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从调查研究中敏感性问题的成因分析入手,对敏感性问题“去敏感化”技术进行了分析和探索,着重讨论了随机化选答技术(RRT)的两种模式在二值型敏感性问题的“去敏感化”中的应用。  相似文献   

本文从巴赫金的“技术”思想出发,对其“复调理论”和“狂欢化理论”给予了定位,并对其表现出的“超技术(语言)”批评的特点进行了分析,本文认为,在巴赫金的文论中贯穿着他对“技术”问题的思考,依次表现为他的“艺术中的技术”概念的提出,“超语言学”的理论经建构和他的“超技术(语言)”批评的实践,“复调”和“狂欢化”作为其中的代表充分体现了“超技术(语言)”批评的基本特点。  相似文献   

在对70余本“现代教育技术”公共课教材调研的基础上,分析高等院校“现代教育技术”公共课教材建设的总体状况及存在的一些问题,并就这些问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   

余诗隽  柳春燕 《培训与研究》2006,23(10):27-29,95
本文将句末“再说”分成“再说1”和“再说2”,认为“再说1”是典型动词,“再说2”则是正在发生语法化的非严格意义上的助词,并从共时和历时的角度出发,着重描写了“再说1”和“再说2”在句法、语义上的不同,认为“再说2”是“再说1”的去范畴化,同时也是主观化的结果,其中语用推理起着很重要的作用。  相似文献   

本文主要分析讨论了“的”的语法化历程与语法化机制这两大问题:文章首先从历时的角度分析了“的”的演变过程,指出结构助词“的”是由最初的指示代词“底”演变而来,其后又经历了从名词转化到虚化了的助词再转化到更加虚化了的语气词这个表义作用逐渐虚化的语法化过程。在分析研究“的”语法化历程后再着重分析总结出助词“的”的生成语法化诱因和机制,从而对其共时现象进行历时分析,指出它经过句法位置的变化,语义的变化,语音的变化等一系列过程,这些都是导致它的名词性表义作用逐渐虚化到只表语法功能的原因。  相似文献   

谈"数控机床"教学的虚拟化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往的“数控机床”教学,由于缺少必要的设备支持,课堂教学“纸上谈兵”,很难让学生有系统、全面的认识。因为数控机床价格昂贵,普通学校拥有的数控机床数量和种类有限;数控机床属于精密仪器,不可能让学生有充分的时间去使用和研究;加上数控机床技术发展很快,不可能为教学目的而去更换和购买最新型的数控机床。为了使学生对新型数控机床有全面的、细致的了解.我们开发了多媒体虚拟数控机床教学软件,该软件生动、直观、可以循环使用,不耗材,费用低,解决了学校设备不足的问题。  相似文献   

随着新课改的推行。“数学生活化”越来越受到一线教师的推崇。然而,在运用的过程中,却出现了各种各样的问题。笔者从美国的“木匠教学法”中受到启发,重新认识我国的“数学生活化”,并对其做了界定,从而提出了走出“生活化”误区的对策:正确处理数学和生活的关系;精心设计“生活化”的数学问题;正确理解“生活化”的情境。  相似文献   

阐述并分析我国竞技体育领域,一些教练及相关管理人员对运动员实施的管理,旨在剖析我国竞技体育领域管理中所存在的问题:“人本化”意识薄弱、“人本化”含量低下。并很大程度上危害了运动员的身心健康、制约了竞技体育的发展。基于当今我国竞技体育管理中所存在的问题,实施“人本化”管理势在必行。最后提出若干“人本化”管理的要求及注意事项。  相似文献   

本文对“技术数学”与“高等数学”进行全面的比较,着重分析在高职教育中开设“技术数学”的意义、框架和实施原则。  相似文献   

台湾当局推行的“去中国化”政策,妄图从思想、文化、教育、意识形态等各个领域,清除中国对台湾的影响,割断“台湾文化”与“大陆文化”的历史渊源,以营造“台独”的文化、心理和社会环境,为民进党实现“渐进式台独”创造条件。这种“去中国化”政策,继承李登辉“两国伦”的衣钵,与日本殖民者当年在台湾推行的“皇民化运动”和“同化”政策如出一辙,也是继承了李登辉“两国论”的衣钵,是不得人心的。  相似文献   

目的:提出一种用眼动指标对敏感性陈述句加工进行研究的方法,以避免敏感性问题带来的负面效应。方法:先通过自编问卷提取典型的敏感性陈述句,再通过眼动仪获得相关兴趣区的眼动指标,然后根据这些指标比较相关区域的加工情况。结果:被试(n=208)社会道德观、政治态度和个人隐私等3个维度总分分别为:29.560±5.347,32.700±7.133,29.370±9.243,总分在三者之间差异具有统计学意义(F=13.222,P〈0.01);在被试(n=40)筛选出的6个关键词中,对"卖淫"的注视时间最长(596.460±305.737 ms),而相对注视时间(8.538±5.471)最短;对"民主"的注视时间最短(363.361±248.781 ms),但相对注视时间(11.687±6.882)居中,因而不同敏感性词语加工之间的差异具有不同的特点。结论:提出的用眼动指标的方法能有效地检测出个体对相关内容的加工情况,为敏感性问题的统计和研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

