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当孤独的人生之旅走过生命的正午,如火的太阳灸烤着青春的脊背,向前眺望,那梦幻的巅峰仍遥遥无期,空蒙的远方一片迷茫,严寒酷暑,年复一年,那追梦的脚步疲惫了,奔放的热血平静了。蓦然回首,人生的四十年过去了。岁月的沟回,年轮般刻上青春的额角,那飘飞的黑发,让片片初霜飞落鬓角。哦,是谁,站在四十岁的伤感之野,面对苍穹点燃一支心香,遥记那掀去的四十年。那是诗与梦,笑与泪的四十年。梦幻的花朵缤纷绽放,青春的脚步步步生莲。回忆的宫殿里,到处是红帆船,蓝仙子和芝麻开门。在尘世的众生中,青春的头颅高高昂起;在岁月的激流里,年轻的臂膀逆流而上。未来的君主,梦幻的帝王,以青春为骄傲,把明天当作希望。在那流光溢彩的年华里,是谁,忘了把心中回荡的旋律谱成美丽的青春之歌,是谁啊,站在红烟绿雾的岁月河畔,却没有留下一幅人生的画图。回首青春,渺如蔚蓝的天空,美丽,而一无所有。岁月,象蛀虫一样噬咬着人的奋斗意志,泯灭着理想的火焰,偶然一天,当你走进从未去过的医院,竟一住就是四十天。你才知道,生命是如此脆弱。当你在牌桌上耗费一个又一个通宵而不能罢时,你才知道,生命的惰性是如此深重。当青云直上的童年好友面对你急切的请求冷冷一笑,你才知道,什么是世态炎凉。青春的明天就是这些吗?怎能料到,爱情的挫折,疾病的纠缠,生活的变故,人世的暗箭,更有生命的惰性和生活的负担。这一切,如一把把锋利的刀刃,削去青春  相似文献   

18 4 3年上海开埠以后 ,成为“中国的大熔炉”、“远东的门户”,到上海去 !来自世界各地的淘金者 ,来自内地农村的大量劳动力 ,一步步把上海变成了“冒险家的乐园”,“富人的天堂 ,穷人的地狱”,一边是穷奢极欲 ,纸醉金迷 ,一边是贫困潦倒 ,无以为生。五方杂处的各色人等 ,十里洋场的花花世界 ,造就了上海独特的娱乐环境 ,有最高的餐饮大楼——国际饭店 ,有最开放的娱乐场所——大世界 ,有最洋派的爵士乐队和赛马 ,有最时髦的化妆舞会和选美 ,当然也有最大的红灯区 ,最多的赌场 ,如万花集锦 ,渲染着上海的热闹繁华 ,又好似海市蜃楼 ,演绎着…  相似文献   

人类的阅读方式,是阅读介质的结果,是生产能力的折射,甲骨到纸张,莫不如此,书写到印刷,概莫能外.遥想当年,洛阳纸贵,凿壁借光,寄托着科举功名,囊萤照书,背负着锦绣前程.掩卷沉思,那是修身的历练,拥书入梦,那是远行的驿站.爱书痴书,那是华夏儿女内心的神圣,敬书畏书,那是中华民族价值的认同.  相似文献   

我们要经常刊登什么样的文章?它们应该是创新的,有特色的,戏剧性的,浪漫的,引人入胜的,无与伦比的,稀奇古怪的,高雅的,幽默的,俏皮的,既无损高雅又不降低格调的。而更  相似文献   

<正>滇省云南,尽管地处边陲,土瘠民贫,交通梗阻,开化较晚,然而,滇人忧患意识、当担精神由来已久,志士仁人辈出,匡正之声不绝。在岁月的长河中不断涌现出叱咤风云的政界先驱,奋勇争先的名将壮士,著述颇丰的文坛巨匠,名噪一时的科学泰斗,诲人不倦的治学师长,实业报国的名商巨贾,独当一面的名门大家。他们中既有慷慨大义,叛逆旧道,捍卫共和的一代先驱,也有御辱救国,抗击倭寇,浴血疆场的铁血硬汉;既有忠  相似文献   

作者对乔布斯的敬仰很深,对乔布斯的辱骂看做是工作经验的提携。乔布斯在作者眼里,是完美主义的代表作,乔布斯的回归,使苹果起死回生,名声大噪,而且苹果重新回到卓越的轨道上。疯狂的乔布斯,简洁的苹果理念,处处流露出管理的艺术与企业价值的关系。开会的时候,你不需要板板整整的坐在那里,听领导训话,挺领导比比划划的指导,不需要什么冗长的开场白和策划介绍,只需要,简单的再简单,言简意赅的表达立场,佐证说话的重点,哦了,你的工作完成了。与乔布斯对话,就这么爽快、简单。作者提到精英小团队,对精英小团队意味着,工作责任的明确化、清晰化。没有太多人掺杂进取,不需要太多人的讨论和参考。只需要作出你认为可行的决定,就是精英小团队应该干的事情。乔布斯的工作态度,简洁明朗,不会让细节纰漏,留给对方,成为笑柄。  相似文献   

