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标枪最后用力时左腿动作分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
投掷标枪中,左腿在交叉步与最后用力的衔接中起到了引导、制动和支撑的作用。本文从交叉步和最后用力这两个紧密相连的环节中,对左腿的动作及其意义进行了探讨,旨在使我们充分认识左腿在投掷标枪中的作用。  相似文献   

在标枪投掷技术中,左腿在交叉步及最后用力的衔接中起到引导、制动和支撑的作用.从交叉步和最后用力这两个紧密相连的环节中,对左腿的动作及其意义进行生物力学探讨,从而对左腿在投掷标枪中的作用有充分的认识.  相似文献   

众所周知,标枪投掷属于轻器械纵轴用力速度型项目,是由握法和持枪、助跑投掷步、最后用力和缓冲等几个环节组成的。在标枪的训练中,大多数教练员只注重标枪的几个大环节训练,致使个别运动员的标枪投掷技术的某个环节出现短暂的“停顿、脱节”现象及掷标枪的整个过程不连贯,动作不流畅,最后用力不充分。为了不出现“停顿、脱节”现象,有的教练员就只要求运动员进行“完整动作”练习,对动作技术学习效果并不很理想。  相似文献   

研究目的:通过对黄东祎技术动作最后用力环节的运动学分析,得出其动作的优化途径,为今后训练突破提供理论依据和数据支持。研究方法:使用三维红外运动捕捉系统,对采集成功(无犯规)的3次技术动作进行解析,并使用Visual3D软件计算出受试者的运动学相关参数。研究结果:黄东祎与国内外男子优秀铁饼运动员相比,其投掷铁饼最后用力阶段铁饼的运动距离均显示较短;在单支撑阶段及双支撑阶段,黄东祎投掷动作的铁饼运行距离都小于国内外优秀运动员。研究结论:黄东祎投掷铁饼第二圈旋转动作中,下肢用力顺序基本符合训练要求,手臂与躯干的扭紧程度尚可;存在整体动作幅度较小,躯干扭紧程度不够,右髋关节活动度较左髋关节小。建议在今后的训练中应加强黄东祎在第二圈旋转动作中髋横轴旋转能力;同时注重加强右髋关节用力的积极性,从而优化双支撑阶段的身体扭转,增加动作的幅度。  相似文献   

本研究用两部高速摄影机及两台瑞士产KISTLER测力台对我国10名优秀铅球运动员最后用力动作进行了测试。结果表明:①左脚着地后的突停制动与蹬伸动作对提高投掷效果有良好效应;②左腿强有力的支撑与快速蹬伸与投掷效果高度相关;③左臂、左肩及躯干的转动式鞭打动作与力效应特点,以及力梯度、垂直冲量、平面力矢分析进一步表明了左侧支撑用力技术与提高投掷效果的关系;④为用术语方便起见,可将左侧支撑用力技术简称为左侧撑蹬。  相似文献   

"最后用力"是投掷项目的重要技术环节。在预加速阶段结束时,两脚落地时间差尽量缩短,形成两点支撑的最后用力阶段。各种投掷项目的动作方式不尽相同,但最后用力技术是相同的,即人体重心由低到高,由后到前,要有良好的左侧支撑用力,正确的自下而上的用力顺序,髋轴与肩轴相互超  相似文献   

在标枪最后用力阶段左腿支撑以及蹬伸动作仃以下作用:一、左腿的完善支撑为右腿继续转蹬创造了条件,保证了人体对投掷方向产生良好的用力状态。二、左脚的积极落地保证了良好的超越器械资势。三、积极强有力的制动,促进了身体由下而上的加速和制动,  相似文献   

掷标枪教学中指导学生自学自练的几种定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
掷标枪是一个典型的多轴旋转的投掷项目。动作完成的规范程度不仅影响投掷效果,而且还影响练习者的身体健康和练习的积极性,因此在掷标枪教学中加强对各技术环节的动作定位,不仅能使初学者加速建立正确的动作表象,还能为他们在自学自练中提供良好的检测方法。1 原地工字形八字站位定位法掷标枪教学的重点是最后用力阶段,而最后用力最充分的用力过程,是当左脚落地、人体进入牢固的双腿支撑后才开始的。正确的用力顺序首先是以身体左侧的有力支撑为轴,在右腿积极蹬转下推动髋部及身体完成向投掷方向的转动,可见投掷者两脚的合理站位对最后用…  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 在田径运动中,推铅球、掷铁饼是两个单手投掷的非周期性运动项目。投掷的技术方法与场地器械等条件各不相同,因而形成了两种不同的技术结构。虽然两个项目都是在圆圈中投掷,左腿都有一个制动、支撑用力的动作,但是,目前国内外教科书和有关文献资料,对这两个项目最后用力过程时左腿的动作过程阐述的不够详细和具体,甚至混淆不清。  相似文献   

