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The state university system in Sri Lanka is characterised by free tuition, central administration and an affirmative action policy based on geographical region aimed at reducing inequality in access to higher education. Using administrative data on applicants for university admission, we study the effectiveness of the policy in targeting under-privileged regions and students and test for academic mismatch among medical students. We find that the policy ensures representation of disadvantaged regions while effectively targeting disadvantaged students. However, beneficiaries of the policy lag slightly behind the rest and this mismatch cannot be explained away by differences in university quality, though the estimated mismatch is likely to be an upper bound of mismatches occurring across the university system. These results suggest that region-based targeting is a viable alternative to the more common race/caste based affirmative action policies.  相似文献   

University entrance criteria can be a contentious topic, particularly in respect of equity. In this paper we discuss studies which demonstrate that revisions of entrance criteria which are designed with no explicit reference to equity issues can have a surprisingly positive impact on the fractions of disadvantaged subgroups admitted. We demonstrate this impact in the New Zealand context with special reference to a “dual admission model” that we believe could have broad applicability. An assessment of the variability of the estimates of the impact of changed entry criteria (calculated using a simulation method) demonstrates the statistical significance of our results, thus providing confirmation that the apparent impact is not illusory.  相似文献   

陈亮 《辽宁教育研究》2014,(12):107-111
博士招生"申请——考核"制是我国近年来研究生招生制度改革的一大亮点。但在试行过程中引发了社会各界的广泛质疑。当下,迫切需要我们思考制度中的价值取向与程序正义。基于对博士招生"申请——考核"制的内容拷问,以公平正义的视角审视其出现的利益纠葛,从完善制度的准入制标准、合理规约导师招生权、拓宽招考监督与申诉路径及创建多元利益主体的正义程序四个方面来跨越与突破现实障碍。  相似文献   

通过界定弱势群体概念,分析我国对弱势群体权利保护存在的问题,借鉴国际社会对弱势群体权利保护。构筑加强保护弱势群体权利的基本框架:构筑多层次立体化的法律体系,加强对弱势群体的倾斜保护;运用宪法司法手段,加强对弱势群体的权利保护;采用多层次的保护途径和方法,保护弱势群体;在法律制定和实施过程中,扩大弱势群体的参与机会。  相似文献   

郭娇 《江苏高教》2020,(3):37-43
高校招生改革具有"牵一发动全身"的重要战略意义,其动向兼具人才选拔的教育功能与代际流动的社会功能。本研究从2019年中国本科教与学调查数据里选取18所实施自主招生的高校(样本量=1888),基于学生背景及其在校表现对高校自主招生的实施效果进行评价。回归结果表明:从社会公平来看,自主招生政策更有利于农村生源,这反映了从2012年启动的贫困地区定向招生专项计划初见成效,但女生与家庭第一代大学生的自招表现有待提升;从择优录取的效率来看,控制高考分数之后,自招生在本科期间获得奖学金这一指标上优于统招生,但自招生对就读高校的推荐度却低于统招生。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查的形式,总结了我校贫困大学生在心理、学业、就业、恋爱观等方面存在的问题,分析了产生自卑、孤独、焦虑等心理问题的原因,提出了解决的对策.  相似文献   

在基础教育与家庭社会经济背景尚存不平等的情况下,采取合适的高校招生倾斜政策对弱势群体进行补偿是十分必要的。在此基础上,通过对分配正义的理论分析,并结合优绩主义对才能的定义及其批判,探寻高校招生倾斜政策产生的理论渊源。基于约翰·罗默机会平等理论,从划分环境组别、确定努力类别、给予同等努力同等结果三个维度,分析了美国百分比计划、英国背景招生政策、中国三大专项计划的高校招生倾斜措施。结果发现,美国的百分比计划最接近机会平等理论的诉求,而英国的背景招生政策则在上述三维度均有改进空间,我国三大专项计划对弱势群体的识别较为粗糙,但政策执行更加有效。综合理论与实践,我国高校招生倾斜政策应进一步扩大覆盖面,重视对更多不利环境的补偿,且需通过多维度指标更加精准识别弱势群体。  相似文献   