To assess whether youth are upset by being asked questions about sensitive kinds of abuse, victimization, family maltreatment, and sexual victimization in the course of standard epidemiological surveys. A national sample of youth aged 10–17 were interviewed on the telephone by experienced interviewers as part of the National Survey of Children Exposed to Violence. At the end they were asked whether answering questions had upset them. Of the youth interviewed, 4.5% reported being at all upset and 0.8% reported being pretty or a lot upset. However, only a minority of those upset, .3% of the total sample, said they would not participate again had they known about the content. But even in this group, the regret about participation was mostly due to the length of the survey, not the types of questions being asked. Thus, asking about exposure to abuse and sensitive kinds of victimization in standard interview surveys is associated with low levels of respondent upset due to the nature of the questions.  相似文献   

This paper describes and illustrates several models of randomized response sampling, a survey technique for eliciting truthful answers to sensitive questions.  相似文献   

Most metacognition research has focused on aggregate judgments of overall performance or item-level judgments about performance on particular questions. However, metacognitive judgments at the category level, which have not been as extensively explored, also play a role in students’ study strategies, for example, when students determine what topics to study for an exam. We investigated whether category learning judgments (CLJs) were sensitive to differences in the difficulty of general knowledge categories. After either studying or being tested on facts from several categories (e.g., Shakespeare, Astronomy), participants estimated the likelihood that they could correctly answer new questions from those categories on a later test (i.e., they made CLJs). Results of two studies showed that CLJs were sensitive to differences in category difficulty. Further, participants gave lower or more conservative CLJs when they took an initial test as compared to studying questions from the categories. Results are discussed in terms of the value and relevance of CLJs both in educational settings and in theories of metacognition.  相似文献   

In their paper, Mu?oz and El-Hani propose to bring video games into science classrooms to promote culturally sensitive ethics and citizenship education. Instead of bringing ??educational?? games, Mu?oz and El-Hani take a more creative route and include games such as Fallout 3? precisely because they are popular and they reproduce ideological and violent representations of gender, race, class, nationality, science and technology. However, there are many questions that arise in bringing these commercial video games into science classrooms, including the questions of how students?? capacities for critical reflection can be facilitated, whether traditional science teachers can take on the role of using such games in their classrooms, and which video games would be most appropriate to use. In this response, I raise these questions and consider some of the challenges in order to further the possibility of implementing Mu?oz and El-Hani??s creative proposal for generating culturally sensitive science classrooms.  相似文献   

通感在修辞学上一直是一个很敏感的问题,通感到底是不是一种修辞;荷塘月色中的两个句子到底运用了什么修辞手法,这都是令中学语文教师感到莫衷一是的问题。鉴于此,笔者从传统修辞体系和认知性修辞体系来分析这两个问题。从传统的修辞学体系来分析应为套用了比喻和移觉的修辞手法;从认知修辞学系统来分析应为运用了通感性比喻的修辞手法。  相似文献   

贫困大学生普遍存在着人际关系敏感、心理焦虑、抑郁、内向和不稳定、自卑和心理负担过重等心理问题。其成因与经济贫困、文化落后、父母教养方式、校园文化环境等有着密切关系。贫困大学生心理问题的引导策略主要有:贫困观教育与人格教育相结合、优化校园文化环境与改善社会环境相结合、提供经济资助与培养自尊意识相结合、加强思想道德建设与开展心理健康教育相结合。  相似文献   

This article gathers together and critically analyzes literature on two sensitive and important questions: First, what effects (if any) does the psychological attractiveness, or personal likability, of college instructors have on student learning? Second, what leads to an instructor's being liked or likable? Review of this literature suggests that personal likability does affect learning in the affective domain, and sometimes also in the cognitive domain. Accordingly, the review also identifies instructor traits and behaviors which influence likability, at least under certain circumstances. Finally, discussion focuses on gaps in this area of knowledge and raises questions that need further empirical or theoretical attention.  相似文献   

顺天为首善之区,顺天乡试出题不同于其他乡试,第一场考试的题目通常为皇帝亲自出题,第二、三场考题也需呈请皇帝过目,以示皇帝对顺天乡试的重视,以此加强考试的权威性和威慑力,这是其区别于其他省乡试的最大特点。此外,由于顺天位于全国的政治中心,通常对于国家的政要大事比较敏感,因此顺天乡试的策论考题具有时政性、前沿性等特点。  相似文献   

This experiment investigated metacognitive monitoring in the processing of anaphors in 10–year-old skilled and less skilled comprehenders. Two tasks were used with expository texts. The direct self-evaluation task was carried out with consistent texts in which target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or pronouns. Subjects had to read and to evaluate their own comprehension on a 6–point scale. After reading, subjects answered multiple-choice questions designed to test the processing of anaphors. In the inconsistency detection task, target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or inconsistent noun phrases. Subjects had to read and detect inconsistencies. After reading, they answered multiple-choice questions. In both tasks, on-line measures (reading times for units containing target anaphors and for subsequent units, and look-backs) were collected in addition to off-line measures (ratings of comprehension, detection of inconsistencies and response to multiple-choice questions) in order to analyse indicators of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision activities. The results from the two tasks converged: less skilled comprehenders showed deficiencies in monitoring on measures of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision. Patterns of reading times revealed that less skilled comprehenders were sensitive to the difficulties in processing pronouns in the self-evaluation task and also sensitive to the lack of text cohesion in the inconsistency detection task. However, this sensitivity was weak and unable to trigger explicit activities. These results were interpreted in the framework of Karmiloff-Smith's (1986) model.  相似文献   

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