在田径运动中,推铅球是单手投掷的非周期性运动项目。推铅球时的技术方法与场地器械有其独特的特点,因而形成了独特的技术结构。推铅球同掷铁饼一样,都是在圆圈中投掷,左腿都有一个制动,支撑用力的动作,但是左腿用力是一个复杂的过程,而不仅仅是一个简单的动作形式,推铅球时,左腿在最后用力过程中,能否形成合球的支撑技术,对最后用力的效果影响极大。因此,本文就推铅球时如何优化运动技术结构,使之达到比较完善的效果,作一个初步探讨。  相似文献   

黄志红、隋新梅推铅球技术整体动作的速度节奏   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
以每秒140格的速度定点拍摄了黄志红与隋新梅的最佳及较佳成绩。力图在她们运动成绩达到高水平的情况下,对其整体动作的速度节奏进行探讨。分析表明:铅球速度与身体重心速度的对比反映出黄与隋的整体动作的速度节奏还未能更合理地安排与发挥;最后用力过程在理论上应建立两个侧弓形的概念。如果黄与隋注意并稳固地形成第二侧弓形用力的良好姿势,则会有益于取得最佳投掷成绩。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to explore the techniques of ice skating acceleration through analysis of specific characteristics of the movement pattern during a “front start” skating task. Two Locam 16 mm cameras operating at 100 frames per second were used to record side and overhead views of the first 6.0m of the skating starts of 69 male subjects. Data were collected on three skating start criteria, three structural variables, and twelve performance variables measured over the first three strides of the start. Summary statistics were generated and Pearson product moment correlation analysis was used to assess relationships between the criteria and performance variables. In addition, stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to predict time to skate 6.0m from a combination of the structural and performance variables. Results revealed that the mean time taken to skate 6.0m was 1.95 sec; the mean instantaneous velocity at the 6.0 mark was 5.75 m/s; and the mean average acceleration over 6.0m was 2.96m/s2. Evaluation of correlation coefficients, the regression model and summary statistics resulted in several conclusions: (1) There is a statistically significant positive relationship between velocity attained and the average rate of acceleration over a 6.0m distance in a front style skating start. (2) There are statistically significant negative relationships between both mean acceleration and final instantaneous velocity, and the time taken to skate 6.0m in a front style skating start. (3) In general, the stride pattern associated with a high rate of acceleration and a minimal skating time in a front style skating start includes: a high stride rate, significant forward lean at the point of touchdown of the recovery skate, short single support periods, and placement of the recovery foot below the hip of the recovery leg at the end of the single support period.  相似文献   


At the end of the aiming phase, an archer pulls the arrow back a little bit before he releases the shot. This pulling back of the arrow is called the “final pull”. Simultaneous with the final pull, the archer has to hold the bow calm. The aim of this paper was to examine the motion of the bow and the final pull in highly skilled archers. From a technological point of view, we wished to develop a system to measure the draw-length in the final pull that could be used during archers’ normal training. Seven archers (two males, five females), all of whom were participants at the Junior World Championships and German National Championships, performed 66 shots indoors at a target 30 m away. Each archer shot the same bow as used in competition. On-target trajectories of the aim point movement were measured. Also, the alterations of the draw-length in the final pull were determined. The results suggest that irregularities in the final pull have a negative influence on archers’ scores. Intra-individually, a smaller range of motion of the bow in the last second before the shot appears to have a positive influence on archers’ scores.  相似文献   

