However, a further question is raised—who are ‘the audience’? What are these archives going to be used for? This article will examine the different forms of nineteenth-century periodical and newspaper archives that are available, how they are organised and who their perceived audience is, before going on to consider the pedagogical utility of such sites. How can we enhance students' understanding of nineteenth-century culture by using these archives in our lecture theatres? And if we do, what are the implications for research in the future?  相似文献   

档案保管期限表是指导档案价值鉴定工作的标准性文件。笔者通过实地调研和问卷调查发现,由于档案保管期限表的司法地位较弱,档案工作人员受潜在心理负担影响,使得在实际工作中未能完全地依照档案保管期限表开展实践工作。基于上述现状,本文从档案处置权、司法追诉期和司法凭证性三方面研究了司法视角下的档案保管期限表的设置思路,认为:(1)应赋予档案保管期限表相应的法律地位,以减轻相关档案工作人员的心理负担;(2)在保管期限的设置与档案销毁方面,应参考司法追诉期,既不能让还在发挥凭证作用的档案被销毁,也不要无限期地保存所有档案;(3)应从司法角度审视档案的有机联系性,尽最大可能保证档案的完整性与凭证性。  相似文献   

According to ISO 15489, the international standard on records management, the four main characteristics of authoritative records are reliability, integrity, usability and authenticity. In this article, the traits of an ideal record as specified by ISO 15489 are discussed by looking at the opposite of an authentic record – a forgery. By examining the varieties of forgeries found in archives, ranging from forgeries of details to forgeries of entire documents both by record creators and users, the argument is put forth that the difference between an authentic and reliable record and a forgery is not at all obvious. Since forgeries are a regrettable evil of an archive, instead of trying to fix authenticity, more thought should be spared on users’ and archivists’ attitudes towards forgeries and how inauthentic records should be handled in an archive.  相似文献   

文章从档案权利和责任的角度对现行档案法和2019年档案法修订草案的内容进行了分析,并参考了其他国家在该领域的法律规定,对推进档案工作责任制、细化档案违法惩处措施、确保各类主体的档案利用权利以及厘清电子档案收集和管理中的权责关系提出了个人见解。  相似文献   

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