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Question: At this early stage how do you feel about the transition from sixth-form life to life in higher education? Answer: I'm rather unsure as I expected that the standards expected would be harder but they're not; e.g. in English instead of expecting a greater understanding of certain ‘principles’ we have already studied, the subject has taken a shift in a different direction (is this clear?). Instead of doing character studies and interpretation of texts, we are applying headings such as ‘sonnet and ode’, ‘authority’, ‘varieties of non fictional prose’. (Laura, in a written questionnaire completed in her first year at university)  相似文献   

Jensen's Level I‐Level II theory of individual and group differences in mental abilities is examined in the context of the large body of research pertaining to the topic. The major hypotheses of Jensen's theory, concerning the equal distribution of Level I abilities among different racial and sociocconomic groups, and the differences in the distribution of Level II abilities are evaluated. It is concluded that the majority of recent research supports Jensen's hypotheses. Alternative theories to Jensen's arc presented and the implications of Jensen's theory for the education of disadvantaged and low Level II children arc discussed. A short section deals with the hypothesized functional relationship between Levels I and II.  相似文献   

A level set based segmentation approach for point-sampled surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Segmenting a complex 3D surface model into some visually meaningful sub-parts is one of the fundamental problems in digital geometry processing. In this paper, a novel segmentation approach of point-sampled surfaces is proposed, which is based on the level set evolution scheme. To segment the model so as to align the patch boundaries with high curvature zones, the driven speed function for the zero level set inside narrow band is defined by the extended curvature field, which approaches zero speed as the propagating front approaches high curvature zone. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by our ex- perimental results. Furthermore, two applications of model segmentation are illustrated, such as piecewise parameterization and local editing for point-sampled geometry.  相似文献   

英国 GCE物理 A级考试相当于我国的高招物理考试 ,但又有所不同。本文介绍了它的考试评价目标、考试内容和考试方案 ,对其特点进行了简要概括 ,供我国的高中物理课程改革和高考改革借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the application of a constructivist-based teaching strategy with a small group of first-year physics students. Data collection and analysis procedures are discussed, and the responses of three students to three situations involving force concepts are presented. A number of issues relevant to conceptual change teaching strategies are identified. In addition to an emphasis on alternative conceptions, issues identified that require consideration when developing teaching strategies for conceptual change include an emphasis on understanding physics terminology, the development of a supportive learning environment and the use of a wide range of problem contexts. Specializations: physics education, alternative conceptions, conceptual change.  相似文献   

建设高水平实验队伍的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验室建设的关键是实验技术队伍的建设.本文分析了高校实验队伍的现状及建设问题,提出了改进和加强高校实验队伍建设的措施和建议.  相似文献   

The study is aimed at predicting objective criteria based on a statistically tested model for admitting undergraduate students to Beirut University College. The University is faced with a dual problem of having to select only a fraction of an increasing number of applicants, and of trying to minimize the number of students placed on academic probation (currently 36 percent of new admissions). Out of 659 new students, a sample of 272 students (45 percent) were selected; these were all the students on the Dean's list and on academic probation. With academic performance as the dependent variable, the model included ten independent variables and their interactions. These variables included the type of high school, the language of instruction in high school, recommendations, sex, academic average in high school, score on the English Entrance Examination, the major in high school, and whether the major was originally applied for by the student. Discriminant analysis was used to evaluate the relative weight of the independent variables, and from the analysis three equations were developed, one for each academic division in the College. The predictive power of these equations was tested by using them to classify students not in the selected sample into successful and unsuccessful ones. Applicability of the model to other institutions of higher learning is discussed.
Zusammenfassung In Dieser Studie wird versucht, objektive, auf einem statistisch getesteten Modell basierende Kriterien zur Zulassung von Studenten zum Beirut University College herauszufinden. Diese Hochschule muß sich mit zwei Problemen auseinandersetzen, zum ersten nur einen Teil der wachsenden Zahl von Bewerbern zulassen zu können und zum zweiten die Anzahl der Studenten auf akademischer Probezeit zu reduzieren (gegenwärtig 36% der Neuzulassungen). Von 659 neuen Studenten wurden 272 Studenten (45%) fur die Studie ausgewählt: alle vom Dekan erwählte Studenten und Studenten auf akademischer Probezeit. Das Modell beinhaltet zehn unabhängige Variablen und ihre Interaktionen und basiert auf akademischer Leistung als abhängige Variable. Unter diesen Variablen sind: die Art der Sekundarschule, die Lehrsprache an der Sekundarschule, Empfehlungen, Geschlecht, Sekundarschulnoten, Leistungen beim English Entrance Examination (Leistungstest in Englisch), das Hauptfach der Schüler und ob das Hauptfach das vom Schüler ursprünglich gewählte ist. Die statistische Analyse wurde zur Bewertung der relativen Bedeutung der unabhängigen Variablen angewandt, und es wurden drei Gleichungen aus der Analyse entwickelt; eine für jede akademische Abteilung der Hochschule. Die Gültigkeit dieser Gleichungen wurde getestet, indem man sie für die Aufteilung von nicht in die Studie einbezogenen Studenten in erfolgreiche und nicht erfolgreiche Studenten anwandte. Abschließend wird die Anwendbarkeit des Modells auf andere Einrichtungen der Höheren Bildung diskutiert.