流不尽是那山头的白云,来也悠悠,去也悠悠.曾伴我掬起瑞雪桥下的清泉,只照见往昔的苦闷,徒然漏过指缝的,是那时的年月,纵放声呼唤,却早已一去不回,也不必唤回.错爱过多少次冷酷的月亮,萧疏的秋林,半夏的黄昏.人生不是一杯酒,醉了的,不是好汉;没醉的,不是英雄.曾目睹多少豪杰浴血沙场,杀死的全是自己的弟兄,到头来,谁也算不上输赢,那时候普天下只有一个颜色,一个声音.人们告诫我,在此岸,一切都是永恒;不是千秋、就是万代,永远,永远……那时候,我还年轻.  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

葛红兵 《出版参考》2005,(26):45-46
每天早晨,你靠在阁楼的窗口,看见那些起起落落的鸽子,还有不知名的鸟,它们似乎像你一样,来自很远的地方,但是它们比你自由,不要办护照和签证,地球上所有的土地都是它们的国土,地球上所有的天空都是它们的家园.但是,地上的人类却被分割在各种各样的国家里,有的发达,有的落后,有的自由,有的专制.在这各种各样的国境线的背后,在各种各样的文化隔阂的背后,在各种各样的嫉恨与仇视的背后,你需要有很大的耐心,很大的勇气,才能跨越那些人为的藩篱.  相似文献   

同学聚会,100多人,当日的青年都已是知天命的时候了,推杯换盏间,时光竞走出32年。有人念起一首诗,竟然是我写的,恍惚间,记得,那天,十九岁生日,在一个植树节的傍晚,在校园的小湖边,那个少女独享着美妙的时光,徐徐地低吟着自己青春的歌唱:人生的路上多么漫长,就这么长成了一个大姑娘,回头看那走过的路上,一路洒着多少幻想……感慨光阴的速度,竟唏嘘。对视彼此的白发,细数30年的欢聚寥寥,更感叹。我们走出大学的校门,就赶上了经济发展的大潮,没有做好准备,匆忙间,就随波而去,起早贪黑,大肚便便、腰包鼓鼓,志得意满,我们和时间赛跑,和机  相似文献   

Planning a conference at the best of times is intense. Add in a lingering pandemic and the first attempt at a hybrid conference then planning a conference can become extremely stressful. Selecting sessions for a conference can fall under the responsibilities of librarians contributing to the profession and completing service requirements. This paper maps the research, creation, and implementation of a rubric to guide the evaluation of session proposals for a technical services library conference and the creation of a webpage to inform those thinking of submitting a proposal. The deliverables were a page added to the organization website and a rubric.  相似文献   

How are libraries used as meeting places, and by whom? Through survey data, six categories of places are identified: the library as a “square,” as a place for meeting diverse people, as a public sphere, as a place for joint activities with friends and colleagues, as a metameeting place, and as a place for virtual meetings. Representative samples of the population in three townships in Oslo, each with a markedly different demographic profile, are surveyed. Multivariate regression analyses are performed to analyze why some people use the library for a range of meetings and others do not, as well as to examine variations in the use of the library for different kinds of meetings. Public libraries are shown to be used for a variety of meetings. Community involvement is more important than township and demographic variables in explaining variations in use of the library as a meeting place. Correlations between low income and low education and high use of the library as a meeting place were found, indicating that the library as a meeting place plays a substantial role in equalizing the possibilities of being an active citizen across social and economic differences. The study contributes to understanding the role of the public library in a multicultural context. The public library as a unique and complex meeting place has important implications for future librarianship.  相似文献   

王景周 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):26-29
融洽的编者和作者关系促进双方的心理平衡、尊重、理解和认同,彼此间起激励作用;心理契约遭到破坏,编者和作者间产生失望、挫折和欺凌感,影响编者工作积极性和作者信任,甚至产生懈怠、报复或不端行为。本文基于心理契约,从微观视角,探讨编者和作者信任关系的构建与承诺履行机制,分析彼此间心理期望的内容、心理契约违背的感知、违背的危害及基于心理契约的编者和作者关系优化策略。  相似文献   

Measuring Search Engine Quality   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
The effectiveness of twenty public search engines is evaluated using TREC-inspired methods and a set of 54 queries taken from real Web search logs. The World Wide Web is taken as the test collection and a combination of crawler and text retrieval system is evaluated. The engines are compared on a range of measures derivable from binary relevance judgments of the first seven live results returned. Statistical testing reveals a significant difference between engines and high intercorrelations between measures. Surprisingly, given the dynamic nature of the Web and the time elapsed, there is also a high correlation between results of this study and a previous study by Gordon and Pathak. For nearly all engines, there is a gradual decline in precision at increasing cutoff after some initial fluctuation. Performance of the engines as a group is found to be inferior to the group of participants in the TREC-8 Large Web task, although the best engines approach the median of those systems. Shortcomings of current Web search evaluation methodology are identified and recommendations are made for future improvements. In particular, the present study and its predecessors deal with queries which are assumed to derive from a need to find a selection of documents relevant to a topic. By contrast, real Web search reflects a range of other information need types which require different judging and different measures.  相似文献   

