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Some public entities in South Africa have implemented digital records systems over a period of 20 years. In terms of the South African archival legal framework, there is a need for such entities to transfer the records into archival custody. However, there is consensus among researchers that there is no infrastructure to ingest digital records into archival custody in South Africa. Furthermore, some public entities have migrated from one system to another since implementation and there is a possibility that records might have been lost during migration. This study demonstrates through literature review the unconscious archival orthodoxy of post-custodial realities in South Africa. The study recommends that public entities should apply for exemption from archival legislation in order to develop an interim solution for the preservation of digital records. The National Archives and Records Service of South Africa (NARSSA) is also encouraged to develop a policy on distributed custody to allow government entities to create interim solutions for preserving digital records. Both public entities and NARSSA should invest in capacity development, including training and provision of sustainable infrastructure required to preserve digital records. It is hoped that this study will influence policy-making with regard to custody of digital records.  相似文献   

In most states in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the national archives acts were enacted shortly after independence and modelled closely on British archival legislation. These acts were mostly written with paper records in mind, while being silent on records that appear in other media such as microfilm, audiovisual and electronic. This study provides a qualitative content analysis of archival legislation to assess the extent to which provision is made for the management and preservation of records created in networked environments in selected countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania Zambia, and Zimbabwe) in the SADC region. The key finding suggests that while the archival legislation in South Africa makes provision for the management of electronic records, the pieces of legislation for the other countries are silent on this issue. Furthermore, all the pieces of legislation are silent on whether electronic records can be admissible as evidence in a court of law. The study recommends that the SADC should consider adding a legal instrument in the form of a protocol treaty on archival legislation and designing a model law or statute on electronic records management and preservation to be customised by member states.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate whether public archives in South Africa’s educational programs serve as an interactive tool for public engagement. The study adopted a quantitative research approach involving all 10 public archival institutions in South Africa. Data was collected using survey questionnaires, analysis of the legislation on archives, and the national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and relevant provincial departments’ annual reports from the 2012–13 to 2014–15 financial years according to the relevant themes of the study. In South Africa, public archival institutions fall under and report to the DAC. The purpose of data triangulation was to collect as much, and as diverse, data as possible to help generate the best possible insight. The study revealed that the public archives’ educational activities were not effectively designed and implemented to bring potential users to archives. The study recommends that public archives engage with educators and curriculum developers to support the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). This will enable archivists and public archival institutions to identify and incorporate developmental and topically relevant archival material into CAPS for use by educators and learners in a classroom environment.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the construction of the “official” archives of the South African apartheid state and the distorted view they contain concerning social and political realities. Therefore, the colonial and apartheid legacies are examined in a broader context as an oppressive social and political system, as well as in the more specific context of how their legacy is reflected in the official archives. The development and popular endorsement of the Freedom Charter of 1955 was a seminal moment of challenge to the increasing oppression of the apartheid state. In later decades, the Freedom Charter became an iconic reference point in the antiapartheid struggle and the inspiration for the construction of a constitutional democracy in the 1990s. The process of its creation stands in stark contrast to the processes of creation of official records and archives. The paper also examines the survival of the Freedom Charter and the struggle to save it from auction in London and secure its safe passage to the National Archives of South Africa. Finally, questions of meaning and ideological significance are asked in relation to the role of a National Archives in the current dominant historical narrative.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences between archived material that was always a digital record and hard-copy archives that were subsequently digitised. It considers the rationales behind the digitisation of archives in established western democracies as digitised collections and ad-hoc files are made available online. It compares this with how the archives of regimes in the Middle East and North Africa that collapsed between 1990 and 2011 were digitised. Overt political expediency determined the circumstances under which documents were released and recalled from public view. It examines the digitisation of archival material after the wars in Iraq in 1991 and 2003 and its political implications . Then it examines material that has always been digital: the record of social media exchanges on the day when Colonel Qaddafi was killed in Libya in October 2011 and how the archived digital form reflects the origins and purposes under which it was produced. In both cases the electronic format is not simply a question of ease of distribution, both have become a record because they were assembled for particular purposes. Like ‘traditional’ archived documents, they were never intended to satisfy the needs of later historians but they became a source by being brought together.  相似文献   

Verne Harris 《Archival Science》2011,11(1-2):113-124
Verne Harris offers a reflection on legacy and the archive through three intersecting enquiries, on: the South African tradition of ??archives for justice??, deconstruction??s insistence that the work of archives is justice; and the legacies of Nelson Mandela and Jacques Derrida. He makes a case for an open-ended making and re-making of legacy and for a more radically transformative agenda in the work of archives in South Africa.  相似文献   