以"分层次教学"为理念构建实验教学新体系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
文章以"分层次教学"的课程建设新理念,坚持以人为本,强化素质教育。实现了教师主导与学生主体、理论与现实的有机融合,做到了不同层次学生可选择不同层次实验内容,实现了各有所学,各有所得。有效地解决了以往教学中存在的好学生吃不饱,差学生吃不了的现象,实现了教学整体要求与学生发展需求的有机统一。  相似文献   

In the early to mid-2000s, four flagship Israeli selective universities introduced a voluntary need-blind and color-blind affirmative action policy for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program allowed departments to offer admission to academically borderline applicants who were above a certain threshold of disadvantage. We examine the effect of eligibility for affirmative action on admission and enrollment outcomes as well as on academic achievement using a regression discontinuity (RD) design. We show that students who were just barely eligible for this voluntary policy had a significantly higher probability of admission and enrollment, as compared to otherwise similar students. The affirmative action program also led to higher rates of admission to the most selective majors. Moreover, after enrollment, AA-eligible students are not falling behind academically, even at the most selective majors. Our results suggest the potential for a long-lasting impact of class-based preferences in admission on social and economic mobility.  相似文献   

试析弱势群体概念及相关研究的理论基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓弱势群体是指在生活物质条件、权力和权利、社会声望、竞争能力以及发展机会等方面处于弱势地位的群体。一般可分为两类,即社会性弱势群体和生理性弱势群体。其基本特征为个人及家庭生活达不到社会认可的最基本标准。弱势群体的风险承受能力较差,可利用资源非常稀缺。往往依靠自身的力量难以改变其弱势地位,需要国家和社会力量的帮助或支持才能改变其弱势地位。弱势群体相关研究理论基础主要包括社会冲突理论、社会分层理论、公民权理论、社会达尔文主义和社会系统理论等。  相似文献   

We use administrative data from Ireland to study differences in college application behavior between students from disadvantaged versus advantaged high schools. Ireland provides an interesting laboratory for this analysis as applicants provide a preference-ordering of college programs (majors) and marginal applications are costless. Also, college admission depends almost completely on grades in the terminal high school examinations. Thus, we can compare the application choices of students who have equal chances of admission to college programs. Conditional on achievement and college opportunities, we find that students from advantaged high schools are more likely to apply to universities and to more selective college programs. They are also more likely to have preferences that cluster by program selectivity rather than by field of study. Our results suggest that, alongside differences in achievement, differences in college application behavior also cause persons from advantaged high schools to be more likely to enrol in selective colleges and enter more selective programs. Importantly, we find that enrolment gaps for equally qualified applicants are smaller than differences in application behavior; the relatively meritocratic centralized admissions system based on achievement undoes much of the effect of the differences in application behavior.  相似文献   

It is well documented that academic achievement of students from families of low socioeconomic status (SES) tends to be below their more socially advantaged peers. Several studies have identified factors and conditions that facilitate academic success for disadvantaged students (i.e., promote academic resilience). However, one of the main criticisms of this body of research is in the set of variables that explain academic success for low-SES students and which is not very different from the variables that would explain academic success for all students. The objectives of this article are dual: firstly, to identify factors and conditions associated with academic success, regardless of student SES, and secondly, to identify factors and conditions associated with academic resilience, that is, exclusively for low-SES students. To this end, we used data from Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, and Japan in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2011. The study sample covered 23,354 students in 720 schools in the five countries. The strategy for analysis was driven by fit of logistic regression models, first predicting the probability of academic success and then subsequent identification of variables significant as predictors for success within the pool of low-SES students. Results indicated that variables, such as positive student attitude to mathematics, teacher confidence in student performance and the test language being spoken at home, were associated with greater chances of academic success. High academic expectations and time spent on mathematics at home demonstrated a differential effect between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged students in Singapore. In Korea, being male (gender) and in Taipei, low levels of bullying at school, increased the likelihood of resilience. Results suggested that interventions impacting behavior reflected in differentially associated variables could help disadvantaged students to become academically resilient.  相似文献   