Mass representations of the sublime use apostrophe as a mode of address that normalizes a moment of expected failure of discourse. Regardless of whether a viewer experiences “sublimity,” mass representations of what is supposedly beyond discourse embody the expected limits of communication, aestheticizing conditions of impossibility for discourse, and thereby constituting a space wherein the humanist subject may become a recognizable self in a public sense. Constituting a relationship between the spectator as human and the sublime objects as greater than human, a mass reproduced sublime thus helps establish discursive spaces of humanism. Although the aesthetics of the sublime can be exceptionally varied, the essay applies these ideas to popular Ansel Adams photographs, which illustrate the problems of attempting to represent the unrepresentable and the invocation of a particular kind of subjectivity as a commonplace.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth in U.S.-China film coproductions and Chinese companies’ high-profile investment in Hollywood studios and U.S. cinemas signal a shift in global power relationships and a reshaping of the global media structure. Combining textual and document analysis with interviews of policy makers and film professionals in China and Hollywood, this article explores the implications of U.S.-China coproduction for global communication. The article proposes three ways of understanding coproductions: as a market-driven and profit-seeking partnership, as a policy and power negotiation, and as a brave experimental adventure. This article contends that the current state of U.S.-China coproduction manifests the contradiction between desire and reality. Although coproductions have the potential to create a space for a new global culture, to develop innovative communication models, and to achieve a China-U.S. consensus, the fulfillment of these potentials will require a steadfast effort and the commitment of more than one generation of filmmakers from both China and the U.S.A. Nevertheless, a global culture and a reshaping of the global media structure are in the making.  相似文献   

边书京 《编辑学报》2008,20(2):157-158
结合我国社会主义新农村建设中存在的问题,主张使科技期刊智库、桥梁、转化器的社会功能达到进一步开发与拓展,在科技推广中扮演裁判、教练、媒人角色,当好“龙头”,培养新型农民,以技术链延伸产业链和价值链,形成资源节约型、环境友好型农村技术体,提升我国农业强国的地位。  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examines the unique perceptions of immigrant women concerning the public library as a meeting place, a support to integration into American culture, and a provider of programs for acquisition of the English language. The library offers a place for observing the culture of the new country from a distance to active participation; it is an arena for comfort and consolation in a difficult life situation as well as an arena for activity and participation. It provides support in developing friendships, acclimating to a new culture, learning a new language, and providing avenues to employment. Three mothers, who fulfilled the criteria for the study, were selected from an initial focus group. Women from Kurdistan, Mexico, and Indonesia were interviewed individually to gain an understanding on the issues brought forth in the focus group. They participated in interviews over the course of 6 months. These programs became a fortuitous blending of an established community with a group of families looking for a support community in a new country. This study has implications for institutions serving immigrants as they look to find a community of support, to learn English, and to acclimate to American culture as they create a comfortable identity that blends their home country with the new country.  相似文献   

Since 1962 the members of the loosely organized Detroit Medical Library Group have carried on a slow but steady self-examination program. They found a need to increase resources and developed a periodical exchange, then a need to identify these resources and did so by means of a serials list. More recently, a similar program for texts and monograph resources was begun. Data, more particularly that of the interlibrary loan process, is being gathered to show the flow within the area and the flow from outside to further identify the existing resources. They have made contact with the administrators of the biomedical institutions and gained their backing (a) to further study the makeup of the community and (b) to formulate an administrative structure through which these institutions can act. These activities are evidence of the beginning of a strong medical library network for the Metropolitan Detroit Area.  相似文献   

A highly parallel single-chip image signal processor architecture has been derived by analysis of image processing algorithms. Available levels of parallelism and their associated demands on data access, control and complexity of operations were taken into account. The RISC-architecture, called “HiPAR-DSP”, consists of a control unit, 16 parallel ASIMD-controlled datapaths with autonomous addressing and instruction selection capability, a local data cache per data path, a shared memory with matrix type data access and a powerful DMA-unit. The proposed architecture was designed by assessing the results of an analysis of characteristic algorithm properties with respect to their inherent parallelization resources, achievable speed up and implementation costs. This resulted in a proper balance between the degree of parallelism and flexibility, leading to a high performance for a wide field of applications. Additional measures were taken to support an efficient high level programmability of the processor. This was achieved by the concurrent implementation of special architectural features and a C++-programming environment. It consists of an adaptation of the GNU C++-compiler and an optimizing assembler, supporting all levels of concurrence offered by the hardware. While most levels of parallelization are kept invisible to the programmer, data-level parallelism is expressed by the programmer using special new data types added to the standard C/C++-data-types. A sustained performance of about 2.0 Gigaoperations per second is achieved by the 100 MHz clocked processor for numerous image processing algorithms, leading to a processing time e.g. for a normalized correlation of a 512 × 512 image with a 32 × 32 correlation mask of 450 ms. Thus, a performance is achieved with a programmable parallel processor architecture that hitherto required the application of a dedicated integrated circuit.  相似文献   

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