Toward an understanding of archives as a feature of collective memory   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This paper reviews important aspects of the literature on collective memory, how some of these concerns have been expressed in archives, and contemplates how these issues relate to the politically transformative South African post-apartheid context. It highlights the erosion of boundaries between archives, museums, and other less-institutionalized memory projects in post-apartheid South Africa. It notes ways in which archival activity is taking place outside of traditional archives, as part of a changing and evolving memory landscape. It acknowledges the significant gaps in the written record that are a result of apartheid practices and cites different approaches that were overlooked by apartheid??s official archival systems. This paper offers a way of contemplating the ??social constructedness?? of collective memory and the social and political dimensions of archives.  相似文献   

The paper examines e-government development in Africa. This study is based on the Cape Gateway project in South Africa, a leading e-government initiative on the continent. We observe that African countries have jumped on the e-government band wagon by looking mostly at the benefits without a clear risk assessment. We argue that African countries should question the pace and pathway for their e-government programs. We caution that e-government models from developed countries do not necessarily work in Africa. E-government programs in Africa should be balanced with the provision of basic needs and infrastructure. We conclude that e-government in South Africa should adopt multi-cultural approaches, and must be underpinned by national development priorities. We recommend that the Cape Gateway must address the socio-economic context and needs of the country. The pace and pathway of its e-government must depend on the availability of both financial and human resources and also user satisfaction.  相似文献   

陈艳 《档案学研究》2018,32(6):133-137
南非档案学家哈里斯作为“解构主义”的突出代表,其在档案记忆方面的观点一反传统的“档案是历史的镜子”的观点。本文从哈里斯对档案工作者的定义出发,从档案鉴定、档案收集、档案著录和电子文件四个方面介绍哈里斯的档案记忆观。  相似文献   

This article is based on a study which aimed at broadening archival representation by investigating how to bring the contemporary history of the South African Portuguese community into the country’s archival heritage. To achieve this aim, the study sought to develop an archival collecting model for the records generated by Portuguese community-based organisations, since these materials are deemed an important source for preserving the social history, memories and experiences of an under-documented group, such as the Portuguese in South Africa. National and international sources were analysed and reviewed, and an empirical investigation to examine the Portuguese community organisations was conducted, in order to gain an understanding of the most effective strategies for collecting, managing and preserving these records. This article therefore proposes an archival collecting model for the records generated by South African Portuguese community-based organisations which demonstrates the processes, resources and other factors that are necessary to establish and sustain an archival collecting initiative for the Portuguese community in South Africa. It is hoped that, in addition to benefitting the Portuguese community, the model will also benefit other underdocumented communities in South Africa interested in preserving their histories and experiences.  相似文献   

Namibians often find themselves in situations of litigation where they need person-related records to defend their rights and privileges. Such person-related records include birth, adoption, marriage, or divorce or deceased estates. It has been observed that the institution where such records should be expected, the National Archives of Namibia often cannot retrieve person-related records of persons previously classified as non-whites under colonial and apartheid laws. Many native Namibians end up losing property or have problems claiming their constitutional rights due to lack of evidence. The purpose of this paper was to explore whether the existing archival literature can guide National Archives of new and emerging African nations on how to handle challenges brought about by gaps in inherited colonial archives. Using a literature survey to explore the state of what is written on the content and usage of colonial archives in post-colonial era, this article argues that the content and use of colonial archives in Africa do not feature prominently in the literature of archival science. Although there has been a rising interest on the subject during the last decade, none of this emerging literature has systematically studied archives in depth with a view on what these archives contain for the non-academic user, what they neglect and what they lack altogether in serving the needs of all citizens in post-colonial states. It recommends that archival scholars as well as archival institutions increase research into this neglected area. Raising awareness may produce academic discourse to help archivists in newly decolonised countries to competently support users whose inquiries currently cannot be answered by the inherited colonial archives collections.  相似文献   

The development of education and training opportunities for professionals in the archives and records management (ARM) profession in Africa has been the subject of a number of professional discussions in the past. However, a significant number of recent developments and trends have not been captured in these discussions. This article provides a historical outline and some of the major developments of ARM education and training in Africa. In addition, it traces some of the key challenges educators and trainers currently face. The article demonstrates the diversity that exists in the African continent both in the variety of institutions and the types of qualifications offered in archives and records management. It provides a glimpse of the growth of universities in the continent using the case study of Kenya. While this growth provides greater education and training opportunities, there is a need to examine its impact on quality. The article suggests the strengthening of graduate-level education as well as participation in global research to mitigate against risks in the quality of ARM education and training.  相似文献   