美国高校在录取新生时非常看重学业成绩等学术因素,但也关注且近年来日益强调学生的个性特征等非学术品质。这主要是由于美国的两项重要研究,即个性特征等非学术品质与大学学业成功关系密切。另外,美国高校日益强调多样性、国际化等办学理念,这也对高校录取工作产生了重要影响。近年来,对处境不利背景学生以及挑战不利处境的能力等品质的日益关注,使高校在录取时对学生的家庭背景、社会经济背景等非学术因素也日益重视起来。美国高校录取工作中关于非学术因素的地位、价值与使用方面的研究与实践,值得我们关注、深入研究与有选择地借鉴。  相似文献   

Considering the importance of digital skills in university education, this article reports on a study which examined access to technology among first year students at a rural South African university. The study focused on the digital readiness of students prior to their admission to the university, since many universities provide access to computers and the internet. The survey of 156 first year students revealed that 73 per cent of the students had no access to computers at their high schools and 82 per cent of students from rural high schools had no computer access and internet at their schools. Most students from rural areas used a computer for the first time when they were 19 years and older. Many students gained access to computers and the internet for the first time at the university. As a result, they enter the university digitally disadvantaged. Solutions that involve initiatives to provide access to technology are required in addition to digital literacy for educators at high schools.  相似文献   

Most educational research examines school outcomes at certain stages or at the final stage of the school career. This article looks at the entire school career and the transition to the labour market. It focuses on key transitions to identify the educational institutional arrangements that either help or hinder school and labour market success among the most disadvantaged groups in the Netherlands: young people of Moroccan and Turkish descent. The Dutch educational system is one of the most complicated school systems in Europe. Consequently, parents and children have to make many ‘choices’ when navigating it. Many of these key ‘choice’ moments are selection points, either because they are not real choices but dependent upon a teacher’s recommendation or because parents and pupils need a great deal of information about the school system in order to make a choice. This usually results in inequalities for the most disadvantaged groups. Because selection is disguised as ‘choices’, the structural inequalities of the Dutch school system are not usually perceived as blocking mechanisms for disadvantaged students  相似文献   

大学生在对党的追求过程中呈现出两面性 :一方面他们对党的追求热情很高 ,入党前的表现很积极 ,另一方面在有些学生身上也存在着入党动机不纯、对共产主义信仰认识模糊以及入党前后表现不一等问题。究其原因 ,一是有些大学生自身素质不高 ,对党的认识不够 ,二是高校各级党组织虽然对大学生建党工作非常重视 ,但也存在着重发展、轻培养 ,重硬件考察、轻动机考察等不足。为此 ,必须加强大学生的党的基本知识和理想信念教育 ,进一步加强大学生党员的继续教育和培养 ,以更好地树立大学生党员的良好形象 ,做好大学生建党工作。  相似文献   

本文分析了连接接纳控制策略的相关内容并重点介绍了基于测量的接纳控制算法,提出了新的接纳控制算法来改善VoWLAN的QoS(Quality of Service)性能。该算法对应于不同的业务类型采用不同的时间窗阀值测量机制,根据负载的实时情况动态调整时间窗大小,从而可以改变系统的接纳性能,并提供相应的动态带宽分配机制,有效地保障VoWLAN系统的QoS需求。最后通过仿真实验对该算法进行了验证。  相似文献   

旅游高等职业教育与双证书制度的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游高等职业教育实行双证书制度,是旅游高等职业教育自身的特性和社会的需要。本文重点讨论了旅游高等职业教育实行双证书制度面临的一系列问题及对策。  相似文献   

随着我国硕士研究生教育规模的扩大,过去的硕士研究生培养模式难以适应社会发展的需要,呈现出以下问题:一是培养目标不明确;二是教育资源供不应求;三是选拔标准单一;四是课程设置"教非所需";五是收费与资助政策不合理;六是答辩制度不规范.基于哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院硕士研究生培养的成功经验,提出政策建议:建立"研究型硕士"和"应用型硕士"双模式培养目标,并在此基础上设计硕士研究生培养的制度安排.  相似文献   

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