Turns (pirouettes) are an important movement in ballet and may be affected by “lateral bias”. This study investigated physiological differences exhibited by experienced and novice dancers, respectively, when performing pirouette with dominant and non-dominant leg supports, respectively. Thirteen novice and 13 experienced dancers performed turns on dominant or non-dominant legs. The maximum ankle plantarflexion, knee extension and hip extension were measured during the single-leg support phase. The inclination angle of rotation axis is the angle between instantaneous rotation axis and global vertical axis in the early single-leg support phase. Both groups exhibited a greater hip extension, knee extension, and ankle plantarflexion when performing a turn on the non-dominant leg. For experienced dancers, the inclination angle of rotation axis during the pre-swing phase was generally smaller for dominant leg support than non-dominant leg. However, no significant difference was found in inclination angle of rotation axis of novice dancers. For experienced dancers, an improved performance is obtained when using the dominant leg for support. By contrast, for novice dancers, the performance is independent of choice of support leg. The significant lateral bias in experienced dancers indicates the possible influence of training. That is, repetitive rehearsal on the preferred leg strengthens the impact of side dominance in experienced dancers.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare kinetically the roles of the lower extremities in generating trunk rotation in the tennis one-handed and two-handed backhand strokes. Fourteen male collegiate tennis players, seven with a preference for the one- and seven with a preference for the two-handed technique, were recruited as participants. The motion of each backhand stroke was filmed using two high-speed cine-cameras, and the ground reaction forces on the feet were measured separately using two force platforms to determine the joint moments and joint reaction forces at the hip, knee and ankle joints. A significant difference in hip joint moments between the two types of stroke was found in the phase from the start of forward rotation of the pelvis to the start of racket forward movement. For trunk rotation, the one-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the front leg, whereas the two-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the back leg. The exertion of a large hip joint moment in the latter stroke was comparable with the exertion in a forehand stroke reported previously.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare kinetically the roles of the lower extremities in generating trunk rotation in the tennis one-handed and two-handed backhand strokes. Fourteen male collegiate tennis players, seven with a preference for the one- and seven with a preference for the two-handed technique, were recruited as participants. The motion of each backhand stroke was filmed using two high-speed cine-cameras, and the ground reaction forces on the feet were measured separately using two force platforms to determine the joint moments and joint reaction forces at the hip, knee and ankle joints. A significant difference in hip joint moments between the two types of stroke was found in the phase from the start of forward rotation of the pelvis to the start of racket forward movement. For trunk rotation, the one-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the front leg, whereas the two-handed backhand players exerted a large joint moment in the back leg. The exertion of a large hip joint moment in the latter stroke was comparable with the exertion in a forehand stroke reported previously.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of inter-joint coordination at different levels of skilled performance to: (1) distinguish learners who were successful versus unsuccessful in terms of their task performance; (2) investigate the pathways of change during the learning of a new coordination pattern and (3) examine how the learner’s coordination patterns relate to those of experts in the longswing gymnastics skill. Continuous relative phase of hip and shoulder joint motions was examined for longswings performed by two groups of novices, successful (n = 4) and unsuccessful (n = 4) over five practice sessions, and two expert gymnasts. Principal component analysis showed that during longswing positions where least continuous relative phase variability occurred for expert gymnasts, high variability distinguished the successful from the unsuccessful novice group. Continuous relative phase profiles of successful novices became more out-of-phase over practice and less similar to the closely in-phase coupling of the expert gymnasts. Collectively, the findings support the proposition that at the level in inter-joint coordination a technique emerges that facilitates successful performance but is not more like an expert’s movement coordination. This finding questions the appropriateness of inferring development towards a “gold champion” movement coordination.  相似文献   


When the response movements are as short and simple as possible, the time lag between stimulus and response for one movement is shortened by introducing the stimulus for a second movement during the latent period for the first (usually about .22 sec). Under these conditions the latent period of the second movement is increased about 25 percent. This does not seem to be caused by true psychological refractoriness, since ability to accept the second stimulus and respond to it is still present. A control experiment furnishes evidence that it is probably a foreperiod-expectancy phenomenon. The length of the response latency of a simple single movement is increased about 40 percent if conditions are altered so that a second stimulus requiring a second movement is expected some time within a half-second after the first stimulus. All of these results are consistent with the recent memory drum theory of neuromotor response.  相似文献   

文章通过对参加十运会女子长拳决赛的12名运动员在预赛、决赛中的技能表现分析发现:在预、决赛中,动作质量、演练水平及难度等各部分技术得分对最后得分影响的偏重程度存在较大区别,动作质量和难度技术发挥的稳定性欠佳,难度技术在决赛中依然保持突前制胜的主导地位。  相似文献   

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