South African higher education curricula are largely Eurocentric, to such an extent that indigenous knowledge is marginalised (Horsthemke in Transform High Educ 2(1)–9, 2017). Consequently, the decolonisation of university curricula has become a necessity. The nationwide ‘FeesMustFall’ student protests in 2015 and 2016 have underlined the need to address this matter urgently. Free quality education and the decolonisation of university curricula were among some of the students’ demands (Le Grange in SAJHE 30(2):1–12, 2016). Fundamentally, decolonising curricula involve a serious investigation of history and the strategising of future actions (Ngulube in Historia 47(2):563–582, 2002). Little is known about the potential role of archives in the process of decolonising higher education curricula in South Africa. Perhaps this can be attributed to a lack of awareness about archives and their significance in South Africa (Sulej in ESARBICA J 33:13–35, 2014). This paper explores the role of archives in the decolonisation of higher education curricula in South Africa. It appears that sub-Saharan scholars rarely consult archives (Onyancha et al. in ESARBICA J 32:67–77, 2013). Therefore, public programming is investigated as a means to get more members of the academic community to use archives as centres of critical inquiry. The relevant literature was consulted and discussed. Unique outreach or public programming initiatives will help the academic community to better understand the significance of archives in the decolonisation process.  相似文献   

University records constitute an integral element of an academic institution’s corporate memory. This business information needs to be well managed throughout its life cycle for the purpose of accountability, transparency, good governance and for reference purposes. This paper reports on a qualitative study that was undertaken at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa by examining an exhibition developed to mark the institution’s centenary. The purpose of the study was to evaluate and trace the provenance of the collections on display to gain an overall assessment of the extent of archival development at the UFH. It cannot be over-emphasized that organizations often struggle to write their centenary history due to lack of supporting documentation as the information is either incomplete, missing or misfiled, rendering it unusable. One of the key findings emanating from this study was that much of the material used for the displays is copyrighted to sister heritage institutions and private individuals, demonstrating the consequences of lack of development and preservation by the UFH of its own archives. Consequently, the need to revamp the institution’s records and archives management systems is mandatory. An encouraging development is that in 2018 there are plans to appoint a records manager, an institutional archivist and a manager of student records. The centenary exhibition has therefore been an opportunity to demonstrate the value of archives to the University of Fort Hare.  相似文献   

海外涉华私人档案的搜集与整理越来越受到档案学、历史学等学科的重视,尤其是美国涉华私人档案资料,因其整理规范和两国交往密切,备受研究者青睐。美国国会图书馆作为世界上最重要的图书馆之一,其手稿部藏有大量涉华私档,系统地记录了中美关系的发展与变化。这些涉华私档能够与公务档案互证,促进人物史研究不断深入,是研究中美关系史不可或缺的档案资料,具有重要学术价值。  相似文献   

越来越多的政府机构开设了政务微博,通过政务微博发布信息、营销公关,但是政务微博中一些有保存价值的信息却没有存档。文章分析了政务微博的档案价值以及影响微博信息存档的因素,如信息量大、互动性、超媒体、即时性等。针对这些问题,提出要重视政务微博档案,建立健全保管机制,将有价值的政务微博进行档案化保存。  相似文献   

The educational institutions that train archivists and records managers in Europe and North America have not engaged with the challenges of orality until very recently. As their counterparts in Africa are modelled on the earlier version of European and North American practice, they do not address the relationship between oral cultures and written records either. This article attempts to address this significant omission. It is grounded on evidence gathered during a fellowship at Chancellor College in Malawi and arises from the author??s work in preparing courses on archives and records management for a planned postgraduate degree. The methodological limitations imposed by the author??s lack of the appropriate African language skills are acknowledged. It is observed that the colonial archive has been subjected to vociferous criticism and that oral history programs have been advocated to fill perceived gaps. Yet, paradoxically the colonial archive is itself largely the product of a process of turning oral communications into written records. The nature of the processes and of the products is discussed. It is argued that these archives, like all archives, need to be interpreted as products of their historical and cultural setting. If users can read them ??with the grain??, then they may be able to utilise them for a range of purposes never envisaged by the creators of the records.  相似文献   

This is the 13th in a series of articles exploring international trends in health science librarianship in the 21st century. It is the first devoted to four different regions in the African continent. The present issue focuses on countries in Southern Africa – South Africa and Zimbabwe. The next issue will examine East Africa.  相似文献   

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