Résumé La présente étude vise à prédire les critères objectifs fondés sur un modèle statistiquement vérifié pour l'admission des étudiants à l'Université de Beyrouth. Cette dernière fait face à un problème dual: devoir sélectionner une fraction seulement d'un nombre croissant de candidats et essayer de minimiser le nombre d'étudiants inscrits à l'essai (soit actuellement 36 pour cent des nouvelles admissions). On a sélectionné un échantillon de 272 étudiants sur 659 nouveaux inscrits (soit 45 pour cent). Ces étudiants étaient tous ceux inscrits sur la liste du doyen ainsi que ceux inscrits à l'essai. Avec la performance scolaire comme variable dépendante, ce modèle comptait dix variables indépendantes et leurs interactions. Ces variables incluaient le type d'école supérieure, la langue d'enseignement pratiquée dans celle-ci, les recommandations, le sexe, la moyenne scolaire, la note obtenue à l'épreuve d'anglais de l'examen d'entrée, la matière principale à l'école supérieure, et indiquaient si cette matière avait été choisie par le candidat. On a utilisé F analyse discriminante pour évaluer le poids relatif des variables indépendantes. On a ensuite développé trois équations à partir de ces variables, une pour chacune des sections du collège universitaire. La force prédictive de ces équations a été testée en les employant pour classer les étudiants ne faisant pas partie de l'échantillon sélectionné en deux catégories: ceux ayant réussi et ceux ayant échoué. On discute de l'applicabilité de ce modèle à d'autres instituts d'enseignement supérieur.

本文是对《汉语平调的声调感知研究》一文的评论,不同意原文否定上声是低平调的结论。通过对原文的实验结果的再分析,确认普通话上声的本质是低平调。文章论述了高平调和低平调的不对称现象,认为半上和全上是平等的变体,上声214的2是发音生理的调头,4是边界现象的调尾。文章认为语音实验应考虑语言的因素,语音学不能离开语言学。  相似文献   

Similar to counties such as the UK and Netherlands, second level schools in Ireland are free to decide how to allocate instruction time between curriculum subjects. This results in variations between the quantum of time allocated to teaching mathematics in different schools and between different class groups within the same school. This quantitative study builds a profile for both lower second level (Junior Cycle) and upper second level (Senior Cycle) mathematics instruction time in Ireland. The results of the study highlight that although the proportion of time is on par with the OECD average, there are many issues of concern regarding instruction time in Ireland. These include the short length of the school year, experimentation with new teaching approaches, the high number of subjects studied, variations between individual school and class group allocations and the number of classes that do not take place.  相似文献   

高校师资队伍建设存在着教师队伍结构不够合理,师资培养机制不够完善,团队组建和发挥成效不显著等问题。要解决上述问题需要以下对策:切实加强中青年骨干教师的培养工作,完善教师教育与培训的体制和机制;以学科建设为依托,构建团队和学科的协同发展机制;科学设岗,优化和改进教师职务评聘工作;创造良好的氛围,构建有利于教师发展的环境。  相似文献   

One of the objectives of Curriculum 2000 is to increase the breadth of the curriculum followed by 16–19 year olds. In this paper A level and AS uptake for the years 2001 and 2002 are considered. There was considerable diversity in the uptake of A levels, with nearly 21,000 different combinations of A levels being present in 2002 A level results. Although it is true that biology, chemistry and mathematics is the most common combination of A levels, only 2.2 per cent of candidates took this precise combination. There has been a decline in the percentage of candidates taking three science A levels. In 2002, when only A levels are considered, 35 per cent of candidates could be described as specialists, falling to 21 per cent when AS results are included. AS qualifications appear to have been successful in broadening the curriculum.  相似文献   

笔者采用语义任务语音干扰和语音任务语义干扰的范式,考察母语为汉语的俄语学生俄语词汇通达语音、语义的作用。结果表明:语音任务中,被试对同义异音词的反应时较长,错误率高;语义任务中,被试对同音异义词反应时较长,错误率高。该结果证明母语为汉语的俄语学生俄语词汇通达中语音、语义共同起作用。实验结果支持词汇通达双通道模型。  相似文献   

一种基于模糊PID控制的锅炉汽包水位控制方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对锅炉汽包水位的动态特性的分析。设计了汽包水位的模糊PID控制方案。通过Simulink工具箱对实际的锅炉汽包水位进行了系统仿真实验,结果表明:该方案响应速度快、精度高,同时对虚假水位有较好的控制效果。  相似文献   

The theoretical background and construct validity of Conceptual Level (CL) are summarized in order to provide the basis for deriving the CL matching model. The rationale for the CL matching model, which coordinates learner CL and degree of structure of educational approach, is described, and empirical support reviewed. A possible extension of the matching model based on coordinating learner “accessibility channels” with the form of presentation is summarized. Finally, a few problems in implementing matching models are noted.  相似文献   

为了探讨甲亢、甲减患者细胞损伤程度的变化,本文应用放射免疫方法(RIA)对甲亢、甲减患者与正常人血清进行了甲状腺功能的测定,同时用改良TBA微量法测定三组血清丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化,进一步进行其相关性分析。结果显示;甲亢组MDA水平显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01),甲减组MDA水平与正常对照组无显著性差异(P>0.05),甲亢组血清MDA水平显著高于甲减组(P<0.01);但是MDA含量与T3、T4水平无相关性(r=0.085,P>0.05;r=0.076,P>0.05)。提示甲亢患者MDA水平的变化,可能是由于细胞代谢增强导致的细胞损伤引起。  相似文献   

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